主编 :侯增谦
主管单位 :中国科学技术协会
主办单位 :中国地质学会
创刊 :1922年
国际标准刊号 :ISSN 1000-9515
国内统一刊号 :CN 11-2001
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1922, 1(Z1):1-2.
摘要:Article Ⅰ.This society shall be known as The Geological Societyof China Article Ⅱ.The object of this society shall be the advancement ofgeology and its allied sciences.
1922, 1(Z1):2-4.
摘要:The first general meeting of the Geological Society of China was heldon the evening of March 2,1922 in the lecture hall of the Library Buildingof the Geological Survey in Peking in the presence of distinguished foreign
1922, 1(Z1):4-11.
摘要:The first general meeting of the Geological Society of China was heldon the evening of March 2,1922 in the lecture hall of the Library Buildingof the Geological Survey in Peking in the presence of distinguished foreign
1922, 1(Z1):12-26.
摘要:I suppose that one is not far wrong in saying that Petrology is thescience of rocks.But we have not made ourselves very clear by saying it.To the average student of the subject.who must judge from what he is taught,
1922, 1(Z1):27-31.
1922, 1(Z1):32-39.
摘要:This was not only a regular meeting,but also a gathering to welcomethe Japanese palaeontologist,Dr.I.Hayasaka,who recently came to study thegeology of northern China with his students of the Tohoku Imperial Univer-
1922, 1(Z1):40-43.
摘要:WHAT IS YU The name Yü(jade)as used by Chinese denotes Nephrite,a speciesof the amphibole group.What I am going to discuss in the present paperis not the mineralogical character of the subject,but its relation with the
1922, 1(Z1):44-88.
摘要:Ⅰ. INTRODUDTION The Name Sinian System("Sinische Formationsreihe")was firstemployed in a stratigraphic sense by Ferdinand von Richthofen whosegeographic and geologic explorations in China must for all time form the
1922, 1(Z1):89-96.
摘要:Those who have followed the historical development of the systematicclassification of the old Palaeozoic rocks in Europe would undoubtedly wellremember how the Ordovician became recognized as a well-defined,independ-
1922, 1(Z1):97-99.
主编 :侯增谦
主管单位 :中国科学技术协会
主办单位 :中国地质学会
创刊 :1922年
国际标准刊号 :ISSN 1000-9515
国内统一刊号 :CN 11-2001