• 2019年第93卷第3期文章目次
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    • 主编、副主编简介-2019

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      2019, 93(3):1-1.

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    • Geochemistry, Paleoenvironment and Mechanism of Organic-Matter Enrichment in the Lower Silurian Longmaxi Formation Shale in the Sichuan Basin, China

      2019, 93(3):505-519. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.13868

      摘要 (1247) HTML (0) PDF 938.52 K (1231) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:To investigate the mechanism of the organic-matter enrichment in the Lower Longmaxi Formation shale, the geochemistry and total organic carbon (TOC) of the Longmaxi Formation black shales in the Jiaoshiba, Zhaotong, and Weiyuan areas of the Sichuan Basin were analyzed. Paleoproductivity proxy parameters (Babio, Siex, and Ni/Al), clastic influx proxies (TiO2 and Ti/Al), redox indices (V/Cr, Ni/Co, V/(V+Ni), and U/Th), and hydrothermal indicators (Fe, Mn, and Y concentrations; Fe/Ti ratio and a Ni-Zn-Co diagram) were employed to decipher the paleoenvironment of the Lower Longmaxi Formation shales. TiO2 and Ti/Al indicated low terrigenous detrital influx in all three areas. However, Babio, Siex, and Ni/Al indicated high productivity in the Jiaoshiba area. V/Cr, Ni/Co, and U/Th indicated higher oxygen content with larger fluctuations in the Zhaotong and Weiyuan areas. Fe, Mn, and Y concentrations and the Fe/Ti ratio implied greater active hydrothermal activity in the Weiyuan area. These heterogeneities were considered to be closely related to the paleoenvironment and paleogeography, and the large basement faults that developed during the Chuanzhong paleo-uplift could have provided vents for deep-hydrothermal-fluid upwelling. The redox indices (V/Cr, Ni/Co, and U/Th) and a paleoproductivity proxy (Ni/Al) displayed a significant correlation with the TOC, suggesting that both excellent preservation conditions and high paleoproductivity were the controlling factors for the enrichment of organic matter in the Longmaxi Formation shale. There was no obvious correlation between the clastic influx proxy (Ti/Al) and the TOC due to the extremely low supply of terrigenous debris. The hydrothermal indicator (Fe/Ti) was negatively correlated with the TOC in the Weiyuan area, indicating that hydrothermal activity may have played a negative role in the accumulation of organic matter. This study suggests that the enrichment of organic matter in the Longmaxi Formation marine shale varied according to the paleogeography and sedimentary environment.

    • Differential Characteristics of the Upper Ordovician-Lower Silurian Wufeng-Longmaxi Shale Reservoir and its Implications for Exploration and Development of Shale Gas in/around the Sichuan Basin

      2019, 93(3):520-535. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.13875

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      摘要:The Upper Ordovician Wufeng-Lower Silurian Longmaxi shale is widely distributed in the Sichuan Basin and its periphery, which is the key stratum for marine shale gas exploration and development (E&D) in China. Based on sedimentary environment, material basis, storage space, fracability and reservoir evolution data, the reservoir characteristics of the Wufeng-Longmaxi shale and their significance for shale gas E&D are systematically compared and analyzed in this paper. The results show that (1) the depocenter of the Wufeng (WF)-Longmaxi (LM) shale gradually migrates from east to west. The high-quality shale reservoirs in the eastern Sichuan Basin are mainly siliceous shales, which are primarily distributed in the graptolite shale interval of WF2-LM5. The high-quality reservoirs in the southern Sichuan Basin are mainly calcareous-siliceous and organic-rich argillaceous shales, which are distributed in the graptolite shale interval of WF2-LM7. (2) Deep shale gas (the burial depth >3500 m) in the Sichuan Basin has high-ultrahigh pressure and superior physical properties. The organic-rich siliceous, calcareous-siliceous and organic-rich argillaceous shales have suitable reservoir properties. The marginal area of the Sichuan Basin has a higher degree of pressure relief, which leads to the argillaceous and silty shales evolving into direct cap rocks with poor reservoir/good sealing capacity. (3) Combining shale gas exploration practices and impacts of lithofacies, depth, pressure coefficient and brittle-ductile transition on the reservoir properties, it is concluded that the favorable depth interval of the Wufeng-Longmaxi shale gas is 2200~4000 m under current technical conditions. (4) Aiming at the differential reservoir properties of the Wufeng-Longmaxi shale in the Sichuan Basin and its periphery, several suggestions for future research directions and E&D of shale gas are formulated.

