主编 :侯增谦
主管单位 :中国科学技术协会
主办单位 :中国地质学会
创刊 :1922年
国际标准刊号 :ISSN 1000-9515
国内统一刊号 :CN 11-2001
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LIU Jianni , HAN Jian , LI Jinshu , WU Yichen , PENG Jie , QI Nan , YANG Yiyao , LI Juan
2016, 90(6):1939-1945.
摘要:The Guanshan Biota from the Cambrian Stage 4 Wulongqing Formation is a typical Burgess-shale type Lagerst?tte that had witnessed the Cambrian explosion. Here we report two new localities of the Guanshan Biota, which is located at Baimei village, south of Kunming and Xinglong village, Wuding County, Yunnan Province respectively. Both localities produce soft-body fossils and several new taxa, e.g. a new species of palaeoscolecidans (Palaeoscolex xinglongensis sp. nov.) reported herein. The comparative study of the new species with similar form not only indicates that there is a diversification of palaeoscolecid species in Guanshan Biota, but also strengthens the ties between the older Chengjiang Biota and the younger Kaili Biota (and also the coeval Burgess Shale community). Three paleoecological features, including high diversity, little disparity and richness of palaeoscolecid worms, are summarized as a case study to represent the differences between Guanshan and Chengjiang Biota.
LEE Jeong-Hyun , KIM Byeong-Jun , LIANG Kun , PARK Tae-Yoon S. , CHOH Suk-Joo , LEE Dong-Jin , WOO Jusun
2016, 90(6):1946-1954.
摘要:Mid to late Cambrian thrombolites and maze-like maceriate reefs from the western North China Platform, Wuhai, Inner Mongolia, northwestern China, occur in the middle of a succession dominated by thin-bedded lime mudstone-shale/marlstone alternations, and are laterally surrounded by limestone conglomerate and/or grainstone. Thrombolite, characterized by meter-scale lenticular mounds composed of millimeter- to centimeter-scale mesoclots and wackestone matrix, occurs in the lower middle part of the sequence. Thrombolite mesoclots are composed of microstromatolites with alternating dark gray and light gray micritic laminae. The maze-like maceriate reefs occur in the middle to the upper part of the sequence, commonly forming lenticular mounds up to 1 m thick. They are characterized by centimeter- to decimeter-scale branched maze-like structures, whose biogenic portions (maceria) are selectively dolomitized. The maceriae are composed of poorly preserved microstromatolites and siliceous sponges. Inter-macerial sediments consist of lime mud and scattered bioclasts. These Wuhai reefs are generally similar to but older than various other Cambrian reefs previously reported from the Shandong region, northeastern China.
LEE Seung-Bae , LEE Dong-Chan , WOO Jusun , ZHANG Xingliang
2016, 90(6):1955-1975.
摘要:New morphologic information permits systematic revision of trilobites from the Middle Ordovician Klimoli Formation of the Zhuozishan area, Ordos Basin, Inner Mongolia. The new assemblage is composed of 10 species of the Raphiophoridae, Nileidae, Asaphidae, and Telephinidae.? An asaphid, aff. Mioptychopyge lashachungensis (previously Paraptychopyge lashachungensis) displays an intermediate morphology between the Chinese nobiliasaphine genera Mioptychopyge and Zhenganites. The pygidial doublure is regarded as the most significant character to differentiate Symphysurus klimoliensis (previously Nileus klimoliensis) of the Nileidae from such closely allied taxa as Poronileus. A nileid, cf. Peraspis kujandensis displays typical nileid morphology, unlike the type species, Peraspis lineolata, which might turn out to be an asaphid. Ampyx gongwusuensis sp. nov. of the Raphiophoridae is the first record of the genus in the Zhuozishan area and reveals morphologic details that might be employed to resolve Ampyx taxonomy in China. Morphologic differences between A. gongwusuensis and Abulbaspis ordosensis might represent a case of sexual dimorphism.
CHOI Duck K. , LEE Jeong Gu , LEE Seung-Bae , PARK , Tae-Yoon S. , HONG Paul S.
2016, 90(6):1976-1999.
