主编 :侯增谦
主管单位 :中国科学技术协会
主办单位 :中国地质学会
创刊 :1922年
国际标准刊号 :ISSN 1000-9515
国内统一刊号 :CN 11-2001
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ZHANG Qiling , HOU Zengqian and TANG ShaohuaInstitute of Mineral Deposits , Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences Baiwanzhuang Road , Beijing
2001, 75(2).
摘要:A preliminary organic geochemical study shows that the sulphide ores from the hydrothermal deposit of the Okinawa Trough are generally low in the total organic carbon and extremely low in the soluble organic matter. In the aliphatic hydrocarbon fraction, the n-alkanes range from C15 to C35, with usual maxima in the middle n-C20 region and strong odd-carbon number predominance when n > C25 (CPI = 1.2). The dominant analog in the aromatic fraction is phenanthrene, a polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon, which provides evidence for hydrothermal activity. The organic matter derived mainly from marine planktonic and terrigenous vascular plants is entrapped in a high-temperature regime such as an active chimney and cooled quickly in the sulphide ores on the seafloor. Organic matter and sulphides are definitely products of a high-temperature alteration. The biomarker compounds indicate that the ores are formed under low Eh and pH conditions-a reducing to anoxic environment, which is favourable for sulphates to be
WANG Tieguan , WANG Feiyu , LU Hong , The Key Laboratory of Petroleum Entrapment Mechanism of Ministry of Educationin the University of Petroleum , Beijing YANG Chiyin , LIAO Qianjin and ZHOU Jiansheng Geological Research Institute , Dagang Oilfield (Group) Co. Ltd. , Tianjin
2001, 75(2).
摘要:An oil flow obtained from the Middle Ordovician Fengfeng Formation carbonate reservoir in the well KG-3, Kongxi burial-hill zone in 1993 marked a breakthrough in petroleum exploration of the high-mature Lower Palaeozoic strata, North China. Both the Lower member of the Fengfeng Formation and the Second Member of the Upper Majiagou Formation in the Middle Ordovician are supposed to be the main source beds. Oil generation peaks range from 1.0% to 1.6% in Ro, showing a "lag effect" of oil generation in high-mature carbonate source rocks under multicyclic tectonic movement conditions. The Kongxi burial-hill zone adjoins a potential Ordovician source kitchen. The KG-3 Ordovician burial-hill reservoir has undergone two oil filling events, i.e., an early event in the Late Carboniferous-Permian and a more significant late event in the early Eogene.
TIAN Shugang Institute of Geology , Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences , Beijing and FAN Jiasong Institute of Geology and Geophysics , Chinese Academy of Sciences , Beijing
2001, 75(2).
摘要:Reef frameworks and building models of the Early-Middle Permian in the eastern Kunlun Mountains have been verified through studies of reef-building communities, palaeoecology and carbonate facies. The eastern Kunlun reefs are built mainly by 6 reef-building communities, which include 11 major categories of frame-building organisms and 6 categories of reef-associated organisms. Eight types of reef-frames have been distinguished and eleven kinds of rocks identified to belong to 6 reef facies. Three sorts of reefs classified by previous researchers, namely mudmounds, knoll reefs and walled reefs, are well developed in the study area. Such reef-facies association and reef distribution show that there are 4 models of reef growth and development, i.e. the tidal-bank knoll-reef model, the plateau-margin wall-reef model, the composite wall-reef model and the deep-water mudmound model. The reefs are mainly constructed by calcareous sponge and calcareous algae, which are similar to all Permian reefs in other area
XIAO Xuchang , LIU Xun , GAO Rui , Houn KAO and LUO Zhaohua Institute of Geology , Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences , Beijing , China Institute of Earth Sciences , Academia Sinica , Taipei , China China University of Geosciences , Beijing , China
2001, 75(2).
摘要:New results from deep seismic reflection profiling, wide-angle reflection-refraction profiling and broadband seismic experiments reveal that a series of south-dipping reflectors occur on the southern margin of the Tarim block (basin). However, it is these south-dipping structures that are intercepted by another series of north-dipping reflectors at depths from 30 to about 150 km beneath the foreland of the W Kunlun Mountains. No evidence from the above geophysical data as well as geochemical and surface geological data indicate the southward subduction of the Tarim block beneath the W Kunlun Mountains (NW Tibet plateau), forming the so-called "two-sided subduction" model for the Tibet plateau as proposed by previous studies. So the authors infer that the tectonic interaction between the Tarim block and the W Kunlun block was chiefly affected by a "horizontal compression in opposite directions", which brought about "face-to-face contact" between these two lithospheric blocks and led to the thickening, sh
GUI Junwen , LI Li , YANG Jingsui , YUE Yongjun , LI Pengwu , ZHANG Jianxinand CHEN WenInstitute of Geology , Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences , Baiwanzhuang Rd. , Beijing
2001, 75(2).