    • Geological Factors Controlling the Accumulation and High Yield of Marine-Facies Shale Gas: Case Study of the Wufeng-Longmaxi Formation in the Dingshan Area of Southeast Sichuan, China

      2019, 93(3):536-560. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.13857

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      摘要:The main geological factors controlling the accumulation and yield of marine-facies shale gas reservoirs are the focus of the current shale gas exploration and development research. In this study, the Wufeng-Longmaxi Formation in the Dingshan area of ??southeast Sichuan was investigated. Shale cores underwent laboratory testing, which included the evaluation of total organic carbon (TOC), vitrinite reflectance (Ro), whole-rock X-ray diffraction (XRD), pore permeability, and imaging through field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM). Based on the results of natural gamma ray spectrum logging, conventional logging, imaging logging, and seismic coherence properties, the exploration and development potential of shale gas in the Dingshan area have been discussed comprehensively. The results showed that (1) layer No. 4 (WF2-LM4) of the Wufeng-Longmaxi Formation has a Th/U ratio <2 and a Th/K ratio of 3.5–12. Graptolites and pyrite are relatively abundant in the shale core, indicating sub-high-energy and low-energy marine-facies anoxic reducing environments. (2) The organic matter is mainly I-type kerogen with a small amount of II1-type kerogen. There is a good correlation among TOC, Ro, gas content, and brittle minerals; the fracturing property (brittleness) is 57.3%. Organic and inorganic pores are moderately developed. A higher pressure coefficient is correlated with the increase in porosity and the decrease in permeability. (3) The DY1 well of the shale gas reservoir was affected by natural defects and important late-stage double destructive effects, and it is poorly preserved. The DY2 well is located far from the Qiyueshan Fault. Large faults are absent, and upward fractures in the Longmaxi Formation are poorly developed. The well is affected by low tectonic deformation intensity, and it is well preserved. (4) The Dingshan area is located at the junction of the two sedimentary centers of Jiaoshiba and Changning. The thickness of the high-quality shale interval (WF2-LM4) is relatively small, which may be an important reason for the unstable production of shale gas thus far. Based on the systematic analysis of the geological factors controlling high-yield shale gas enrichment in the Dingshan area, and the comparative analysis with the surrounding typical exploration areas, the geological understanding of marine shale gas enrichment in southern China has been improved. Therefore, this study can provide a useful reference for shale gas exploration and further development.

    • Discovery and Analysis of Shale Gas in a Carboniferous Reservoir and its Enrichment Characteristics in the Northern Nanpanjiang Depression, Guizhou Province, China

      2019, 93(3):561-572. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.13858

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      摘要:Shale gas resources are considered to be extremely abundant in southern China, which has dedicated considerable attention to shale gas exploration in recent years. Exploration of shale gas has considerably progressed and several breakthroughs have been made in China. However, shale gas explorations are still scarce. Summary and detailed analysis studies on black shale reservoirs are still to be performed for many areas. This lack of information slows the progress of shale gas explorations and results in low quantities of stored black shale. The Carboniferous Dawuba Formation, which is widely distributed and considerably thick, is one of the black shale formations targeted for shale gas exploration in southern China in the recent years. The acquisition and analysis of total organic carbon, vitrinite reflectance, types of organic matter, mineral composition, porosity, and permeability are basic but important processes. In addition, we analyzed the microscopic pores present in the shale. This study also showesd the good gas content of the Dawuba Formation, as well as the geological factors affecting its gas content and other characteristics. To understand the prospect of exploration, we compared this with other shale reservoirs which have been already successfully explored for gas. Our comparison showesd that those shale reservoirs have similar but not identical geological characteristics.