摘要:In Korea, trilobites are among the most intensively studied fossil groups in the past century and provide invaluable information about lower Paleozoic stratigraphy, paleogeography, and tectonics of the Korean Peninsula. Trilobites occur in the lower Paleozoic Joseon Supergroup of the Taebaeksan Basin which was part of the Sino-Korean Craton in the Paleozoic. The Joseon Supergroup is divided into the Taebaek, Yeongwol, and Mungyeong groups. The Taebaek and Yeongwol groups are richly fossiliferous, while the Mungyeong Group is poorly fossiliferous. Contrasting trilobite faunal contents of the Taebaek and Yeongwol groups resulted in two separate biostratigraphic schemes for the Cambrian–Ordovician of the Taebaeksan Basin. A total of 22 biozones or fossiliferous horizons were recognized in the Taebaek Group; 19 zones were established in the Yeongwol Group; and four biozones were known from the Mungyeong Group. These trilobite biozones of the Taebaeksan Basin indicate the Joseon Supergroup ranges in age from the Cambrian Series 2 to Middle Ordovician and can be correlated well with the formations of North China, South China, and Australia.
Ntokozo MALAZA , LIU Ken , ZHAO Baojin
2016, 90(6):2000-2007.
摘要:The subsidence history of the Soutpansberg Basin was reconstructed by a tectonic subsidence analysis coupled with backstripping calculations based on data of newly interpreted sequence boundaries. Furthermore, burial and time plots were constructed in order to understand the burial and thermal history of the basin. Input data were based on facies, lithostratigraphic models and tectonic interpretations. The studied succession is up to 1000 m and is underlain by the Achaean Limpopo Mobile Belt. The subsidence within the basin supports the primary graben system which must have been centred within the present basins, and later became a region of faulting. The subsidence and burial history curves suggests two phases of rapid subsidence during the Early-Late Permian (300–230 Ma) and Middle Triassic (215–230 Ma). The areas of greater extension subsided more rapidly during these intervals. Two slow subsidence phases are observed during the Late Triassic (215–198 Ma) and Early Jurassic (198–100 Ma). These intervals represent the post-rift thermal subsidence and are interpreted as slow flexural subsidence. Based on these observations on the subsidence curves, it is possible to infer that the first stage of positive inflexion (300 Ma) is therefore recognised as the first stage of the Soutpansberg Basin formation.
TIAN Hongshui , ZHANG Shenhe , ZHANG Aishe
2016, 90(6):2008-2021.
摘要:Three identical model boxes were made from transparent plexiglass and angle iron. Using the method of sinking water and according to the sedimentary rhythm of saturated calcium carbonate (lime-mud) intercalated with cohesive soil, calcites with particle sizes diameters of ≤ 5 μm, 10–15 μm and 23–30 μm as well as cohesive soil were sunk alternatively in water of three boxes to build three test models, each of which has a specific size of calcite. Pore water pressure gauges were buried in lime-mud layers at different depths in each model, and connected with a computer system to collect pore water pressures. By means of soil tests, physical property parameters and plasticity indices (Ip) were obtained for various grain-sized saturated lime-muds. The lime-muds with Ip ranging from 6.3 to 8.5 (lower than 10) are similar to liquid saturated silt in the physical nature, indicating that saturated silt can be liquefied once induced by a strong earthquake. One model cart was pushed quickly along the length direction of the model so that its rigid wheels collided violently with the stone stair, thus generating an artificial earthquake with seismic wave magnitude greater than VI degree. When unidirectional cyclic seismic load of horizontal compression-tension-shear was imposed on the soil layers in the model, enough great pore water pressure has been accumulated within pores of lime-mud, resulting in liquefaction of lime-mud layers. Meanwhile, micro-fractures formed in each soil layer provided channels for liquefaction dewatering, resulting in formation of macroscopic liquefaction deformation, such as liquefied lime-mud volcanoes, liquefied diapir structures, vein-like liquefied structures and liquefied curls, etc. Splendid liquefied lime-mud eruption lasted for two to three hours, which is similar to the sand volcano eruption induced by strong earthquake. However, under the same artificial seismic conditions, development of macroscopic liquefied structures in three experimental models varied in shape, depth and quantity, indicating that excess pore water pressure ratios at initial liquefaction stage and complete liquefaction varied with depth. With size increasing of calcite particle in lime-mud, liquefied depth and deformation extent increase accordingly. The simulation test verifies for the first time that strong earthquakes may cause violent liquefaction of saturated lime-mud composed of micron-size calcite particles, uncovering the puzzled issue whether seafloor lime-mud can be liquefied under strong earthquake. This study not only provides the latest simulation data for explaining the earthquake-induced liquefied deformations of saturated lime-mud and seismic sedimentary events, but also is of great significance for analysis of foundation stability in marine engineering built on the soft calcium carbonate layers in neritic environment.
