David W. E. HONE
School of Biological and Chemical Sciences, Queen Mary University of London, London, E1 4NS, UKMy thanks to Lü Junchang for his friendship and collaborations over the years. I thank Oliver Rauhut, Wang Xaiolin and Lü Junchang for access to specimens and Helmut Tischlinger for access to a cast of the new Anurognathus. Comments on an earlier version of this manuscript from David Martill, two anonymous referees and the editor improved this work. I thank Mark Witton, Mike Habib, Adam Fitch, Chris Bennett, Dave Unwin, Helmut Tischlinger, Yang Zixiao and Lü Junchang for discussions on anurognathid pterosaurs. Leonardo Gomez is thanked for bringing to my attention the duplicated numbers between Luopterus and Boreopterus. Photographs and images were supplied by Lü Junchang, Mark Witton, Helmut Tischlinger, Wang Baopeng and Liu Jun. Ross Elgin did the digital composite work for the combined plate and counterplate image of Jeholopterus.
David W. E. HONE.2020. A Review of the Taxonomy and Palaeoecology of the Anurognathidae (Reptilia, Pterosauria)[J]. Acta Geologica Sinica(),94(5):1676-1692