    • Characteristics of Shale Reservoir and Sweet Spot Identification of the Lower Cambrian Niutitang Formation in Northwestern Hunan Province, China

      2019, 93(3):573-587. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.13861

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      摘要:The accumulation and productivity of shale gas are mainly controlled by the characteristics of shale reservoirs; study of these characteristics forms the basis for the shale gas exploitation of the Lower Cambrian Niutitang Formation (Fm), Southern China. In this study, core observation and lithology study were conducted along with X-ray diffraction (XRD) and electronic scanning microscopy (SEM) examinations and liquid nitrogen (N2) adsorption/desorption and CH4 isothermal adsorption experiments for several exploration wells in northwestern Hunan Province, China. The results show that one or two intervals with high-quality source rocks (TOC>2 wt%) were deposited in the deep-shelf facies. The source rocks, which were mainly composed of carbonaceous shales and siliceous shales, had high quartz contents (>40 wt%) and low clay mineral (<30 wt%, mainly illites) and carbonate mineral (<20 wt%) contents. The SEM observations and liquid nitrogen (N2) adsorption/desorption experiments showed that the shale is tight, and nanoscale pores and microscale fractures are well developed. BJH volume (VBJH) of shale ranged from 2.144×10?3 to 20.07×10?3 cm3/g, with an average of 11.752×10?3 cm3/g. Pores mainly consisted of opened and interconnected mesopores (2–50 nm in diameter) or macropores (>50 nm in diameter). The shale reservoir has strong adsorption capacity for CH4. The Langmuir volume (VL) varied from 1.63 to 7.39 cm3/g, with an average of 3.95 cm3/g. The characteristics of shale reservoir are controlled by several factors: (1) A deep muddy continental shelf is the most favorable environment for the development of shale reservoirs, which is controlled by the development of basic materials. (2) The storage capacity of the shale reservoir is positively related to the TOC contents and plastic minerals and negatively related to cement minerals. (3) High maturity or overmaturity leads to the growth of organic pores and microfractures, thereby improving the reservoir storage capacity. It can be deduced that the high percentage of residual gas in Niutitang Fm results from the strong reservoir storage capacity of adsorbed gas. Two layers of sweet spots with strong storage capacity of free gas, and they are characterized by the relatively high TOC contents ranging from 4 wt% to 8 wt%.

    • Pore Structure Heterogeneity of the Xiamaling Formation Shale Gas Reservoir in the Yanshan Area of China: Evaluation of Geological Controlling Factors

      2019, 93(3):588-603. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.13874

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      摘要:Micro-heterogeneity is an integral parameter of the pore structure of shale gas reservoir and it forms an essential basis for setting and adjusting development parameters. In this study, scanning electron microscopy, high-pressure mercury intrusion and low-temperature nitrogen adsorption experiments were used to qualitatively and quantitatively characterize the pore structure of black shale from the third member of the Xiamaling Formation in the Yanshan area. The pore heterogeneity was studied using fractal theory, and the controlling factors of pore development and heterogeneity were evaluated in combination with geochemical parameters, mineral composition, and geological evolution history. The results show that the pore structure of the reservoir was intricate and complicated. Moreover, various types of micro-nano scale pores such as dissolution pores, intergranular pores, interlayer pores, and micro-cracks are well developed in member 3 of the Xiamaling Formation. The average porosity was found to be 6.30%, and the mean value of the average pore size was 4.78 nm. Micropores and transition pores provided most of the storage space. Pore development was significantly affected by the region and was mainly related to the total organic carbon content, vitrinite reflectance and mineral composition. The fractal dimension, which characterizes the heterogeneity, is 2.66 on average, indicating that the pore structure is highly heterogeneous. Fractal dimension is positively correlated with maturity and clay mineral content, while it is negatively correlated with brittle mineral content and average pore size. These results indicate that pore heterogeneity is closely related to thermal history and material composition. Combined with the geological background of this area, it was found that the pore heterogeneity was mainly controlled by the Jurassic magmatism. The more intense the magma intrusion, the stronger the pore heterogeneity. The pore structure and its heterogeneity characteristics present today are a general reflection of the superimposed geological processes of sedimentary-diagenetic-late transformation. The influence of magmatic intrusion on the reservoir is the main geological factor that should be considered for detailed evaluation of the Xiamaling Formation shale gas reservoir in the Yanshan area.

