主编 :侯增谦
主管单位 :中国科学技术协会
主办单位 :中国地质学会
创刊 :1922年
国际标准刊号 :ISSN 1000-9515
国内统一刊号 :CN 11-2001
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1929, 8(4).
摘要:Ⅰ. INTRODUCTION. Our knowledge on the Chinese mineral deposits becomes greatly enhanced since the publication of Dr. W. H. Wong's monograph "The Mineral Resources of China" which appeared in the year 1919. Besides a systematic description of different resources of China, this work deals also in a concisive
1929, 8(4).
摘要:INTRODUCTION In the summer of the year 1927 instructions were given Mr. C. C. Sun and myself, geologists of the Sino-Swedish Research Association in Taiyuanfu, by Dr. E. T. Nystrom, Director of that Association, to proceed to South Shansi and there undertake a general survey of the geology and mineral resources. Special instructions were given to visit the P'ing Lu Gypsum deposits (平陸石膏礦) which are situated at the southern frontier of Shansi
1929, 8(4).
摘要:INTRODUCTION. The volcanic rocks in Pei Piao region have been already noticed by different authors. They were, however, only stratigraphically classified into two series known as the Upper Volcanic and the Lower Volcanic, while their petrographical characters and real rock types are yet in vague.
1929, 8(4).
摘要:Von Professor GUNNAR ANDERSSON aufgefordert, haben wir versucht, Pflanzenreste in einigen von ihm (1923) gemachten Funden aus neolithischen und aeneolithischen Siedlungen in China zu identifizieren. Unter diesem Material befand sich eine Tonscherbe, die mit der Marke Y. S. Ⅺ versehen
1929, 8(4).
1929, 8(4):263-339.
1929, 8(4):341-357.
1929, 8(4):358-381.
主编 :侯增谦
主管单位 :中国科学技术协会
主办单位 :中国地质学会
创刊 :1922年
国际标准刊号 :ISSN 1000-9515
国内统一刊号 :CN 11-2001