主编 :侯增谦
主管单位 :中国科学技术协会
主办单位 :中国地质学会
创刊 :1922年
国际标准刊号 :ISSN 1000-9515
国内统一刊号 :CN 11-2001
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ZHANG Yueqiao Institute of Geomechanics , Chinese Academy of Geology , Beijing , ChinaPierre Vergely , Jacques-Louis Mercier URA-CNRS: Geophysique et Geodynamique Interne , Universite de Parie-Sud , Bdtment , F- , Orsay-Cedex , France WANG Yongmin , ZHANG Yong and HUANG DezhiInstitute of Geology , Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resouces of Anhui Province , Hefei , China
1999, 73(3).
摘要:Since the mid-late Eocene, North China has been subjected to extensional stress, resulting in the formation and development of basins. The dynamic origin of this crustal extension has long been an issue of debate. This paper presents the results of kinematic analyses of faults obtained from two seperated areas in North China. In the Weihe graben situated on the southernmost margin of the Ordos block, analyses of fault kinematics were coupled with an analysis of the basin's subsidence history. Three successive extensional tectonic phases accompaning the basin's formation and development have been distinguished. The Palaeogene extension was oriented in a WNW-ESE direction; the Neogene extension in a NE-SW direction and the Pliocene-Quaternary extension in a NW-SE direction. Such changes have also been recorded by fault kinematics along the southern Tanlu fault zone. This has been demonstrated by three successive sets of fault striations indicating normal dip slip resulting from NW-SE extension, then left-
LIU Shaofeng Earth Science and Resource Faculty , China University of Geosciences , Beijing , and ZHANG Guowei Northwest University , Xi''''an Liu Xinzhu
1999, 73(3).
摘要:The Qinling erogenic belt underwent complicated processes of rifting and collision, as shown by the coexistence of (1) ocean extension and plate margin rifting and (2) subduction of the frontal oceanic crust and extension of the rear plate margin. These resulted in a basin-mountain framework characterized by the coexistence of plates separated by the ocean basin and continental blocks demarcated by the rifting sea trough in the marginal region and the coexistence of subduction orogeny and ocean extension. Generally speaking, the plate marginal area between the North China plate and Yangtze plate continually rifted from north to south and the rifted micro-plates continually accreted northwards. This especial orogenic process was probably controlled by two events of deep mantle geody-namic adjustment and mantle plume activities, which occurred in the Shangdan suture belt and Mianlue suture belt from north to south respectively.
XU Xueyi , HUANG Yuehua , XIA Linqi and XIA ZuchunXi ''''an Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources , Chinese Academy ofGeological Sciences , Youyi Road , Xi''''an Zhou Jian and Fei Zhenbi
1999, 73(3).
摘要:Phlogopite-amphibole pyroxenite xenoliths contained in an Early Palaeozoic alkali subvolcanic lam-prophyre complex in Langao County, Shaanxi Province, are metasomatized mantle xenoliths, composed mainly of clinopyroxene, amphibole, phlogopite, apatite, pervoskite, ilmenite and sphene with well-developed subsolidus metamorphism-deformation textures, such as "triple points" and "cataclastic boundaries" . Minerological studies indicate that clinopyroxene is rich in SiO2 and MgO and poor in TiO2 and Al2O3, which is notably different from magmatogenic deep-seated megacrysts and phenocrysts formed in the range of mantle pressure. Amphibole and phlogopite have the compositional feature of mantle-derived amphibole and phlogopite. Sm-Nd isotope studies suggest that the metasomatized mantle beneath Langao County is the product of metasomatism of primitive mantle by melt (fluid) derived from the mantle plume, and the mantle metasomatism occurred 650 Ma ago. The process of mantle metasomatism changed from mantle me
1999, 73(3).