    • The REE Characteristics of Oil Shales in the Lower Eocene Celtek Formation (Yozgat, Turkey) and their Relation to Tectonic Provenance

      2019, 93(3):604-621. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.13818

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      摘要:The Lower Eocene Celtek Formation is located in the Sorgun district of thecity of Yozgat in Turkey. In the study area, Paleozoic, Campanian-Maastrichtian, Eocene, Miocene and Quaternary units are exposed. The Celtek Formation is noteworthy with its coal and oil shale deposits. Samples were collected from one exposure (YC ?SK) and two boreholes (SJ and ? boreholes) at the facility operated by the Yeni Celtek Coal Management. Concentrations of REE in oil shales from these localities were determined using the ICP-MS technique. REE and total organic carbon (TOC) values of a total of 32 samples were compared with normalized REE contents of various environments. TOC contents of the samples ranged from 1.37wt% to 11.8wt% (mean 4.96wt%). The averages of all samples for the all normalized values show similar patterns. Normalized REE patterns are represented by the enrichment in the order of LREE>MREE>HREE and display negative Ce and positive Eu anomalies. ΣREE vs. TOC were compared. ΣREE vs. TOC showed a weak positive correlation, whereas ΣLREE vs. (M+HREE) and ΣLREE vs. ΣREE were positively correlated. Regarding tectonic provenance characteristics, the Celtek Formation oil shales were formed in microenvironments with physicochemical conditions changing in character from oxic to euxinic, representing a transitional terrestrial–marine environment.

    • Pore-Throat Combination Types and Gas-Water Relative Permeability Responses of Tight Gas Sandstone Reservoirs in the Zizhou Area of East Ordos Basin, China

      2019, 93(3):622-636. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.13872

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      摘要:With the aim of better understanding the tight gas reservoirs in the Zizhou area of east Ordos Basin, a total of 222 samples were collected from 50 wells for a series of experiments. In this study, three pore-throat combination types in sandstones were revealed and confirmed to play a controlling role in the distribution of throat size and the characteristics of gas-water relative permeability. The type-I sandstones are dominated by intercrystalline micropores connected by cluster throats, of which the distribution curves of throat size are narrow and have a strong single peak (peak ratio >30%). The pores in the type-II sandstones dominantly consist of secondary dissolution pores and intercrystalline micropores, and throats mainly occur as slice-shaped throats along cleavages between rigid grain margins and cluster throats in clay cement. The distribution curves of throat size for the type-II sandstones show a bimodal distribution with a substantial low-value region between the peaks (peak ratio <15%). Primary intergranular pores and secondary intergranular pores are mainly found in type-III samples, which are connected by various throats. The throat size distribution curves of type-III sandstones show a nearly normal distribution with low kurtosis (peak ratio <10%), and the micro-scale throat radii (>0.5 μm) constitute a large proportion. From type-I to type-III sandstones, the irreducible water saturation (Swo) decreased; furthermore, the slope of the curves of Krw/Krg in two-phase saturation zone decreased and the two-phase saturation zone increased, indicating that the gas relative flow ability increased. Variations of the permeability exist in sandstones with different pore-throat combination types, which indicate the type-III sandstones are better reservoirs, followed by type-II sandstones and type-I sandstones. As an important factor affecting the reservoir quality, the pore-throat combination type in sandstones is the cumulative expression of lithology and diagenetic modifications with strong heterogeneity.

