• 2006年第80卷第5期文章目次
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      2006, 80(5).

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      摘要:1.Papers should be devoted mainly to various aspects of research concerning geosciences and related disciplines in China, such as stratigraphy, paleontology, origin and history of the Earth, structural geology, tectonics, mineralogy, petrology, geochemistry, geophysics, geology of mineral deposits, hydrogeology, engineering geology, environmental geology, regional geology and new theories and technologies of geological exploration. Those of scientific interest to the geological community in China or of international interest are also welcome.

    • Conodont Evidence for the Age of the Panxian Fauna,Guizhou, China

      2006, 80(5):621-630.

      摘要 (1811) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (109) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:1 Introduction Although the study of Triassic marine reptiles of Guizhou Province began with description of Keichousaurus hui by C. C. Young in 1958, only sporadic materials, including four genera, were reported from Guizhou before the middle 1990’s (Young, 1965a, b) and drew no attention of scientific communities. However, this situation has greatly changed since the late 1990’s and abundant perfectly preserved and diversified Triassic marine reptiles have been found at several localit…

    • The First Mesozoic Heterodactyl Bird from China

      2006, 80(5):631-635.

      摘要 (1993) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (140) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:1 Introduction Enantiornithines were the dominant birds nearly worldwide throughout the entire span of the Cretaceous (Chiappe, 1995; Feduccia, 1996). The adaptive radiation of opposite birds is little known besides the disparity of rostral morphology in Boluochia (Zhou, 1995), Longipteryx (Zhang et al., 2001), Longirostravis ( Hou et al., 2004), and the presence of stomach contents that reflect a diversity of diets. Like the structure of rostrum, differentiation of the locomotor apparatu…

    • A Fresh Look at Dickinsonia: Removing It from Vendobionta

      2006, 80(5):636-642.

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      摘要:The Ediacaran Dickinsonia is well-known for being the only fossil to be assigned to many phyla, ranging from lichens, Cnidaria, Piatyheiminthes, Annelida, and a phylum of its own to a nonmetazoan kingdom. A new specimen from the Ediacaran fine-grained sandstone on the Winter Coast of the White Sea in northern Russia, which has an age of -555 million years ago, preserved convincing internal anatomies of definite animals, comparable with meridionai canals of extant ctenophores (comb jellies). Additionally, we reconsidered Dickinsonia as a biradiaily symmetrical animal rather than a bilateral one as previously thought. The animal nature of Dickinsonia is, thus, well established and its affinities are most probably allied to ctenophores. This research is not only removing Dickinsonia from Vendobionta, but also bringing the fossil record of ctenophores forward to 20 million years before the Cambrian "explosion".

    • On the Systematic Position of Eosipterus yangi Ji et Ji, 1997 among Pterodactyloids

      2006, 80(5):643-646.

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      摘要:1 Introduction Eosipterus yangi is the first pterosaur found from western Liaoning Province (Ji and Ji, 1997). Since then, more and more pterosaurs have been reported (Ji and Ji, 1998; Wang and Lü, 2001; Wang et al., 2002, 2005; Wang and Zhou, 2003, 2004; Lü, 2003; Ji et al., 2004; Lü and Ji, 2005a, b; Dong and Lü, 2005; Lü and Yuan, 2005; Lü and Zhang, 2005; Lü et al., 2006). Because Eosipterus yangi lacks skull, it is difficult to resolve its relationships to other pterodact…

    • Evolutionary Significance of Pylentonemid Radiolarians and Their Late Devonian Species from Southwestern Tianshan, China

      2006, 80(5):647-655.

