• 1986年第0卷第4期文章目次
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    • Study on Composition of Inclusions in Minerals and Simulation Experiment on Hydrothermal Metasomatic Process of the Bayan Obo Iron Deposit


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      摘要:On the basis of the mechanism of formation of mineral inclusions, it may be assumed that a certain relation exists between the compositions of fluid inclusions in various minerals formed at the same stage of hydrothermal activity. In order to study the genetic relationships between different minerals in the Bayan Obo iron deposit, the compositions(K~+, Na~+, Ca~+, Mg~+, F~+, Cl~+, CO_2~(2-), ΣSO_4~(2-) and pH) of inclusions in fluorite(23), hematite(13), magnetite(3), sodium pyroxene(2) and dolomite(5) from the main mine and the eastern mine were determined by using the vacuum decrepitation and leaching methods, and cluster analyses of the data on the compostions were made. The Q-mode cluster analysis indicates that some iron oxide minerals in the deposit are related to dolomite of sedimentary origin, while others are related to fluorite and sodium pyroxene--products of hydrothermal activity. The R-mode cluster analysis shows that the components of the leaching solution may be divided into two groups: one includes CO_2~(2-), Mg~(2+) and H~+(pH), which are obviously associated with dolomite; the other comprises Na~+, K~+, Ca~+, F~+, Cl~+ and SO_4~(2-), which may possibly represent the composition of hydrothermal solutions.The reaction of the Na-F-Cl solution(pH 4.72) with hematite dolomite at 300℃ and 5 × 10~7 Pa and under alternately"static and dynamic" conditions produced large amounts of hematite and fluorite and small amounts of smectite and Na(Fe) silicates, and the hematite-fluorite assemblage accords with the actual geological conditions in the deposit. From a comparison between the compositions of"static" and"dynamic" solution samples, it may be known that the flow reaction facilitates the migration of Fe, F, Ca and other components as well as Na-metasomatism(Na and Si are fixed in a solid phase).The study of the compositions of mineral inclusions and simulation experiments on hydrothermal metasomatism have provided new evidence for the hypothesis of metamorphosed-sedimentary and hydrothermal-remoulding origin of the Bayan Obo deposit, and pointed out emphatically that hydrothermal metasomatism plays an important role in the formation of the mineral deposit, particularly in the main and the east mine.

    • On the Origin of Petroleum Hydrocarbon Gases


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      摘要:The compositional variation of oil-soluble gaseous hydrocarbons in high-pressure in-place oil from more than 40 oil wells in the Northern Jiangsu oil field, China, was studied. Samples in which the effects of the factors of pressure and biodegradation had been got rid of were chosen as the representatives that could really reflect the original composition of hydrocarbon gases. Such samples were compared compositionally with their corresponding hydrocarbons formed by decarboxylation of volatile low-molecular fatty acids. Thus highly correlative regularities were found to exist between them. The numerical values of both are graphically expressed. The two curves on the diagram are very similar. These two sets of values have a simple correlation coefficient of 0.9935, which presents their genetic relation.Based on the study of the formation of gaseous hydrocarbons from decarboxylation of volatile fatty acids, the following regularities of the isomers are revealed:1) n-butyric acid + isobutyric acid = propane:2) 1 2 isopentanoic acid(2-methyl-butyric acid) + n-pentanoic acid = n-butane; and3) 1 2 isopentanoic acid(3-methyl-butyric acid) = isobutane.The thermodynamics of decarboxylation was analysed and the enthalpy change △H, entropy change △S and Gibbs free energy change △G in the following reaction were calculated:CH_3COOH(1)--CH_4(g) + CO_2(g).Thus the author considers that the reaction for the formation of hydrocarbons due to the decarboxylation of fatty acids is an exothermic one with increased entropy and decreased free energy as well as a spontaneous one. According to the CRC rule, the resultant Gibbs free energy change △G is approximately-41.84 kJ/mol, which is well within the range of the energy levels of biophysiological changes.According to the changes in odd-carbon preference in n-alkanes of petroleum and sediments and the analysis of fatty acids and amino acids, it is considered that hydrocarbon gases do not originate from pyrolysis or thermal degradation but from decarboxylation of organisms. But this biological reaction is not ordinary biochemical reaction in the artificial fermentation for generating marsh gas. On the basis of the change tendency of the fatty acid content in the fermentation liquor for marsh gas generation and the change tendency of the carbon isotopes in methane and carbon dioxide in the marsh gas, it can be judged that the biochemical reaction for forming hydrocarbon gases is a special biological one occurring after the fermentation.