MENG Wen , GUO Changbao , ZHANG Yongshuang , DU Yuben , ZHANG Min , BAO Linhai , ZHANG Peng
2016, 90(6):2022-2035.
摘要:the India and Eurasia plates. Knowledge of the stress state is critical to evaluate the crustal stability and the design of underground excavations. Because of the limitations imposed by natural conditions, little research has been performed on the present crustal in situ stress in the Tibetan Plateau, and further study is imperative. In this study, hydraulic fracturing measurements were conducted in Nyching County (LZX) and Lang County (LX), Lhasa terrane to characterize the shallow crustal stress state. The results indicate that the stress state in the LZX borehole is markedly different from that in the LX borehole, in both magnitude and orientation. At the same measurement depths, the magnitudes of horizontal principal stresses in the LX borehole are 1.5–3.0 times larger than those in the LZX borehole. The stress regime in the LX borehole favors reverse faulting characterized by SH>Sh>Sv, where SH, Sh, and Sv are maximum horizontal, minimum horizontal, and vertical principal stresses, respectively. The SH and Sh values are approximately three and two times greater than Sv. Fracture impression results reveal that SH in the LX borehole are predominantly N–S, while in the LZX borehole the maximum horizontal principal stress is mainly in the NNE-direction. The heterogeneity of the regional stress state might be a result of the population and distribution of local structures and seismic activities. The stress state in the LX borehole has exceeded the critical state of failure equilibrium, and there is an optimally orientated pre-existing fault near the borehole. It can be concluded that the optimally orientated fault is likely to be active when the stress has built up sufficiently to destroy the frictional equilibrium; it is suggested that research focus should be placed on this in future. The stress states in boreholes LZX and LX indicate uniformity of the regional stress field and diversity of the local stress fields resulting from the interactions among regional dynamic forces, tectonic stress field, and geological structures.
SHAN Houxiang , ZHAI Mingguo , DEY Sukanta
2016, 90(6):2049-2065.
摘要:TTG (Tonalite-Trondhjemite-Granodiorite) gneisses, a major component of Precambrian continental crust, play a significant role in understanding the process and mechanism of the crustal evolution in the early periods of the Earth. In terms of field occurrence, there are two kinds of Archean TTGs in the NCC (North China Craton): intercalated and non-intercalated TTGs. In this contribution, we make a comprehensive comparison of these two types of TTGs from the typical areas (Lushan and Hengshan) in the NCC with an aim to constrain their petrogenesis. The results suggest that they have similar mineral assemblages of Pl + Qtz + Bt ± Amp ± Kfs but different field appearances and geochemical compositions, thus probably reflecting different source materials and tectonic settings. Differences in the contents of characteristic elements, such as Sr, REE and HFSE, suggest that the non-intercalated TTGs in Hengshan were generated at deeper levels than those of intercalated TTGs in Lushan. Constraints from element contents and geochemical modeling results are consistent with derivation from dual sources involving both garnet amphibolite and rutile-bearing eclogite residues for the non-intercalated TTGs in Hengshan, whereas the compositions of intercalated TTGs in Lushan indicate that they were formed by partial melting with amphibolite to garnet-amphibolite residues. Moreover, accumulation of plagioclase is also required in the petrogenesis of intercalated TTGs in Lushan, at least for part of them. In addition, the non-intercalated TTGs in Hengshan display distinctly higher MgO, Mg#, Cr and Ni values and lower SiO2 average contents compared to the intercalated TTGs in Lushan. These features suggest that the former magma, at least a part, might have interacted with the mantle wedge during ascent. Considering all the above factors and in combination with the whole-rock Nd and zircon Hf isotopic data, it is suggested that the non-intercalated TTGs in Hengshan were produced by partial melting of subducted slab contaminated by the overlying mantle wedge at deeper levels and high pressures, whereas the intercalated TTGs in Lushan were generated by melting of the thickened lower crust at lower pressures and shallower depths. The tectonic settings of the two types of TTGs shed new light on the growth of the NCC.