摘要:The Altun strike-slip fault is the largest strike-slip fault in Aisa and defines the northern boundary of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. The Altun terrane, bounded by the north Altun thrust fault and the Altun strike-slip fault on the south, consists of the Dunhuang massif, northern Altun Caledonian subduction complex, central Altun massif and southern Alun subduction-collision complex from north to south. Our studies indicate that these tectonic units correspond to the AIxa block, northern Qilian subduction complex, central Qilian block and northern Qaidam subduction-collision zone respectively on the two sides of the
LIU Fulai , XU Zhiqin , XU Huifen and YANG Jingsui Institute of Geology , CAGS , Baiwanzhuang Rd. , Beijing Zhu Xiling
1999, 73(3).
摘要:In the gneisses from the drillhole ZK2304 of the Donghai area, there have been preserved high- and ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic mineral assemblages, a series of complicated retrogressive textures and relevant metamorphic reactions. In addition to garnet, jadeititic-clinopyroxene and rutile, other peak stage (M2) minerals in some gneisses include phengite, aragonite and coesite or quartz pseudomorphs after coesite. The typical peak-stage mineral assemblages in gneisses are characterized by garnet + jadeitic-clinopyroxene + rutile + coesite, garnet + jadeitic-clinopyroxene + phengite + rutile ± coesite and garnet + jadeitic-clinopyroxene + aragonite + rutile ± coesite. The grossular content (Gro) in garnet is high and may reach 50. 1 mol%. The SiO2 content of phengite ranges from 54.37% to 54.84% with 3.54-3.57 p.f.u. Quartz pseudomorphs after coesite occur as inclusions in garnet.The gneisses of the Donghai area have been subjected to multistage recrystallization and exhibit a closewise P-T evolution
WANG Jingbin , DENG Jiniu , ZHANG Jinhong and QIN KezhangBeijing Institute of Geology for Mineral Resources , State Bureauof Nonferrous Metal Industry , Andingmenwai , Beijing Zhu Xiling
1999, 73(3):253.
摘要:The Devonian volcano-passive continental margin in southern Altay is a significant volcanogenic massive sulphide metallogenic belt. Acidic volcanism has been dominant on the inner side of the volcano-passive continental margin, i.e., near the old land, resulting in a Pb-Zn metallogenic sub-belt, in which the ore deposits are hosted by sedimentary rocks in volcanic series, as represented by the large Koktal Pb-Zn deposits. In the central part of the margin far away from the old land, bimodal volcanic formations are well developed, forming volcanics-hosted Cu-Zn metallogenic sub-belts, e.g., the large-scale Ashele Cu-Zn deposit. The Qiaoxiahala sub-belt on the outer side of the margin near the ocean ridge is located at the spreading central trough, where ophiolite suites are developed. This type of deposits is rich in gold and copper, similar to the Cyprus-type Fe-Cu-Au metallogenic sub-belt in metallogenic environment (represented by the Qiaoxiahala medium-scale Fe-Cu-Au deposit). From the old land to th
WU Zhenhan , JIANG Wan , Peter Blisniuk , BI Siwen , ZHANG Shukun , Olaf Kuchel and MAO Yi Institute of Geomechanics , CAGS , Minzu Xueyuan Nanlu , Beijing Institut fur Geowissenschaften , Universitat Potsdam , Postfach , D- Potsdam , Germany Liu Xinzhu
1999, 73(3):289.
摘要:The Shuanghu basin is a NE-trending rift basin bounded by NE-striking normal faults and NW-striking shear-extensional faults of the northern Tibetan Plateau. Four samples from calcite veins in marginal faults and one sample from mudstone (S-3) were collected for dating the evolution of the Shuanghu basin by using the ESR spectrograph of EXM-type. Ages were calculated according to the close-equilibrium model on the basis of the measured ESR signal spectra of samples, providing good chronological information. It is known from the ESR dating that the extensional faulting and rifting of the Shuanghu area began at 4.92 Ma B.P., followed by regional folding in 3.56-1.36 Ma, NW-striking faulting in 0.60 Ma and normal faulting in 0.024 Ma in the Shuanghu basin.
HU Daogong , WU Shuren and TAN Chengxuan Institute of Geomechanics , CAGS , Beijing Zhu Xiling
1999, 73(3):294.