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      摘要:A group of radiolarian fossils with a complete morphological gradient of increasing polarization are reported from upper Devonian successions in southwestern Tianshan, China. Specifically, the important transitional mophotypes, Pylentonema transitorum sp. nov., Archocyrtium medium sp. nov. and Quadrapesus transitivus sp. nov, were found. Based on the fact that the new transitional radiolarian fossils resemble more closely to pylentonemids (cyrtoid nassellarians) than to entactinids (spumellarians) in morphology, they are assigned to pylentonemids. Pylentonemids share characters of both the Nassellaria (e.g., horned cephalis, basal opening with pylome) and Spumellaria (e.g., system of trabecular spicules), and they are thus of evolutionary significance. The evolutionary trend from spumellarians to nassellarians is characterized by (1) internal spicule: from simple trabecular spicules to complicate components (A;Ir,II;D;V;Lr,Li;MB); (2) polarization of the radiolarian tests due to rearrangment of spine, from radial to an axial symmetry; (3) the gradual formation of a basal opening (aperture, pylome, or podome); and the transition from a pseudopylome, a primative pylome with a narrow margin on the outer shell, to a true pylome rimmed with a narrow, elevated impermite wall.

    • Luobusaite: A New Mineral

      2006, 80(5):656-659.

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      摘要:A group of mantle minerals including about 70-80 subtypes of minerals are discovered from a podiform chromitite in Tibet, China. Recovered minerals include diamond, coesite, moissanite, wustite, Fe-silides and a new mineral, luobusaite. All of these minerals were hand-picked from heavymineral separates of the podiform chromitite in the mantle peridotite of an ophiolite. The grains of luobusaite are as host mineral with inclusions of native silicon or as an intergrowth with native silicon and Fe-Si phase. Luobusaite occurs as irregular grains, with 0.1-0.2 mm in size, consisting of very finegrained aggregates. The mineral is steel-grey in color, metallic luster, and opaque. The empirical formula (based on 2 for Si) is Fe0.83Si2, according to the chemical compositions of luobusaite. X-ray powder-diffraction data: orthorhombic system, space group Cmca, a = 9.874 (14) A, b = 7.784 (5) A, c= 7.829(7) A, Z=16.

    • LA-ICPMS Zircon U-Pb Dating for Three Indosinian Granitic Plutons from Central Hunan and Western Guangdong Provinces and Its Petrogenetic Implications

      2006, 80(5):660-669.

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      摘要:1 Introduction Much attention has been paid to the structure, magmatism and sedimentation associated with the Indosinian Orogeny within the South China Block (SCB) since Deprat (1914) and Fromagat (1932) proposed the term “Indosinian movement” based on two unconformities between pre-Norian and pre-Rhaetian times during the early Triassic in Vietnam. However, this timing has been debated in terms of the Indosinian tectonic evolution within the SCB (Guo et al., 1983; Hsü et al., 1990…

    • Organic Carbon Isotope Geochemistry of the Neoproterozoic Doushantuo Formation, South China

      2006, 80(5):670-683.

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      摘要:The Neoproterozoic Doushantuo Formation on the Yangtze Platform, South China, documents a sedimentary succession with different sedimentary facies from carbonate platform to slope and to deep sea basin, and hosts one of the world-class phosphorite deposits. In these strata, exquisitely preserved fossils have been discovered: the Weng'an biota. This study presents carbon isotope geochemistry which is associated paired carbonate and organic matter from the Weng'an section of a carbonate platform (shelf of the Yangtze Platform, Guizhou Province) from the Songtao section and Nanming section of a transition belt (slope of the Yangtze Platform, Guizhou Province) and from the Yanwutan section (basin area of the Yangtze Platform, Hunan Province). Environmental variations and bio-events on the Yangtze Platform during the Late Neoproterozoic and their causal relationship are discussed. Negative carbon isotope values for carbonate and organic carbon (mean δ^13Corg = -35.0‰) from the uppermost Nantuo Formation are followed by an overall increase in δ^13C up-section. Carbon isotope values vary between -9.9‰ and 3.6‰ for carbonate and between -35.6‰ and -21.5‰ for organic carbon, respectively. Heavier δ^13Ccarb values suggest an increase in organic carbon burial, possibly related to increasing productivity (such as the Weng'an biota). The δ^13C values of the sediments from the Doushantuo Formation decreased from the platform via the slope to basin, reflecting a reduced environment with minor dissolved inorganic carbon possibly due to a lower primary productivity. It is deduced that the classical upwelling process, the stratification structure and the hydrothermal eruption are principally important mechanisms to interpret the carbon isotopic compositions of the sediments from the Doushantuo Formation.