ZHANG Zhenjie , CHENG Qiuming , YAO Lingqing , BAI Huishan , LI Cheng
2016, 90(6):2066-2079.
摘要:The Wurinitu Mo deposit is one of the newly found molybdenum deposits in the southwestern part of the late Paleozoic–Mesozoic Erenhot–Dong-Ujimqin metallogenic belt (S-EDMB), Inner Mongolia, China. In the present study, the mineralization age of the Wurinitu deposit is constrained to 137.3 ± 1.3 to 131.9 ± 1.5 Ma based on a combination of the laser ablation–inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry (LA–ICP–MS) zircon U–Pb dating of the mineralization related fine-grained monzonitic granite and the post-mineralization granite porphyry. The results of zircon Lu–Hf isotopes, combined with the geochemical characteristics of the granites in the S-EDMB, suggest that the Wurinitu Mo deposit was formed in an extensional environment in relation to the subduction of the Paleo-Pacific plate in late Mesozoic. The Wurinitu deposit shares similarities with the classical Climax-type porphyry molybdenum deposits in tectonic setting, mineral assemblages, and metal zonation.
ZHU Decheng , Lü Dawei , SHEN Xiaoli , YANG Qing , LI Dandan , REN Tianlong , YANG Shipeng
2016, 90(6):2080-2096.
摘要:During the 1:50000 regional geological survey in Jimo, east Shandong Province, Paleoproterozoic metamorphic supracrustal rocks and Neoproterozoic metamorphic plutonite were newly discovered. These rocks displayed inclusions which had occurred in the Mesozoic granite, and the main lithologies are schist, granulite, marble, and granitic gneiss. Geochemical analyses suggest that Neoproterozoic metamorphic plutonite are characterized by high-K, metaluminous to weakly peraluminous. They are enriched in LILE and depleted in HFSE, with moderately enrichment of LREE, weak fractionation of LREE from HREE and negative Eu anomalies. The surface age of plutonic rocks in the survey area is 770.2±2.4 Ma, representing the age of magma crystallization, which is agreement with the the Neoproterozoic magmatic event after Rodinia supercontinent in the northern margin of Southern China continental block. In addition, the age of sporadic distribution (298 Ma and 269 Ma) is mixed zircon age, representing the rocks experienced metamorphism in Indosinian period. According to the associated mineral assemblages, and the characteristic metamorphic minerals and temperature pressure conditions, four metamorphic facies were identified, including amphibolitic, epidote amphibolite, greenschist, and mid-high pressure greenschist. Analysis of tectonic setting suggests that granitic gneiss is formed in an extensional environment and was involved from the continental margin magmatic arc to intraplate environment. Jimo is distributed in the east of Zhuwu fault, and has the same Spatial distribution location with the Weihai uplift UHP metamorphic belt rocks. The metamorphic rocks in Jimo area have similar geochemical characteristics of elements, tectonic setting and retrograde metamorphism with that in the Sulu UHP metamorphic belt. Therefore, Zhuwu fault may be the boundary fault of Sulu UHP metamorphic belt.
GUO Ying , WANG Huan , LI Xiang , DONG Shirong
2016, 90(6):2097-2103.
摘要:We tested 288 pieces of the polished cabochon jadeite-jade with high quality green and smooth surfaces using the colorimeter Color i5 based on the CIE 1976 L*a*b* uniform color space. The color changes after alternating three CIE standard light sources D65, A and CWF were compared, and the degree of metamerism was evaluated. The results show that the CIE standard light sources D65, A and CWF increase the chroma of green and turn bluish green into vivid green, which are similar or to nearly colorless and transparent glass-like samples with fine textures. When the three light sources were individually alternated, the lightness of the jadeite-jades showed little change, but the tone changed significantly. Metamerism occurred only in 3 pairs among the 16 samples that were selected by cluster analysis for quality, and the metamerism colors were highly consistent of L*D65∈(43.47, 46.75), C*D65∈(65.20, 68.80) and ho*D65∈(138.10, 140.23). We can conclude that the jadeite-jade green gradually turns to blue when the color temperature of the light source increases. But when considering both the light sources and the samples, D65 is more suitable to be the light source of jadeite-jade green when compared with the light sources CWF and A. Compared with the CIE standard green and high chroma green, high-quality jadeite-jade green has a slight yellow tone, low lightness and high chroma. The special metamerism index decreased to 1 when the light source alternated among D65, A and CWF. Therefore, the color of jadeite-jade green might be slightly influenced by alternating of the light sources.