    • Characteristics of Tight Sandstone Reservoirs and Controls of Reservoir Quality: A Case Study of He 8 Sandstones in the Linxing Area, Eastern Ordos Basin, China

      2019, 93(3):637-659. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.13862

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      摘要:Determining the process of densification and tectonic evolution of tight sandstone can help to understand the distribution of reservoirs and find relatively high-permeability areas. Based on integrated approaches of thin section, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), cathode luminescence (CL), nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), X-ray diffraction (XRD), N2 porosity and permeability, micro-resistivity imaging log (MIL) and three-dimensional seismic data analysis, this work discussed the reservoir characteristics of the member 8 of the Permian Xiashihezi Formation (He 8 sandstones) in the Linxing area of eastern Ordos Basin, determined the factors affecting reservoir quality, and revealed the formation mechanism of relatively high-permeability areas. The results show that the He 8 sandstones in the Linxing area are mainly composed of feldspathic litharenites, and are typical tight sandstones (with porosity <10% and permeability <1 mD accounting for 80.3% of the total samples). Rapid burial is the main reason for reservoir densification, which resulted in 61% loss of the primary porosity. In this process, quartz protected the original porosity by resisting compaction. The cementation (including carbonate, clay mineral and siliceous cementation) further densified the sandstone reservoirs, reducing the primary porosity with an average value of 28%. The calcite formed in the eodiagenesis occupied intergranular pores and affected the formation of the secondary pores by preventing the later fluid intrusion, and the Fe-calcite formed in the mesodiagenetic stage densified the sandstones further by filling the residual intergranular pores. The clay minerals show negative effects on reservoir quality, however, the chlorite coatings protected the original porosity by preventing the overgrowth of quartz. The dissolution of feldspars provides extensive intergranular pores which constitute the main pore type, and improves the reservoir quality. The tectonic movements play an important role in improving the reservoir quality. The current tectonic traces of the study area are mainly controlled by the Himalayan movement, and the high-permeability reservoirs are mainly distributed in the anticline areas. Additionally, the improvement degree (by tectonic movements) of reservoir quality is partly controlled by the original composition of the sandstones. Thus, the selection of potential tight gas well locations in the study area should be focused on the anticline areas with relatively good original reservoir quality. And the phenomena can be referenced for other fluvial tight sandstone basins worldwide.

    • Microbial Geochemical Characteristics of the Coalbed Methane in the Shizhuangnan Block of Qinshui Basin, North China and their Geological Implications

      2019, 93(3):660-674. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.13871

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      摘要:Methanogens and sulfate reducing bacteria were detected by the 16SrRNA sequencing of coalbed methane (CBM) co-produced water in the south of the Qinshui Basin, which is indicative of the presence of secondary biological gas in the south of this basin, in contradiction to the previous understanding of thermogenic gas. This work systematically collected water samples from the CBM wells in the Shizhuangnan Block and analyzed the microbial geochemical characteristics from the aspects of water ions, hydrogen and oxygen isotopes, dissolved inorganic carbon and microbial diversity. It is shown that the Shizhuangnan Block has a nearly SN-trending monoclinic structure, and the elevation of coal seam decreases gradually from the east to west. Because of the water blocking effect of Sitou fault in the west, the precipitation flowed from the east to west, and gradually transited to stagnant flow area. The concentration variation of some ions such as Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Cl?, HCO3? and total dissolved solids (TDS) suggest the variation of redox condition in the coal reservoir water. The 16SrDNA sequencing analysis of the collected water samples detected the presence of methanogens and sulfate reduction bacteria. The presence of methane production zone and sulfate methane transition zone (SMTZ) was identified. The effect of methanogens in the methane production zone leads to an increase in the methane concentration, resulting in a high gas content in the study area. In the SMTZ, most methane is consumed by anaerobic oxidation due to high sulfate concentrations.