    • Reservoir Potential of Silurian Carbonate Mud Mounds in the Southern Sichuan Basin, Central China

      2006, 80(5):684-692.

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      摘要:Lower Silurian mud mounds of the Shinuilan Formation, located in the southern Sichuan Basin, China, have developed in open shelf settings in deeper water than shallow-water reef-bearing limestones that occur in the region. An integration of the outcrop, drill data and seismic profiles show that contemporaneous faults have controlled the boundary and distribution of the sedimentary facies of Lower Silurian rocks in the southern Sichuan Basin. Mounds appear to have developed in the topographic lows formed by synsedimentary faulting, on the sheff of the Yangtze Platform. Average mound thickness is 20 m, maximum 35 m. Mounds are composed mainly of micrite, possibly microbially bound, and are overlain by shales. Mound tops are preferentially dolomitized, with the Mg^2+ source probably from the clay content of the mound-top carbonate. Microfacies analysis and reconstruction of the diagenetic history reveal that the mound tops have higher porosity, and are gas targets; in contrast, mound cores and limbs show pores filled by three generations of calcite cement, and therefore have a low gas potential.

    • Application of Multi-well Subsidence Analysis of the Beryl Embayment,Viking Graben, Northern North Sea

      2006, 80(5):693-704.

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      摘要:1 Introduction A series of studies have indicated that there were two extensional phases in the North Sea (Fig. 1). An earlier period (Late Permian-Early Triassic) of rifting occurred widely in these areas, with predominant extension direction of W-E (F?rseth, 1996; F?rseth et al., 1997). In contrast to the widely distributed Permo-Triassic extension, Jurassic extension in the North Sea were generally much more localized into the three main rift arms (Fig. 1): the Viking Graben, Moray…

    • The Gaojiacun Mafic-Ultramafic Complex (Sichuan, SW China):Neoproterozoic Magmatic Activity at the Western Margin of the Yangtze Craton

      2006, 80(5):705-723.

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      摘要:1 Introduction The Gaojiacun intrusive complex is one of the numerous ultramafic-mafic intrusions in Sichuan Province of China. It was mapped during the 1970s and studied mainly by Chinese scientists (e.g. Geological Team 106, 1975; Shen et al., 1986, 1989; CGGJC, 1986; Yang et al., 1993; Li et al., 1995; Shen et al., 2003; Zhu et al., 2004a). Since the year 2000, China has become one of the largest PGE consumers. While the country can produce only less than 1 ton PGE/year, the Chin…

    • Earthquake-related Tectonic Deformation of Soft-sediments and Its Constraints on Basin Tectonic Evolution

      2006, 80(5):724-732.

