P512.2 P534.5
LI Shoujun,ZHENG Deshun,CAI Jingong,YANG Yonghong,SUN Xiwen,YANG Pinrong1) College of Geological Information and Engineering,Shandong University of Science and Technology,Taian,2710192) College of Geological Resource and Information,University of Petroleum,Dongying,2570613) Research Institute of Geological Sciences of Shengli Oilfield Ltd. Company,Dongying,257015
李守军 郑德顺 蔡进功 杨永红 孙锡文 杨品荣.2003.鲁北和鲁西南地区古近纪盆地沉积特征与控制因素探讨[J].地质论评,49(3):225-232,[DOI].
LI Shoujun, ZHENG Deshun, CAI Jingong, YANG Yonghong, SUN Xiwen, YANG Pinrong) College of Geological Information, Engineering, Shandong University of Science, Technology, Tai''''an,) College of Geological Resource, Information, University of Petroleum, Dongying,) Research Institute of Geological Sciences of Shengli Oilfield Ltd. Company, Dongying,.2003. Sedimentary Characteristics and Controlling Factors of Basins in the North Shandong and Southwest Shandong in Palaeogene[J]. Geological Review,49(3):225-232.