The uplift concomitance with strike-slip faults is consequent on restraining bend in plate oblique collision. The oblique collision of the India and Eurasian plate cause the basement-involved structure of the Tarim Basin boundary and inside to put mostly up the double features as thrust and strike-slip fault. According to seismic, well data, remote sensing geology and structural geometry, this paper indicated the the basement-involved transpressional structure is a composite of basement-involved structure and basement-transpressional structure such as the Aqia-Tumuxiule faults and Selibuya-Mazatagh faults located on the both sides of the Bachu uplift. The combination of these structural styles consists of three sections: basement strike-slip faults on the both ends and basement-involved thrust in the middle part. The formation of the Bachu uplift mainly related to the action of basement-involved transpressional structure of the Aqia-Tumuxiule faults. The evolution of the Bachu uplift presents the characteristics of "Seesaw" and can divide into two periods: the southern Bachu uplift raised along the Mazatagh fault before the Carboniferous, the maximum erosional thickness at least 530 m; and before the Paleogene the main erosion area exhibited to the south of the Tumuxiuke fault, the maximum erosional thickness more than 1100 m. The main deformation of the southern Bachu uplift completed before the Carboniferous and the strata reduction is about 55%. The northern part had postponed to pre-Paleogene and the strata reduction is also about 55%. However, the strata reduction in the middle part of the Bachu uplift is different from the northern and southern parts and escalated at all times to reach the maximum before pre-Pliocene, and accounts for 52%.
杨明慧,金之钧,吕修祥,潘文庆,胡剑风.2007.塔里木盆地基底卷入扭压构造与巴楚隆起的形成[J].地质学报,81(2):158-165. .2007. Basement-Involved Transpressional Structure and the Formation of the Bachu Uplift, Tarim Basin, Northwestern China[J]. Acta Geologica Sinica,81(2):158-165.