摘要:The Altun (or Altyn Tagh) fault displays a geometry of overlapping of linear and arcuate segments and shows strong inhomogeneity in time and space. It is a gigantic fault system with complex mechanical behaviours including thrusting, sinistral strike slip and normal slip. The strike slip and normal slip mainly occurred in the Cretaceous-Cenozoic and Plio-Quaternary respectively, whereas the thrusting was a deformation event that has played a dominant role since the late Palaeozoic (for a duration of about 305 Ma). The formation of the Altun fault was related to strong inhomogeneous deformation of the massifs on its two sides (in the hinterland of the Altun Mountains contractional deformation predominated and in the Qilian massif thrust propagation was dominant). The fault experienced a dynamic process of successive break-up and connection of its segments and gradual propagation, which was synchronous with the development of an overstep thrust sequence in the Qilian massif and the uplift of the Qinghai-T
LIU Shaofeng , LIU Wencan , Faculty of Geosciences and Resources , China University of Geosciences , Beijing DAI Shaowu , Institute of Exploration and Development , Jianghan Petroleum Administration , Guanghua , Hubei ProvinceHUANG Siji China University of Geosciences , Wuhan and LU Wuyun Anhui Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources , Hefei
2001, 75(2).
摘要:Lithic (or gravel) composition analyses of the Jurassic Sanjianpu Formation and Fenghuangtai Formation in the Hefei basin show that the sediment provenance consists mainly of four kinds of rock units: the basement metamorphic complex, granitic rocks, medium- and low-grade metamorphic rocks, and sandy and muddy sedimentary rocks, which are distributed along the bounding thrust belt. The whole stratigrapnic section can be divided into 2 lithic sequences and 7 subsequences. The regular distribution and changes of lithic fragments and gravels in lithic (or gravel) sequences reflect that the bounding thrust belt of basin has undergone 2 thrusting cycles and 7 thrusting events. Lithic (or gravel) composition analyses of the basin fully reveal that the northern Dabie basement metamorphic complex was exhumed on the earth's surface in the Middle and Late Jurassic, and extensive intermediate and acid intrusive rocks were developed in the southern North Huaiyang or northern Dabie Mountains during the basin's synde
SUO Shutian , ZHONG Zengqiu , YOU Zhendong and ZHANG Zeming Faculty of Earth Sciences , China University of Geosciences , Wuhan Institute of Geology , Chinese Academy of Geological Science , Beijing
2001, 75(2).
摘要:The present-day observable tectonic framework of the ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) and high-pressure (HP) metamorphic belts in the Dabie-Sulu region was dominantly formed by an extensional process, mostly between 200 and 170 Ma, following the Triassic collision between the Sino-Korean and Yangtze cratons. The framework that controls the present spatial distribution of UHP and HP metamorphic rocks in particular displays the typical features of a Cordilleran-type metamorphic core complex, in which at least four regional-scale, shallow-dipping detachment zones are recognized. Each of these detachment zones corresponds to a pressure gap of 0.5 to 2.0 GPa. The detachment zones separate the rocks exposed in the region into several petrotectonic units with different P-T conditions. The geometry and kinematics of both the detachment zones and the petrotectonic units show that the exhumation of UHP and HP metamorphic rocks in the Dabie-Sulu region was achieved, at least in part, by non-coaxial ductile flow in the mul
ZHANG Xiulian and JIANG Lingzhi Department of Geology , Peking University , Beijing
2001, 75(2).
摘要:With continuous outcrops, developed shoal fades rocks, complete types of diagenesis and changeable diagenetic environments, Cambrian strata are well developed in the Xiadong area, Yichang, Hubei Province. Under the combined influence of numerous diageneses, secondary pores can be formed, which result in better reservoir properties of the rock strata.The Cambrian rocks in this area consist of mainly carbonate rocks and secondarily detrital rocks. The carbonate rocks are dominated by grainstones including wormkalk, calcirudite-calcarenite, oolitic limestone and oncolitic limestone. Graded bedding and cross bedding are well developed in the strata, which indicates that the formation environment is of a high-energy shoal facies.In this area, there has developed a sequence of stable Cambrian platform carbonate deposition. The evolution trend is as follows: open sea shelf facies→intertidal low-energy restricted sea facies→Hntertidal high-energy shoal facies→coastal shoal facies→evaporite tidal-flat facies
XUE Huaimin , DONG Shuwen and LIU Xiaochun Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences , Beijing Nanjing Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources , Nanjing Institute of Geomechanics , Beijing
2001, 75(2).