    • Biogeochemical Model and Simulation of the Effect of Precambrian Algae on the Formation Process of Certain Laminated Cherts


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      摘要:The source of silica in the formation of the Precambrian laminated cherts has long remained a problem to be solved. Through experiments on cherts and living blue-green algae, the authors found that the collected chert samples probably come from primary deposits, and there is a great biomass of fossil algae in chert, among which the filamentous algae can be compared with the living blue-green algae Oscillatoria, that a higher Pco_2 of the gas would be favourable for the increase of the biomass of living blue-green algae and consequently raises the pH value of the water body; and that lack of free oxygen and a higher concentration of SiO_2 in the water have no apparent influence on the biomass of blue-green algae. Based on the evidence above, a biogeochemical model concerning the origin of Precambrian laminated chert has been set up, in which the. photosynthesis of algae under the presumed atmospheric conditions of the Precambrian might raise the pH value of the water body and promote the dissolution of silicate minerals, thus providing a source of colloid SiO_2 for the formation of Precambrian laminated chert.Furthermore, a simulation experiment device has been designed successfully, which can control the temperature(30 ± 0.5°), Pco_2(50662.5 Pa) and Po_2(about zero Pa) of the gas, the rate of photosynthesis of algae and the movement of the water carrying opal. In the simulation experiments, separate measurements have been made on the rate of photosynthesis of algae, pH value and concentration of SiO_2 of the water body, with the results indicating that under the conditions similar to the presumed Precambrian atmosphere, the photosynthesis of algae can make the pH value of the water body go up steadily to over 9.7, leading to the dissolution of the silicate minerals, with the concentration of SiO_2 measured reaching as high as 84 mg/l. Finally, through the vaporation of water, a phenomenon of colloid floccilation has been observed.The simulation experiment has verified the proposed biogeochemical model illustrating the origin of Precambrian laminated chert. Moreover, the device and method of its kind may also be applied to the research on the relationship of the Precambrian algae with the formation of some other mineral deposits such as of Fe, Mn, U and carbonates.

    • Geographic Distribution and Evolution of Changxingian Ammonoid Faunas of South China


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      摘要:Changxingian ammonoids are well developed in South China, including 154 species, 33 genera and 11 families. They are mainly distributed in the southern and northern subprovinces of the South China province but are rare in the middle. According to the development of the ammonoid zone and lithologic characteristics, the two subprovinces are subdivided into six endemic areas. The above-mentioneddistribution is controlled by such factors as palaeogeographic environment and sedimentary facies.The evolution of Changxingian ammonoids of South China is characterized by distinct evolutionary stages, and the whole evolutionary history of ammonites consists of alternate episodes of"explosive" radiation, slow and steady evolution and mass extinction. The alternation of mass extinction and"explosive" radiation usually occur at the boundaries of stages(or substages)."Explosive" radiation refers to rapid proliferation of new species(or genera) within a very short geologically negligeable period of time. The origin of species can be well explained by the concept of punctuated equilibria--a new concept of evolution. Mass extinction refers to rapid, large-scale demise of taxa within a very short period of time. The cause of such an extinction might be due to the inevitable replacement of the old forms by rapidly developing new ones and the environmental changes, in addition to the global sea-level changes, extraterrestrial impacts and geomagnetic reversal.