JIN Ruoshi , MIAO Peisen , SIMA Xianzhang , LI Jianguo , ZHAO Hualei , ZHAO Fengqing , FEN Xiaoxi , CHEN Yin , CHEN Lulu , ZHAO Lijun , ZHU Qiang
2016, 90(6):2104-2116.
摘要:In Northern China, sandstone-type uranium (U) deposits are mostly developed in Mesozoic-Cenozoic basins. These U deposits are usually hosted in unvarying horizons within the basins and exhibit typical U-forming sedimentary associations, which is referred to as U-bearing rock series. This study describes the structural features of U-bearing rock series within the main Mesozoic-Cenozoic U-producing continental basins in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Russia in the western segment of the Central Asian Metallogenic Belt (CAMB), and Northern China in the eastern segment of the CAMB. We analyze the basic structural conditions and sedimentary environments of U-bearing rock series in Northern China and classify their structural styles in typical basins into river valley, basin margin, and intrabasin uplift margin types. The intrabasin uplift margin structural style proposed in this study can be used to indicate directions for the exploration of sandstone-type U deposits hosted in the center of a basin. At the same time, the study of structural style provides a new idea for exploring sandstone-type U deposits in Mesozoic-Cenozoic basins and it is of great significance to prospecting of sandstone-type uranium deposits.
JIAO Yangquan , WU Liqun , RONG Hui , PENG Yunbiao , MIAO Aisheng , WANG Xiaoming
2016, 90(6):2117-2132.
摘要:Outcrop and drill hole data show that the Jurassic coal measures in the northeastern Ordos Basin are composed mainly of the Yan’an Formation and the lowstand system tract of the Zhiluo Formation, and there is a regional unconformity between them. The Dongsheng uranium deposit is associated with the Jurassic coal measures. Research data indicate that the Jurassic coal measures in the study area have a certain hydrocarbon-generating capacity, although the metamorphic grade is low (Ro=0.40%–0.58%). In the Dongsheng region alone, the accumulative amount of generated coalbed methane (CBM) is about 2028.29 × 108 –2218.72 × 108 m3; the residual amount is about 50.92 × 108 m3, and the lost amount is about 1977 × 108 m3. Analysis of the burial history of the host rocks and the evolutionary history of the Dongsheng uranium deposit suggests that the Jurassic coal measures generated hydrocarbon mainly from Middle Jurassic to Early Crataceous, which is the main mineralization phase of the Dongsheng uranium deposit. By the Late Cretaceous, a mass of CBM dissipated due to the strong tectonic uplift, and the Dongsheng uranium deposit stepped into the preservation phase. Therefore, the low-mature hydrocarbon-containing fluid in the Jurassic coal measures not only served as a reducing agent for the formation of sandstone-type uranium deposits, but also rendered the second reduction of paleo-interlayer oxidation zone and become the primary reducing agent for ore conservation. Regional strata correlation reveals that the sandstone-type uranium reservoir at the bottom of the Zhiluo Formation is in contact with the underlying industrial coal seams in the Yan’an Formation through incision or in the form of an unconformity surface. In the Dongsheng region with poorly developed fault systems, the unconformity surface and scour surface served as the main migration pathways for low-mature hydrocarbon-containing fluid migrating to the uranium reservoir.
DING Kangle , MEI Ping , LUO Yue
2016, 90(6):2133-2148.