      摘要 (1995) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (98) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:The authors introduced two kinds of newly found soft-sediment deformation-synsedimentary extension structure and syn-sedimentary compression structure, and discuss their origins and constraints on basin tectonic evolution. One representative of the syn-sedimentary extension structure is syn-sedimentary boudinage structure, while the typical example of the syn-sedimentary compression structure is compression sand pillows or compression wrinkles. The former shows NW-SE-trendlng contemporaneous extension events related to earthquakes in the rift basin near a famous Fe-Nb-REE deposit in northern China during the Early Paleozoic (or Mesoproterozoic as proposed by some researches), while the latter indicates NE-SW-trending contemporaneous compression activities related to earthquakes in the Middle Triassic in the Nanpanjiang remnant basin covering south Guizhou, northwestern Guangxi and eastern Yunnan in southwestern China. The syn-sedimentary boudinage structure was found in an earthquake slump block in the lower part of the Early Paleozoic Sailinhudong Group, 20 km to the southeast of Bayan Obo, Inner Mongolia, north of China. The slump block is composed of two kinds of very thin layers-pale-gray micrite (microcrystalline limestone) of 1-2 cm thick interbedded with gray muddy micrite layers with the similar thickness. Almost every thin muddy micrite layer was cut into imbricate blocks or boudins by abundant tiny contemporaneous faults, while the interbedded micrite remain in continuity. Boudins form as a response to layer-parallel extension (and/or layer-perpendicular flattening) of stiff layers enveloped top and bottom by mechanically soft layers. In this case, the imbricate blocks cut by the tiny contemporaneous faults are the result of abrupt horizontal extension of the crust in the SE-NW direction accompanied with earthquakes. Thus, the rock block is, in fact, a kind of seismites. The syn-sedimentary boudins indicate that there was at least a strong earthquake belt on the southeast side of the basin during the early stage of the Sailinhudong Group. This may be a good constraint on the tectonic evolution of the Bayan Obo area during the Early Paleozoic time. The syn-sedimentary compression structure was found in the Middle Triassic flysch in the Nanpanjiang Basin. The typical structures are compression sand pillows and compression wrinkles. Both of them were found on the bottoms of sand units and the top surface of the underlying mud units. In other words, the structures were found only in the interfaces between the graded sand layer and the underlying mud layer of the flysch. A deformation experiment with dough was conducted, showing that the tectonic deformation must have been instantaneous one accompanied by earthquakes. The compression sand pillows or wrinkles showed uniform directions along the bottoms of the sand layer in the flysch, revealing contemporaneous horizontal compression during the time between deposition and diagenesis of the related beds. The Nanpanjiang Basin was affected, in general, with SSW-NNE compression during the Middle Triassic, according to the syn-sedimentary compression structure. The two kinds of syn-sedimentary tectonic deformation also indicate that the related basins belong to a rift basin and a remnant basin, respectively, in the model of Wilson Cycle.

    • LA-ICPMS Zircon U-Pb Dating in the Jurassic Daohugou Beds and Correlative Strata in Ningcheng of Inner Mongolia

      2006, 80(5):733-742.

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      摘要:LA-ICPMS Zircon U-Pb dating is applied to volcanic rocks overlying and underlying the Salamander-bearing bed in the Daohugou beds of Ningcheng in Inner Mongola and Reshuichang of Lingyuan and Mazhangzi of Jianping in western Liaoning. The results indicate that the youngest age of the rocks in Daohugou of Ningcheng is 158 Ma, and the oldest one is 164 Ma. Synthesized researches indicate that the salamander-bearing beds in Daohugou of Ningcheng, Reshuichang of Lingyuan and Mazhangzi of Jianping were developed in the same period. The Daohugou beds were formed in the geological age of 164-158 Ma of the middle-late Jurassic. Whilst, the Daohugou beds and its corrdative strata should correspond to the Tiaojishan Formation (or Lanqi Formation) of the middle Jurassic in northern Hebei Province and western Liaoning Province, based on the disconformity between the Daohugou beds and its overlaying beds of the Tuchengzi Formation of Late Jurassic and the Jehol Beds of early Cretaceous, and the disconformity between the Daohugou Beds and its underlying Jiulongshan Formation, which is composed of conglomerate, sandstone, shale with coal and thin coal beds.

    • Groundwater Systems and Eco-hydrological Features in the Main Karst Regions of China

      2006, 80(5):743-753.

      摘要 (2005) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (109) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:1 Introduction Karst topography is widespread in China (Lu et al., 1973; Lu, 1986a), but its basic features are quite different in the main karstified areas in southern and northern China (Lu, 1999, 2003). The karst development appears to differ not only in the karst geomorphological types but also in the forms of the different karst water systems. The eco-hydrological features have obviously been influenced by human activities. The eco-hydrogeology is thus of great importance to study. Th…

    • A New Method to Identify Quaternary Moraine:Acoustic Emission Stress Measurement

      2006, 80(5):754-758.