    • Full-Sized Pore Structure and Fractal Characteristics of Marine-Continental Transitional Shale: A Case Study in Qinshui Basin, North China

      2019, 93(3):675-691. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.13856

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      摘要:Based on 10 shale samples collected from 4 wells in Qinshui Basin, we investigate the full-sized pore structure and fractal characteristics of Marine-Continental transitional shale by performing organic geochemistry, mineralogical composition, Nitrogen gas adsorption (N2 adsorption) and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) measurements and fractal analysis. Results show that the TOC content of the shale samples is relatively high, with an average value of 2.44wt%, and the thermal evolution is during the mature-over mature stage. The NMR T2 spectrum can be used to characterize the full-sized pore structure characteristics of shale. By combining N2 adsorption pore structure parameters and NMR T2 spectrums, the surface relaxivity of samples are calculated to be between 1.7877 um/s and 5.2272 um/s. On this basis, the T2 spectrums are converted to full-sized pore volume and surface area distribution curves. The statistics show that the pore volume is mainly provided by mesopore, followed by micropore, and the average percentages are 65.04% and 30.83% respectively; the surface area is mainly provided by micropore, followed by mesopore, and the average percentages are 60.8004% and 39.137% respectively; macropore contributes little to pore volume and surface area. The pore structure characteristics of shale have no relationship with TOC, but strong relationships with clay minerals content. NMR fractal dimensions Dmicro and Dmeso have strong positive relationships with the N2 adsorption fractal dimensions D1 and D2 respectively, indicating that Dmicro can be used to characterize the fractal characteristics of pore surface, and Dmeso can be used to characterize the fractal characteristics of pore structure. The shale surface relaxivity is controlled by multiple factors. The increasing of clay mineral content, pore surface area, pore surface fractal dimension and the decreasing of average pore size, will all lead to the decreasing of shale surface relaxivity.

    • Prediction Model of Coal Reservoir Pressure and its Implication for the Law of Coal Reservoir Depressurization

      2019, 93(3):692-703. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.13869

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      摘要:The main methods of coalbed methane (CBM) development are drainage and depressurization, and a precise prediction of coal reservoir pressure is thus crucial for the evaluation of reservoir potentials and the formulation of reasonable development plans. This work established a new reservoir pressure prediction model based on the material balance equation (MBE) of coal reservoir, which considers the self-regulating effects of coal reservoirs and the dynamic change of equivalent drainage area (EDA). According to the proposed model, the reservoir pressure can be predicted based on reservoir condition data and the actual production data of a single well. Compared with traditional reservoir pressure prediction models which regard EDA as a fixed value, the proposed model can better predict the average pressure of reservoirs. Moreover, orthogonal experiments were designed to evaluate the sensitivity of reservoir parameters on the reservoir pressure prediction results of this proposed model. The results show that the saturation of irreducible water is the most sensitive parameter, followed by Langmuir volume and reservoir porosity, and Langmuir pressure is the least sensitive parameter. In addition, the pressure drop of reservoirs is negatively correlated with the saturation of irreducible water and the Langmuir volume, while it is positively correlated with porosity. This work analyzed the reservoir pressure drop characteristics of the CBM wells in the Shizhuangnan Block of the Qinshui Basin, and the results show that the CBM reservoir depressurization can be divided into three types, i.e., rapidly drop type, medium-term stability type, and slowly drop type. The drainage features of wells were reasonably interpreted based on the comprehensive analysis of the reservoir depressurization type; the latter was coupled to the corresponding permeability dynamic change characteristics, eventually proving the applicability of the proposed model.