摘要:Sulfate rocks and organic sulfur from sedimentary organic matter are conventionally assumed as the original sulfur sources for hydrogen sulfide (H2S) in oil and gas reservoirs. However, a few recent experiments preliminarily indicate that the association of pyrite and hydrocarbons may also have implications for H2S generation, in which water effects and natural controls on the evolution of pyrite sulfur into OSCs and H2S have not been evaluated. In this study, laboratory experiments were conducted from 200 to 450°C to investigate chemical interactions between pyrite and hydrocarbons under hydrothermal conditions. Based on the experimental results, preliminary mechanism and geochemical implications were tentatively discussed. Results of the experiments showed that decomposition of pyrite produced H2S and thiophenes at as low as 330°C in the presence of water and n-pentane. High concentrations of H2S were generated above 450°C under closed pyrolysis conditions no matter whether there is water in the designed experiments. However, much more organic sulfur compounds (OSCs) were formed in the hydrous pyrolysis than in anhydrous pyrolysis. Generally, most of sulfur liberated from pyrite at elevated temperatures was converted to H2S. Water was beneficial to breakdown of pyrite and to decomposition of alkanes into olefins but not essential to formation of large amounts of H2S, given the main hydrogen source derived from hydrocarbons. In addition, cracking of pyrite in the presence of 1-octene under hydrous conditions was found to proceed at 200°C, producing thiols and alkyl sulfides. Unsaturated hydrocarbons would be more reactive intermediates involved in the breakdown of pyrite than alkanes. The geochemistry of OSCs is actually controlled by various geochemical factors such as thermal maturity and the carbon chain length of the alkanes. This study indicates that the scale of H2S gas generated in deep buried carbonate reservoirs via interactions between pyrite and natural gas should be much smaller than that of thermochemical sulfate reduction (TSR) due to the scarcity of pyrite in carbonate reservoirs and the limited amount of long-chained hydrocarbons in natural gas. Nevertheless, in some cases, OSCs and/or low contents of H2S found in deep buried reservoirs may be associated with the deposited pyrite-bearing rock and organic matters (hydrocarbons), which still needs further investigation.
WANG Guojian , TANG Yuping , CHENG Tongjin , TANG Junhong , FAN Ming , LU Li
2016, 90(6):2149-2162.
摘要:The formation mechanisms and processes of geochemical anomalies used as proxies in surface geochemistry exploration (SGE) have not been well understood. Previous studies cannot realize 3D measurement of microseeping hydrocarbons from reservoirs to the surface, which made it difficult to understand the features and pathways of deep hydrocarbon microseepages. Understanding the processes of hydrocarbon microseepages will contribute to the acceptance and effectiveness of surface geochemistry. Based on a simplified geological model of hydrocarbon microseepages, including hydrocarbon reservoir, direct caprock, overlying strata and Quaternary sediments, this work established a 3D experimental system to simulate the mechanisms and processes of deep hydrocarbon microseepes extending to the surface. The dispersive halos of microseeping hydrocarbons in the subsurface were adequately described by using this 3D experimental system. Results indicate that different migration patterns of hydrocarbons above the point gas source within the simulated caprock and overlying strata can be reflected by the ratio of i-butane to n-butane (i-C4/n-C4), which follow diffusion and infiltration (buoyancy) mechanisms. This is not the case for vertical measurement lines far from the point gas source. A vertical gas flow in the form of a plume was found during hydrocarbon microseepage. For sampling methods, the high-density grid sampling is favorable for delineating prospecting targets. Hydrocarbon infiltration or buoyancy flow occurs in the zones of infiltration clusters, coupling with a diffusion mechanism at the top of the water table and forming surface geochemical anomalies. These results are significant in understanding hydrocarbon microseepage and interpreting SGE data.
ZHAO Junfeng , LIU Chiyang , HUANG Lei , MOUNTNEY Nigel , HAN Shaojia , LIU Peng , HU Junhao
2016, 90(6):2163-2181.