      摘要 (1936) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (111) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:How to effectively identify glacial sediments, especially Quaternary moraine, has been in dispute for decades. The traditional methods, e.g., sedimentary and geomorphologic ones, are facing challenge in eastern China where controversial moraine deposits are dominatingly distributed. Here, for the first time, we introduce the acoustic emission (AE) stress measurement, a kind of historical stress measurement, to identify Quaternary moraine. The results demonstrate that it can be employed to reconstruct stress information of glaciation remaining in gravels, and may shed light on the identification of Quaternary moraine in eastern China. First, we measured the AE stress of gravels of glacial origin that are underlying the Xidatan Glacier, eastern Kunlun Mountains in western China. Second, we calculated the stress according to the actual thickness of the glacier. The almost identical stress values suggest that the glacial gravels can memorize and preserve the overlying glacier-derived aplomb stress. And then we introduce this new approach to the controversial moraine in Mount Lushan, eastern China. The results indicate that the stress is attributed to the Quaternary glacier, and the muddy gravels in the controversial moraine in Mount Lushan are moraine deposits but not others.

    • Chemical Composition of Ancient Celadon Material (1127-1279 A.D.) from Zhejiang, China and Its Implication

      2006, 80(5):759-762.

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      摘要:The microprobe EDXRF equipment was used for analysis of the major and trace elements in glaze layer-transitive layer-body layer of the celadon from the Altar Yao (Kiln) and Laohudong Yao in the Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279 A.D.), Zhejiang, China. The K values of the discriminant factor for the celadon wares are larger than 8, which means the celadon of the Altar Yao and Laohudong Yao are different from that of the Longquan Yao. The former two belong to the Guan Yao system (the Chinese imperial kilns), but the latter to the Min Yao system (the Chinese popular kilns). The principle component analysis shows their relationship between the Altar and Laohudong wares with provenance postulation. The thickness of the transitive layer in the Altar and Laohudong wares is obviously different, which reveals the microstructure characteristics of the celadon even though both kinds of wares belong to the imperial kiln system.

    • Study on Swell Pressure Stress of Bentonite in Geosynthetic Clay Liners

      2006, 80(5):763-769.

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      摘要:1 Introduction Bentonite is a valuable industrial material, which is composed mainly of montmorillonite. Due to many particular characteristics such as strong water sorbility, dilatability, stickiness, high ion-exchangeable capacity, Bentonite has been used widely in many fields of application, including petroleum, metallurgy and chemical industry, textile industry, medical application, construction, mining, agriculture, environment (Koch, 2002; Wang and Wu, 2002; Wagner and Schnatmeyer, 20…

    • Abstracts of Acta Geologica Sinica (Chinese Edition) Vol. 80, No. 9, 2006

      2006, 80(5):770-777.

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      摘要:Early Processes and Tectonic Model for the India-Asia Continental Collision: Evidence from the Cenozoic Gangdise Igneous Rocks in Tibet HOU Zengqian1, MO Xuanxue2, GAO Yongfeng3, YANG Zhiming1, DONG Guochen2 and DING Lin4 (1. Institute of Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Beijing 100037; 2. China University of Geosciences, Beijing 100083; 3. Shijiazhuang College of Economy, Shijiazhuang, Hebei 050031; 4. Institute of Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, China Academy …

    • Abstracts of Acta Geologica Sinica (Chinese Edition) Vol. 80, No. 10, 2006

      2006, 80(5):778-782.

      摘要 (1318) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (115) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:Petroliferous Provinces in China and the World: A Compaison from Tectonic Point of View REN Jishun, DENG Ping, XIAO Liwei, NIU Baogui and WANG Jun (Institute of Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Beijing 100037) The comparison of petroliferous provinces of China with those of the world indicates marked differences beween them. The world’s oil and gas regions, which, in general, experienced monocyclic evolution in the geological history, are dominated by marine, e…

主编 :侯增谦

主管单位 :中国科学技术协会

主办单位 :中国地质学会

创刊 :1922年

国际标准刊号 :ISSN 1000-9515

国内统一刊号 :CN 11-2001

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