摘要:The granitic gneisses from the ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphic terrain of the southeastern Dabie Mountains encompass two types: monzonitic granitic gneiss and alkali-feldspar granitic gneiss, which are characterized by rich alkalis, poor CaO, high FeO/MgO, particularly high Ba, Rb, Th, Ta, REE (except Eu), Ga, Nb and Zn, and low Sr, Eu, Cr, Co and Ni. The gneisses, particularly the alkali-feldspar granitic gneiss, have typical chemical characteristics of A-type granites. They resulted from partial melting of crustal materials existing in the rift zone along the northern margin of the South China block during the Neoproterozoic. These gneisses might not have undergone UHP metamorphism during the late Triassic, but were involved into UHP rocks by the tectonic mixing process and kept the exhumation message of the UHP rocks from the middle and upper crust.
JIA Bingwen , ZHOU Anchao , MA Mailing and JIA Xiaoyun Department of Earth Sciences , Taiyuan University of Technology , Taiyuan , Shanxi
2001, 75(2).
摘要:Upper Carboniferous-Lower Permian volcanic event deposits from two cross sections in Nanpiao, Liaoning Province, and the Daqing Mountains, Inner Mongolia, were examined by systematic rock and mineral identification, differential thermal analysis, X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and trace element and rare earth element quantitative analysis. According to the results, twelve sequences of volcanic event deposits have been distinguished from bottom to top, including 34-39 volcanic event layers. As these layers each have their own distinctive petrological, mineralogical and geochemical characteristics and were derived from the same source, they provide new evidence for further ascertaining the distribution characteristics of volcanic event deposits on the northern margin of the North China plate and carrying out the stratigraphic correlation using volcanic event layers as marker beds.
WANG Lijuan , WANG Jingbin , WANG Yuwang and MAO QianInstitute of Geology and Geophysics , Chinese Academy of Sciences , A- Datun Road , Beijing Beijing Institute of Geology for Mineral Resources , Beijing
2001, 75(2).
摘要:For the first time, fluid-melt inclusions are found in fluorite of the Huanggangliang skarn iron-tin deposit (HSID). The fluorite was formed in the main stage of mineralization, named the hydro-skarnization stage. The inclusions contain various components such as Fe, Mg and Cr from deep sources. The melts of primary inclusions are mainly Ca- and F-rich and those of secondary inclusions tend to become Si-rich. During this evolution process, the melts and iron daughter minerals decreased and even vanished. These facts reveal that the evolution of the primary mineralizing fluids and the differentiation of the fluids and melts are the main factors leading to the deposition of Fe, Sn and other elements. This discovery confirms the magmatic genesis of the HSID and has filled in the gaps in the research of magmatogenic skarn deposits and furnished new methods for such research. Furthermore, it has enlarged the scope of the research on fluid inclusions.
DENG Jun , FANG Yun , YANG Liqiang , YANG Junchen , SUN Zhongshi , WANG Jianping , DING Shijiang and WANG QingfeiChina University of Geosciences , Beijing China University of Geosciences , Wuhan Institute of Geology and Geophysics , Chinese Academy of Sciences , Beijing Jilin University , Changchun
2001, 75(2).
摘要:Based on an analysis of the fractal structures and mass transport mechanism of typical shear-fluid-ore formation system, the fractal dispersion theory of the fluid system was used in the dynamic study of the ore formation system. The model of point-source diffusive illuviation of the shear-fluid-ore formation system was constructed, and the numerical simulation of dynamics of the ore formation system was finished. The result shows that: (1) The metallogenic system have nested fractal structure. Different fractal dimension values in different systems show unbalance and inhomogeneity of ore-forming processes in the geohistory. It is an important parameter to symbolize the process of remobilization and accumulation of ore-forming materials. Also it can indicate the dynamics of the metallogenic system quantitatively to some extent. (2) In essence, the fractal dispersive ore-forming dynamics is a combination of multi-processes dominated by fluid dynamics and supplemented by molecule dispersion in fluids and
2001, 75(2).
摘要:New Observations on Phosphatized Spheroidal Fossils in Sinian Doushantuoan Phosphorites in Weng'an, Guizhou Province YIN Chongyu, GAO Linzhi, XING Yusheng Institute of Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Beijing 100037
主编 :侯增谦
主管单位 :中国科学技术协会
主办单位 :中国地质学会
创刊 :1922年
国际标准刊号 :ISSN 1000-9515
国内统一刊号 :CN 11-2001