摘要:The third member of Shahejie Formation (Sha-3 member; 42–38Ma of Eocene) in the Bozhong Depression, offshore Bohai Bay Basin was subject to multiple post-depositional modifications. The present structural framework of the Bozhong Depression, which is characterized by sags alternating with uplifts, does not reflect its original sedimentary pattern. Previous studies have not discussed the post-depositional modification of this succession, including the sedimentary pattern variations and the depositional geodynamic setting. This work determined the characteristics of the post-depositional modification and original sedimentary pattern of the Bozhong Depression through analysis of seismic data, well-log data and fission-track ages. The results demonstrate that the Shijiutuo rise, a major structural feature of the current basin, did not exist during the major depositional stage of the Sha-3 member, when the Qinnan sag was largely connected to the Bozhong sag to form a single contiguous deposition area within the basin. By contrast, the Shaleitian and Chengbei rises, located in the western part of the Bozhong Depression, have existed before the depositional period of the Eocene Sha-3 member; these features were manifested as syn-depositional tilted fault blocks, the uplifted footwall blocks of which provided sediments for the neighboring Shanan and Chengbei sags. The western part of the Bonan low rise, located in the southern part of the Bozhong Depression, did not experience uplifting during the depositional phase of the Eocene Sha-3 member. The Huanghekou sag was connected with the Bozhong sag in the western part of the Bozhong Depression. The original sedimentary boundary of the southern Miaoxi sag possibly extended eastward about 10 km and connected with the Bozhong sag at its northern part. The present-day Bodong low rise, which is bounded by the Tan–Lu fault zone, also formed after the depositional period of Eocene Sha-3 member. It is thus concluded that the Bozhong Depression formed a connected large-scale sub-basin during the depositional stage of the Eocene Sha-3 member. Several neighboring sags that are now separated by rises, including the Qinnan, Shanan, Chengbei, Huanghekou, Miaoxi and Bodong sags, formed a single contiguous depositional area during the Eocene. The significant differences between the present and original basin patter and framework provide valuable information for better understanding the history of basin inversion and its impact on related hydrocarbon-system evolution.
RAN Bo , LIU Shugen , Luba JANSA , SUN Wei , YANG Di , WANG Shiyu , YE Yuehao , Christopher XIAO , ZHANHG Jian , ZHAI Cangbo , LUO Chao , ZHANG Changjun
2016, 90(6):2182-2205.
摘要:The Upper Ordovician-Lower Silurian Longmaxi Shale in the Upper Yangtze block represents one of the most important shale gas plays in China. The shale composition, porosity, organic thermal maturity, and methane sorption were investigated at the Qilongcun section in the Dingshan area, southeastern Sichuan Basin. The results show that the Upper Ordovician-Lower Silurian Longmaxi Shale contains: (1) sapropelic I organic matter; (2) a 40-m thick bedded sequence where total organic carbon (TOC) content is > 2%; (3) a 30-m thick layer at the base of the Longmaxi Shale with a brittle mineral content higher than 50%; and (4) a mean methane adsorption capacity of 1.80 cm3/g (7 MPa pressure). A positive correlation between TOC and sorbed gas indicates that organic matter content exerts an important control on methane storage capacity. Based on the analysis of the shale reservoir characteristics, the lower member of the Longmaxi Shale can thus be considered a favorable stratum for shale gas exploration and exploitation. It has similar reservoir characteristics with the Longmaxi Shale in the Jiaoshiba area tested with a high-yield industrial gas flow. However, based on tectonic analysis, differences in the level of industrial gas flow between the low-yield study area and the high-yield Jiaoshiba area may result from different tectonic preservation conditions. Evidence from these studies indicates the shale gas potential of the Longmaxi Shale is constrained by the reservoir and preservation conditions.
HE Siming , OUYANG Chaojun , LIU Wei , WANG Dongpo
2016, 90(6):2206-2215.
摘要:The volume fraction of the solid and liquid phase of debris flows, which evolves simultaneously across terrains, largely determines the dynamic property of debris flows. The entrainment process significantly influences the amplitude of the volume fraction. In this paper, we present a depth-averaged two-phase debris-flow model describing the simultaneous evolution of the phase velocity and depth, the solid and fluid volume fractions and the bed morphological evolution. The model employs the Mohr–Coulomb plasticity for the solid stress, and the fluid stress is modeled as a Newtonian viscous stress. The interfacial momentum transfer includes viscous drag and buoyancy. A new extended entrainment rate formula that satisfies the boundary momentum jump condition (Iverson and Ouyang, 2015) is presented. In this formula, the basal traction stress is a function of the solid volume fraction and can take advantage of both the Coulomb and velocity-dependent friction models. A finite volume method using Roe’s Riemann approximation is suggested to solve the equations. Three computational cases are conducted and compared with experiments or previous results. The results show that the current computational model and framework are robust and suitable for capturing the characteristics of debris flows.