    • Microfossils from the Wumishan Formation of the Jixian System in the Ming Tombs,Beijing,China


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      摘要:Members Ⅰ-Ⅳ of the Wumishan Formation of the Jixian System are exposed respectively in Mt. Cuihua and Mt. Hushan in the Ming Tombs, Beijing. Black banded cherts which are extensively developed in this formation contain an abundance ofmicrofossils that are well preserved and variable in form. A study of thin sections shows that the microfossils include 10 genera, 12 species, 3 of. species, 2 indeterminate species and 1 unnamed form, of which 1 genus and 7 species are newly erected. The present assemblage is morphologically comparable to those from the Wumishan Formation in the Western Hills of Beijing, Jixian County of Tianjin and Kuancheng of Hebei Province.

    • Active Tectonic Belts in Tibet and Their Control on Earthquakes


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      摘要:A series of nearly N-S-trending active tectonic belts are found in Tibet. The earthquakes there mostly belong to shallow-focus ones, and are characterized by high frequency, high intensity and short recurrence intervals. The epicentres are mainly located near the boundary faults along the active tectonic belts. They are most concentrated, with small earthquake magnitudes, at the turning or intersecting parts of the boundary faults, and are less concentrated, bat with big earthquake magnitudes, in other parts of the boundary faults. The mechanic properties of the seismic fracture belts are generally related to their strike: the NW-trending ones are of dextral strike-slip nature and the NE-trending ones are of sinistral strike-slip nature, while the nearly N-S-trending ones exhibit the nature of tensional normal faults. In the region the earthquakecontrolling structures are considered to be the active tectonic belts, while the seismogenetic structures are the boundary faults in the active tectonic belts.

    • The Discovery and Study of Mantle-Derived Spinel-Lherzolite in the Darbut Ultrabasic Zone, Xinjiang


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      摘要:The spinel-lherzolite under study was discovered in the magnesian ultrabasic rocks in a Palaeozoic ophiolite zone. It occurs as spheroidal inclusions. Its petrofabric features, slip system of plastic deformation, REE distribution and estimation of temperature and pressure conditions of rock formation are all very similar to those of the ultramafic inclusion in Cenozoic and Mesozoic alkali basalt and kimberlite.

    • The Rapid Inversion of 3-D Potential Field and Program Design


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      摘要:The application of three-dimensional inversion of gravity and magnetic fields is very important not only in geophysical researches, but also in the study of geological structures. A formula of potential field in frequency-domain, developed by Parker in 1973, can be used as a rapid and effective algorithm in gravity and magnetic inversion. The technique has been improved then by Oldenburg, Sprenke, Feng and others.In addition to a brief introduction of Parker's algorithm and its applications, this paper includes the following five parts: basic computational techniques, inversion of single layer, convergence and constraints, simultaneous inversion for density and topography as well as inversion of multilayers. The authors present relevant practical iterative formulas and its varieties when density distribution varies with depth in linear or exponential relation. In order to maintain computation stability and speed up iteration convergence, some approaches are taken in the program design, for instance shifting lower interface of the studied layer, inverting corrections of topography, reducing grid boundary effects and utilizing low-pass filter. With the consideration of the nonuniqueness of the inversion, a method of using seismic data to constrain the range ofpossible models is discussed. It is pointed out that the density variation generates less effects than those of topography on the spectrum of gravity anomaly in second order. Therefore density contrast and topography can be inverted simultaneously by an alternative weighting iteration. By analogy, the inversion of multilayer model can be done in the above procedure. An approach of model decomposition is useful in the computation of multilayer model. The techniques discussed in the present paper for gravitational field are also valid for magnetic field.

主编 :侯增谦

主管单位 :中国科学技术协会

主办单位 :中国地质学会

创刊 :1922年

国际标准刊号 :ISSN 1000-9515

国内统一刊号 :CN 11-2001