    • An Experimental Study on the Conductivity Changes in Coal during Methane Adsorption-Desorption and their Influencing Factors

      2019, 93(3):704-717. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.13873

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      摘要:During the processes of methane adsorption and desorption, the internal structure of coal changes, accordingly leading to changes in electrical conductivity. In this paper, using low rank coal seams of the Yan’an Formation in the Dafosi field as the research subject, the relationship between coal resistivity, methane adsorption quantity, and equilibrium pressure is analyzed through proximate analysis, mercury injection tests, low temperature liquid nitrogen adsorption tests, and coal resistivity measurements during methane adsorption and desorption. The results show that during the process of pressure rise and methane adsorption, the conductivity of coal increases, resulting from heat release from methane adsorption, coal matrix swelling and adsorbed water molecules replaced by methane, but the resistivity reduction gradually decreases. The relationship between coal resistivity and methane adsorption quantity and equilibrium pressure can be described by a quadratic function. During the processes of depressurization and desorption, the resistivity of coal rebounds slightly, due to decalescence of methane desorption, coal matrix shrinkage and water-gas displacement, and the relationship coincides with a linear function. Methane adsorption leads to irreversible changes in coal internal structure and enhances the coal conductivity, and resistivity cannot be restored to the initial level even after methane desorption. The resistivity and reduction rate of durain are higher than those of vitrain, with relatively greater homogeneous pore throat structure and fewer charged particles in the double electric layer. In addition, moisture can enhance the conductivity of coal and makes it change more complexly during methane adsorption and desorption.

    • Downhole Microseismic Source Location Based on a Multi-Dimensional DIRECT Algorithm for Unconventional Oil and Gas Reservoir Exploration

      2019, 93(3):718-730. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.14296

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      摘要:Downhole microseismic data has the significant advantages of high signal-to-noise ratio and well-developed P and S waves and the core component of microseismic monitoring is microseismic event location associated with hydraulic fracturing in a relatively high confidence level and accuracy. In this study, we present a multidimensional DIRECT inversion method for microseismic locations and applicability tests over modeling data based on a downhole microseismic monitoring system. Synthetic tests inidcate that the objective function of locations can be defined as a multi-dimensional matrix space by employing the global optimization DIRECT algorithm, because it can be run without the initial value and objective function derivation, and the discretely scattered objective points lead to an expeditious contraction of objective functions in each dimension. This study shows that the DIRECT algorithm can be extensively applied in real downhole microseismic monitoring data from hydraulic fracturing completions. Therefore, the methodology, based on a multidimensional DIRECT algorithm, can provide significant high accuracy and convergent efficiency as well as robust computation for interpretable spatiotemporal microseismic evolution, which is more suitable for real-time processing of a large amount of downhole microseismic monitoring data.


      2019, 93(3):730-730.

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    • Progress in Global Gas Hydrate Development and Production as a New Energy Resource

