The Cenozoic basalts are widely distributed in eastern China. Among the m, the Miocene and Pliocene alkaline basalts are the host rocks of ruby, sapphire, red zircon, olivine, pyrope, moonstone and pyroxene gem. So far varied primary gem deposits and mineral occurrences have been found in the alkaline basalts. Henceforth,a great attention should be devoted to the research, prospecting and assessment of the alkaline basaltic gem deposits.
邹天人,於晓晋,夏凤荣,陈伟十.1999.中国新生代碱性玄武岩型宝石矿床[J].地质论评,45(7):119-122,[DOI]. Zou Tianren, Yu Xiaojin, Xia Fengrong, Chen Weishi.1999. Alkaline Basaltic Gem Deposits of the Cenozoic Era In China[J]. Geological Review,45(7):119-122.