主编 :侯增谦
主管单位 :中国科学技术协会
主办单位 :中国地质学会
创刊 :1922年
国际标准刊号 :ISSN 1000-9515
国内统一刊号 :CN 11-2001
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Yan Shouxun , Institute of Remote Sensing Applications , Chinese Academy of Sciences , BeijingWang Guiliang , Shao Zhenjie , China University of Mining and Technology , Xuzhou , Jiangsuand Meng Xiangang Institute ofGeomechanics , Ministry of Geology and Mineral Resources of China , Beijing Fei Zhenbi
1996, 70(3).
摘要:Block faults, as the -dominant tectonic framwork of western Shandong, were formed by the linked extensional fault system through two extensional movements during the Meso-Cenozoic. Both of the extensional movements experienced the same evloutional process: first, the upper crust was pulled apart to form faults; then the Tai-Lu-Yi (Taishan-Lushan-Yishan) fault block occurring in the footwall of the extensional fault was uplifted, which induced the shallow-level detachment movement along the early Precambrian and Palaeozoic unconformity; the " branching" fault in the upper part of the deep-level detachment layer propagated. As the shallow detachment moved towards the north and the deep one towards the south, the Tai-Lu-Yi fault block acted as the common footwall of both the southern and northern detachment systems. The Tai-Lu-Yi fault block rebounded and uplifted as the overlying material was pulled apart to cause an unloading. Sialic material of the mid-crust below the deep detachment flowed to and accum
Liu Shaofeng , Li Sitian , Zhuang Xinguo , Jiao Yangquan and Lu ZongshengChina University of Geosciences , Wuhan
1996, 70(3).
摘要:Characteristics of deformation in the thrust belt and sequence stratigraphic framework in the foreland basin, structural features of the basin margin, and the episodic thrusting are studied in this paper by combining the eastern Qilian thrust belt and the Late Triassic foreland basin on the southwestern margin of Ordos. On this basis, a geological model and a mechanical model of coupling mechanism were established for the pair of thrust belt and foreland basin, and the subsidence and deposition process of the foreland basin were simulated on given parameters.
Wang Dezi , Ren Qijiang , Qiu Jiansheng , Chen Kerong , Xu Zhaowen and Zeng Jiahu Department of Earth Sciences , Nanjing University , Nanjing , Jiangsu
1996, 70(3).
摘要:The shoshonite province in eastern China is characterized by extensive distribution (ca. 80000 km2) of Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous (165-100 Ma) shoshonite series with subordinate high-K calc-alkali series. It was formed in a dominantly tensile stress field. In comparison with their analogues in island arcs and active continental margins in other countries, the volcanic rocks in the shoshonite province have their specific characteristics in petrology, mineralogy and geochemistry as well as related mineralization association, which are the comprehensive reflection of the special composition and structure of the mantle and crust of the province and the special Mesozoic regional tectonic setting.
1996, 70(3).
摘要:The Mesozoic volcanic rocks in the coastal region of southeastern China were superimposed on some different basement tectonic elements. The volcanic rocks developed in these different basement tectonic elements have great differences in Sr and Nd isotopic compositions. The rocks in western Zhejiang and northeastern Jiangxi Provinces which belong to the Lower Yangtze subplate have lower initial 87Sr/ 86Sr ratios, but are higher in initial Nd isotopic ratios. The initial 143Nd / 144Nd values of the volcanic rocks developed in the Cathaysian subplate increase clearly from early to late in time, and from the core of the Wuyishan uplift coastwards constantly, but the initial 87Sr/86Sr values tend to decrease. The isotopic characteristics and their spatial variations in Mesozoic volcanic rocks in the study region are, to a great extent, manifestations of the isotopic characteristics in basement metamorphic complexes, and the generation of the Mesozoic acid magma in this region is attributed to the recycling o
Zhang Ligang , Liu Jingxiu , Yu Guixiang and Chen Zhensheng Yichang Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources , CAGS , Yichang , Hubei Jiang Minxi
1996, 70(3).
摘要:The δ18O values of vein quartz of different stages from the Yinshan ore deposit are constant around 16‰ and the calculated δ18OH2O values attain 8‰± ; the δDH2O values of fluid inclu-sions in vein quartz are constant at about-60‰. From the surface down to 1200 m below the δ18O values of altered rocks gradually decrease from 15‰± to 11‰± . Various water-rock inversion calculations indicate that the ore fluids were formed by the interaction between meteoric water and phyllite at 350℃ and the effective W/ R value of around 0.1. When the water-rock exchange in the upper mineralization system took place, the effective W / R value increased to 5.0 or more. As a result, an evolution and mineralization model of a buffered open system with two-stage water-rock interactions is proposed in this study.
Chen Jun , Wan Hongtao , Department of Earth Sciences , Nanjing University , Nanjing , Jiangsuand Lu HuayuKey Lab. of Loess and Quaternary Geology , Chinese Academy of Sciences , Xi an , Shaanxi Liu Xinzhu
1996, 70(3).
摘要:The chemical leaching method is used for a systematic analysis of distribution characteristics of acid-soluble and acid-insoluble REE and other trace elements from the Luochuan loess deposits. The study shows that the acid-insoluble phase in loess and palaeosol is a stable component of old aeolian dusts and is characteristic of the provenance; the acid-soluble phase is the unstable component in the weathering pedogenic process and reflects rock-forming features after accumulation of aeolian dusts. The acid-insoluble REE and acid-soluble Sr and Pb can be used as geochemical indicators respectively to trace the provenance characteristics and the weathering pedogenic process.
Shi Xiaoying , Lei Zhenyu and Yin Jiarun China University of Geosciences , Beijing
1996, 70(3).
摘要:The Lower Jurassic is subdivided in ascending order into the Wulong, Kangdui and Yongjia Formations on the north slope of Mount Qomolangma, with a total thickness of 1362 m. They are thought to have been deposited respectively in the environments of the carbonate ramp fault-bounded basins and carbonate platform, with six sedimentary facies and six sub-facies. During the Early Jurassic, the Qomolangma area experienced strong faulting and subsidence, and was of a matured rift basin. The Lower Jurassic consists of eleven 3rd-order sequences, which can be grouped into three 2nd-order sequences and form a large transgressive-regressive cycle. The 3rd-order sequences and the corresponding sea-level changes recognized in the area can be correlated quite well with those set up in the western Tethys, and may have been caused by the eustatic fluctuations, while the 2nd-order sequences seem to be more closely related to the basement subsidence and the variation in sedimentary influx, indicating the evolution of th
Wang Xueqiu and Xie Xuejin Institute of Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration , Langfang , Hebei
1996, 70(3).
摘要:Conventional geochemical exploration for gold deposits has not always been very satisfactory, especially for buried and blind ones. New considerations and methodology in sampling, analysis and interpretation have been developed in China during the past decade. Important considerations for unconventional gold exploration in this paper are that (1) gold is active in surface environments; (2) gold occurs not only as discrete grains, but also as ultrafine particles (submicron?to nanometer-sized particles of gold) and other complex forms; (3) regional low anomalies and superimposed anomalies over buried gold deposits are produced by ultrafine gold grains and other complex forms of gold. The methodology based on these considerations has been developed both in regional and in local geochemical exploration for gold. Examples of the preliminary application of these methods in two areas covered by transported overburden are given.
主编 :侯增谦
主管单位 :中国科学技术协会
主办单位 :中国地质学会
创刊 :1922年
国际标准刊号 :ISSN 1000-9515
国内统一刊号 :CN 11-2001