LIU Hua , JING Chen , JIANG Youlu , SONG Guoqi , YU Qianqian , FENG Yuelin
2016, 90(6):2216-2228.
摘要:The distribution and genetic mechanisms of abnormal pressures in the Bohai Bay Basin were systematically analyzed. Abnormal pressures are widely developed in the Bohai Bay Basin, primarily in the Paleogene E2s4, E2s3, Es1, and Ed formations. From the onshore area of the Bohai Bay Basin to the center of the Bozhong area, the top depth of the overpressured zone in each depression increases gradually, the overpressured strata in each depression gradually move to younger formations, and the pressure structure successively alters from single-bottom- overpressure to double-bottom-overpressure and finally to double-top-overpressure. The distribution of overpressured area is consistent with the sedimentary migration controlled by the tectonic evolution of the Bohai Bay Basin, which is closely related to the hydrocarbon-generation capability of active source rocks. The overpressured strata are consistent with the source-rock intervals in each depression; the top of the overpressured zone is synchronous with the hydrocarbon generation threshold in each depression; the hydrocarbon generation capability is positively correlated with the overpressure magnitude in each formation. Undercompaction was the main mechanism of overpressure for depressions with fluid pressure coefficients less than 1.2, whereas hydrocarbon generation was the main mechanism for depressions with fluid pressure coefficients greater than 1.5.
XU Xing , ZHOU Zhonghe , Corwin SULLIVAN , WANG Yuan , REN Dong
2016, 90(6):2229-2243.
摘要:The northeastern Chinese Yanliao Biota (sometimes called the Daohugou Biota) comprises numerous, frequently spectacular fossils of non-marine organisms, occurring in Middle-Upper Jurassic strata in western Liaoning, northern Hebei, and southeastern Inner Mongolia. The biota lasted for about 10 million years, divided into two phases: the Bathonian-Callovian Daohugou phase (about 168-164 million years ago) and the Oxfordian Linglongta phase (164-159 million years ago). The Yanliao fossils are often taphonomically exceptional (many vertebrate skeletons, for example, are complete and accompanied by preserved integumentary features), and not only are taxonomically diverse but also include the oldest known representatives of many groups of plants, invertebrates, and vertebrates. These fossils have provided significant new information regarding the origins and early evolution of such clades as fleas, birds, and mammals, in addition to the evolution of some major biological structures such as feathers, and have demonstrated the existence of a complex terrestrial ecosystem in northeast China around the time of the Middle-Late Jurassic boundary.
CHEN Min , QI Hongshuai , LAN Dongzhao , LAN Binbin , FANG Qi
2016, 90(6):2244-2257.
摘要:The paleoenvironmental history of the Beilun River estuary on the coast of Beibu Gulf in the northwest South China Sea is reconstructed based on fossil diatoms, isotopic dating, sedimentary grain size data, mineralogy and geochemistry in three sediment core samples. Results show that the estuary has experienced significant environmental changes since deposition began about 20,000 yr ago. Freshwater runoff of the Beilun River initially was strong. However, the freshwater runoff reduced significantly after a transgressive event. Subsequently the estuary’s position began to migrate to the northeast. At the end of the Late Pleistocene the estuary shifted gradually towards the southwest. In the Early-Mid Holocene, the estuary’s geomorphology was shaped by seawater transgressing into the ancient river channel. The basin was filled continuously but slowly to form the present Beilun River estuary. Holocene transgression in this area could be divided roughly into three stages, including oscillation period 1, the maximum transgression period, and oscillation period 2.
TAN Liangcheng , SONG Yougui , CAI Yanjun , AN Zhisheng , Rustam OROZBAEV , Yunus MAMADJANOV , Lawrence R. EDWARDS , CHENG Hai , LI Dong , LI Yue
2016, 90(6):2279-2280.
主编 :侯增谦
主管单位 :中国科学技术协会
主办单位 :中国地质学会
创刊 :1922年
国际标准刊号 :ISSN 1000-9515
国内统一刊号 :CN 11-2001