
本文为国家自然科学重点基金资助项目(批准号 41030315)、国家自然科学基金资助项目(批准号 41072088)和中国地质调查局基础研究项目(编号1212011121111)的成果。

An Analysis on Property and Dynamics of the Middle Neoproterozoic Sedimentary Basin in the Western of South China: Constraint from the Sedimentary Data of Danzhou Group in Northern Guangxi
  • 国土资源部成都地质矿产研究所,成都,610082;山东科技大学研究生院,山东青岛,266510    
  • 国土资源部成都地质矿产研究所,成都,610082    
  • 国土资源部成都地质矿产研究所,成都,610082    
  • 国土资源部成都地质矿产研究所,成都,610082    
  • 国土资源部成都地质矿产研究所,成都,610082;中国地质科学院研究生部,北京,100037    
  • 国土资源部成都地质矿产研究所,成都,610082;中国地质科学院研究生部,北京,100037    
  • 国土资源部成都地质矿产研究所,成都,610082    
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    The mid Neoproterozoic Danzhou Group outcropped across the Jiuwandashan Mountains and the Yuecheng Mountains in Northern Guangxi. The Danzhou Group, which consisted of low metamorphic or normal sedimentation inter bedded with igneous rocks, overlay the Metamorphite series of the Sibao Group with unconfomity; and underlay the Nanhua glacial deposition with conformity. Writers characterized the sedimentary facies and depositional sequences of the Danzhou Group at the Huangjin section, Luocheng County, northern Guangxi. From the bottom to the top, the Baizhu Formation and Hetong Formation were composed of five kinds of facies, alluvial—fluvial facies (immigrating beach facies), delta facies, shallow shelf facies, carbonate ramp (or platform), deep shelf facies (or starved basin facies),respectively. The Gongdong Formation contained deep water turbidite and shallow shelf facies from bottom to top, and lately developed delta facies. Based on the comprehensive analysis of sedimentary facies and sedimentary succession, and combined with depositional record of volcanic activity, it is believed that the occurence of the bimodal large igneous rock provinces (LIPs) which accompanied with the onset of sedimentary basin, transgression overlap and starve deposition in early stage, and differential subsidence and quickly filling in late stage, and episodic volcano—magmatic activity with the basin evolution, were all contradictory to the arc—continent collision model. The Danzhou Group and its equivalences were an early filling succession of rift basin, and the phases of the basin evolution should be a sedimentary response to mantle plume episodic activities.


.2012. An Analysis on Property and Dynamics of the Middle Neoproterozoic Sedimentary Basin in the Western of South China: Constraint from the Sedimentary Data of Danzhou Group in Northern Guangxi[J]. Geological Review,58(5):854-864.

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