摘要:On the basis of historical earthquake data and recent observations, two grey models prediction of the next seismic active period and the maximal magnitude of earthquakes which might occur during that period are constructed on the basis of the grey theory. As predicted by the two models, the next seismic active period would last 79 years, and that the maximal magnitude of earthquakes occurring within the period would not exceed 5.2. These results provide an important basis for the assessment of earthquake risks and reduction of disasters in the Three Gorges area.
GU Lianxing , HU Shouxi , CHU Qiang , YU Chunshui and XIAO Xinjian State Key Laboratory of Mineral Deposit Research , Nanjing University , Nanjing , Jiangsu Liu Xinzhu
1999, 73(3):316.
摘要:The main types of intrusive rocks in the Kelameili-Harlik Hercynian erogenic belt include calc-alkaline granites, diabase dykes, kaligranites and alkaline granites. Investigation in field geology, petrology, mineralogy and geochemistry shows that the calc-alkaline granites belong to the syntexis-type (or I-type) and were formed in a pre-collisional magmatic arc environment. In consideration of the fact that kaligranites have many features of alkaline granites with higher consolidation temperatures than the calc-alkaline granites and show a discontinuity of minor element and REE evolution in respect to the calc-alkaline granites, they could not have been derived by differentiation of magmas for the calc-alkaline granites, but are likely to have been generated in an environment analogous to that for alkaline granites. The triplet of basic dyke swarms, kaligranites and alkaline granites could be regarded as a prominent indication of the initial stage of post-collisional delamination and extension. These ro
XIA Linqi , XIA Zuchun and XU XueyiXi''''an Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources , Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences , East Youyi Rd. , Xi ''''an Zhu Xiling
1999, 73(3):330.
摘要:This paper presents a direct study of the fluids and melts in the upper mantle by examining the fluid inclusions, melt inclusions and glasses trapped in the mantle lherzolite xenoliths entrained by Cenozoic alkali basalts (basanite, olivine-nephelinite and alkali-olivine basalt) from eastern China. The study indicates that the volatile components, which are dissolved in high-pressure solid mineral phases of mantle peridotite at depths, may be exsolved under decompressive conditions of mantle plume upwelling to produce the initial free fluid phases in the upper mantle. The free fluid phases migrating in the upper mantle may result in lowering of the mantle solidus (and liquidus), thereby initiating partial melting of the upper mantle, and in the meantime, producing metasomatic effects on the latter.
XIAO Chuantao Jianghan Petroleum Institute , Jingzhou , Hubei and PAN Yuntang Graduate School , Academia Sinica , Beijing Liu Xinzhu
1999, 73(3):341.
摘要:The Carboniferous system in the Xiaohaizi area, Bachu County, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, composed of typical mixed terrigenous clastic, carbonate and sulphate sediments, was mainly deposited in the tidal flat and lagoon environments. The mixed sediments occur as the following eleven types: 1. limestone intercalated with siltstone; 2. interbeds of shale and limestone; 3. gypsolyte interbedded with limestone; 4. gypsolyte intercalated with siltstone; 5. gypsolyte interbedded with shale; 6. gypsolyte intercalated with siltstone, limestone and dolomite; 7. siltstone interbedded with gypsolyte and limestone; 8. terrigenous detritus scattered in carbonate matrix; 9. carbonate as cement in clastic rocks; 10. mixed sediments of carbonate and terrigenous mud; 11. mixed sediments of carbonate grains with terrigenous sand. Based on the analysis of the dynamic mechanism of mixed sediments, it is believed that these types of mixed sediments in the study area were controlled by climate, sea level change and so
GE Tongming , LIU Jian and FAN Limin Guangzhou Marine Geological Survey , Huanshidong Road , Guangzhou
1999, 73(3):348.
摘要:This paper presents the results of palaeomagnetic studies of Cenozoic volcanic rocks and Quaternary strata in China, which have confirmed the occurence of some short-period polarity events, After a correlation with the worldwide palaeomagnetic data, a geomagnetic polarity time scale for the time since 2.48 M has been compiled.
主编 :侯增谦
主管单位 :中国科学技术协会
主办单位 :中国地质学会
创刊 :1922年
国际标准刊号 :ISSN 1000-9515
国内统一刊号 :CN 11-2001