主编 :侯增谦
主管单位 :中国科学技术协会
主办单位 :中国地质学会
创刊 :1922年
国际标准刊号 :ISSN 1000-9515
国内统一刊号 :CN 11-2001
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1935, 14(1).
摘要:President Hsieh welcame the members many of whom have come fromfar distance away.There were several who came from Tsinan,Shanghai,Nanking and Changsha.He thanked also the press of Peiping and Tientsinwho gave special emphasis on the news about the Annual Meeting,the Journal
1935, 14(1).
摘要:Proeeedings of the Eleventh Annual Moeting of the Geo{ogieal Soeiety of China,held in Peiping at the匕brary of the Gcologieal Survey on February 14一16,一935 .........……1(二hi,Y .5.,Note,on some Carboniferous and Permian Coral。of Dr. Erik Norin’5 Colleetion from Slnkiang Provinee ...……23Hou,T.F.,&. C.C.Sun,A Geologieal Seetion,North一west of Lanchow .......……,..........……43Chi,Y.5.,Note on two AseFtate Corals from the Upper Part of the Nanshan Series in Kansu ........…
1935, 14(1).
摘要:INTRODUCTION Some fossil corals collected by Dr.Erik Norin of the Sino-SwedishExpedition to the North-West were generously submitted to me for examina-tion.The specimens are for the most part imperfect and very poorly preserved
1935, 14(1).
摘要:The section is drawn in the western part of Kansu province (Fig.1.A-B).The mountainous region on the left hand of Huangho is the east endof the Nanshan or Chihlienshan mountain range which is divided here into twomain branches;those are the Maomaoshan on the north and the Tienmashan onthe south.The section was taken almost in S-N direction starting from the
1935, 14(1).
摘要:There are two specimens of aseptate (tabulate) corals collected byMessrs.T.F.Hou and C.C.Sun in 1934,from the siliceous limestone bedabout 150 m.thick,at the upper part of the metamorphic rock series,or theso-called 'Nanshan Sandstein' of Ludwig von Lóczy~1.or the 'Nanshan Series'of C.Y.Hsieh~2,which consist mainly of green schist,slate and quartzite,witha total thickness of about 2000 m.The localities of these two specimens are
1935, 14(1).
摘要:In the course of their last geological trip in Kansu (1934),Messrs.T.F.Hou and C.C.Sun of the Geological Survey of China collected a fewremains of fossil Fish which they have kindly submitted to me for study.Thespecimens were found at the Nantanshan,near Yaochieh (Yungteng) north of
1935, 14(1).
摘要:In the Spring of 1933 Mr.C.Li obtained a remarkable fossil froma dark gray limestone probably of Permian (?) age in Kwangsi Province.The fossil was partly exposed on the weathered surface of the rock,and itsexternal form looks like an ordinary Orthoceras.After a polished longi-
1935, 14(1).
摘要:The Yangsin Limestone is well developed in southeastern Hupehand is generally recognized as the lower one of the two well known greatlimestones of which the Tayeh Limstone is the second intimate member.Thename Yangsin Limestone was erected in 1924 by Mr.C.Y.Hsieh to includethe thick bedded and cliff-forming limestone that is underlain by the Fuchihkou
1935, 14(1).
摘要:Remains of Mesozoic Reptiles have been recorded for several yearsfrom various places in N.China.But no discovery of this kind had beenannounced from the South until Dr.W.H.Wong in 1931 found the fossili-ferous site of Erh-yen,near Chungking,in the Tzekuei series (Lower Cretace-ous) of Szechuan~1.
1935, 14(1).
摘要:The material for the analysis is taken from a collection made by H.W.Wang of the Geological Survey of China at Hsiachiakou (夏家溝),HuailaiHsieh (怀来县),Chahar (察哈尔).An anatomical study of the fossil has beenmade by Prof.C.Y.Chang~1 who identified it to be of the genus Xenoxylon,
1935, 14(1).
摘要:The ancient avifauna of this country is very little known to science.The two early accounts are the "Aves" in the Tertiary vertebrates fromMongolia by Prof.Dr.Schlosser (1924) and the "Oiseaux" in the secondpart—Paléontologie—of Paléolithique de la Chine by Marcellin Boule and P.Teilhard de Chardin (1928).Dr.P.R.Lowe of the British Museum has
1935, 14(1).
摘要:When writing my monography on the fossil Cavicornia from China Ihappened to go through some boxes with still unprepared material and founda fragmentary skull of a Giraffe from Locality 114,which adds somewhatto the knowledge of "Pal(?)otragus" decipiens.
1935, 14(1).
摘要:Whrend der geologischen Forschungen welche im Jahre 1930 imBezirk Atschinsk des Minussinischen Gebiets (Westsibirien) von R.I.Vialovadurchgeführt wurden,haben wir einige für die Stratigraphie ziemlich interessanteFunde gemacht.
主编 :侯增谦
主管单位 :中国科学技术协会
主办单位 :中国地质学会
创刊 :1922年
国际标准刊号 :ISSN 1000-9515
国内统一刊号 :CN 11-2001