      2019, 93(3):731-755. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.13876

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      摘要:Natural gas hydrates have been hailed as a new and promising unconventional alternative energy, especially as fossil fuels approach depletion, energy consumption soars, and fossil fuel prices rise, owing to their extensive distribution, abundance, and high fuel efficiency. Gas hydrate reservoirs are similar to a storage cupboard in the global carbon cycle, containing most of the world’s methane and accounting for a third of Earth’s mobile organic carbon. We investigated gas hydrate stability zone burial depths from the viewpoint of conditions associated with stable existence of gas hydrates, such as temperature, pressure, and heat flow, based on related data collected by the global drilling programs. Hydrate-related areas are estimated using various biological, geochemical and geophysical tools. Based on a series of previous investigations, we cover the history and status of gas hydrate exploration in the USA, Japan, South Korea, India, Germany, the polar areas, and China. Then, we review the current techniques for hydrate exploration in a global scale. Additionally, we briefly review existing techniques for recovering methane from gas hydrates, including thermal stimulation, depressurization, chemical injection, and CH4–CO2 exchange, as well as corresponding global field trials in Russia, Japan, United States, Canada and China. In particular, unlike diagenetic gas hydrates in coarse sandy sediments in Japan and gravel sediments in the United States and Canada, most gas hydrates in the northern South China Sea are non-diagenetic and exist in fine-grained sediments with a vein-like morphology. Therefore, especially in terms of the offshore production test in gas hydrate reservoirs in the Shenhu area in the north slope of the South China Sea, Chinese scientists have proposed two unprecedented techniques that have been verified during the field trials: solid fluidization and formation fluid extraction. Herein, we introduce the two production techniques, as well as the so-called “four-in-one” environmental monitoring system employed during the Shenhu production test. Methane is not currently commercially produced from gas hydrates anywhere in the world; therefore, the objective of field trials is to prove whether existing techniques could be applied as feasible and economic production methods for gas hydrates in deep-water sediments and permafrost zones. Before achieving commercial methane recovery from gas hydrates, it should be necessary to measure the geologic properties of gas hydrate reservoirs to optimize and improve existing production techniques. Herein, we propose horizontal wells, multilateral wells, and cluster wells improved by the vertical and individual wells applied during existing field trials. It is noteworthy that relatively pure gas hydrates occur in seafloor mounds, within near-surface sediments, and in gas migration conduits. Their extensive distribution, high saturation, and easy access mean that these types of gas hydrate may attract considerable attention from academia and industry in the future. Herein, we also review the occurrence and development of concentrated shallow hydrate accumulations and briefly introduce exploration and production techniques. In the closing section, we discuss future research needs, key issues, and major challenges related to gas hydrate exploration and production. We believe this review article provides insight on past, present, and future gas hydrate exploration and production to provide guidelines and stimulate new work into the field of gas hydrates.


      2019, 93(3):755-755.

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    • New Discovery of Neocalamites from the Upper Triassic Daheba Formation in West Qinling, Northwest China

      2019, 93(3):756-756. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.13833

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    • Precambrian Captured Zircon Ages in the Daheigou Formation, Xing’an Block

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    • A New Insight into the Influence of Composition of Fault Rocks on Aseismic and Seismic Fault Slip

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    • A Quantitative Method for Evaluating the Oil and Gas Charging Capacity from Source Rock to Heterogeneous Reservoir

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    • Detrital Zircon U-Pb Ages of the Zhaojiazhuang Formation, Middle–South Section, Taihang Mountains, China and their Geological Significance

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    • New Discovery of Molybdenite in the Dongping Gold Deposit, Hebei Province, China and its Re-Os Geochronological Implications

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    • Zircon U-Pb Ages of the Chagangnuer Mafic Intrusion in Central Inner Mongolia and their Tectonic Implications

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    • Delineating the Source of Lead in the Urban Atmospheric Dust Based on Stable Isotopic Ratio: A Case Study from Panzhihua City of Southwest China

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    • The Greenhouse Climate Records from Organic Carbon Isotope Excursions During the Toarcian (Early Jurassic) Sediments in the Shuanghu Area, Qianghai-Tibetan Plateau

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    • Weak Summer Monsoon during the Early Holocene Inferred from the Dingxi Lujiagou Floodplain Lake-Eolian Sand Rhythm due to Solar Impacting

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      2019, 93(3):779-779.

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    • Permian–Triassic Climatic and Environmental Extremes and Biotic Response (IGCP 630: 2014–2018): Goals and Achievements

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    • Geological Prospecting in China Has Achieved New Breakthroughs during 2018

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    • China’s Geological Science and Technology Has Made New Progress during 2018

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      2019, 93(3):787-787.

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主编 :侯增谦

主管单位 :中国科学技术协会

主办单位 :中国地质学会

创刊 :1922年

国际标准刊号 :ISSN 1000-9515

国内统一刊号 :CN 11-2001

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