主编 :侯增谦
主管单位 :中国科学技术协会
主办单位 :中国地质学会
创刊 :1922年
国际标准刊号 :ISSN 1000-9515
国内统一刊号 :CN 11-2001
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LI Zhichao , LI Yongxiang , XUE Xiangxu , LI Wenhou , ZHANG Yunxiang , YANG Fu
2019, 93(4):789-798. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.13797
摘要:Here, we describe a new primitive Erinaceidae species, Oligoechinus lanzhouensis n. gen. n. sp., based on a specimen from late Oligocene strata of the Lanzhou Basin, Gansu Province. Its characteristics are as follows: the M1 width is longer than the length, the metastyle extends far disto-labially, the posterior margin has strong curve and a distinct metaconule that is connected to the protocone by a postprotocrista is located in the centre of the tooth. The posterior arm of the metaconule is poorly developed. In the P4, the pterion of the metastyle is less developed and the metacone is carinate. In addition, O. lanzhouensis has a premolar larger than the canine tooth (P2 > C) and P3 had no molarisation, characters also possessed by Erinaceus. Overall, O. lanzhouensis was similar to Mioechinus based on architectural tooth features, demonstrating a closed genetic relationship. Fossil Erinaceidae are relatively rare before the Miocene. The discovery of O. lanzhouensis provides an important insight into the origin of Mioechinus in China and the early evolution of the Erinaceidae. Our analysis shows that a relatively recent ancestor of Mioechinus had probably existed in the early Oligocene and that O. Lanzhouensis was likely an ancestral type of Mioechinus gobiensis, and its systematic position should be located at a transitional position between Amphechinus and Mioechinus.
ZHENG Yadong , ZHANG Jinjiang , ZHANG Bo
2019, 93(4):799-809. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.13855
摘要:The Maximum Effective Moment (MEM) criterion predicts that the initial orientation of ductile shear zones and shear bands is ~55° relative to the maximum principal stress axis (σ1) and that the kinematic vorticity number (Wk) is ~0.94. These preferred orientations should be reflected in the pattern of quartz
FAN Qingkai , LI Jianghai , LIU Zhonglan , LIU Chiheng
2019, 93(4):810-819. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.13850
摘要:Fracture-fissure systems found at mid-ocean ridges are dominating conduits for the circulation of metallogenic fluid. Ascertaining the distribution area of active faults on both sides of mid-ocean ridges will provide a useful tool in the search for potential hydrothermal vents, thus guiding the exploration of modern seafloor sulfides. Considering the Mid-Atlantic Ridge 20°N–24°N (NMAR) and North Chile Rise (NCR) as examples, fault elements such as Fault Spacing (?S) and Fault Heave (?X) can be identified and quantitatively measured. The methods used include Fourier filtering of the multi-beam bathymetry data, in combination with measurements of the topographic slope, curvature, and slope aspect patterns. According to the Sequential Faulting Model of mid-ocean ridges, the maximal migration distance of an active fault on either side of mid-ocean ridges—that is, the distribution range of active faults—can be measured. Results show that the maximal migration distance of active faults at the NMAR is 0.76–1.01 km (the distance is larger at the center than at the ends of this segment), and at the NCR, the distribution range of active faults is 0.38–1.6 km. The migration distance of active faults on the two study areas is positively related to the axial variation of magma supply. In the NCR study area, where there is an abundant magma input, the number of faults within a certain distance is mainly affected by the variation of lithospheric thickness. Here a large range of faulting clearly corresponds to a high proportion of magmatism to seafloor spreading near mid-ocean ridges (M) value, and in the study area of the NMAR, there is insufficient magmatism, and the number of faults may be controlled by both lithospheric thickness and magma supply, leading to a less obvious positive correlation between the distribution range of active faults and M.
ZHENG Rongguo , LI Jinyi , ZHANG Jin , XIAO Wenjiao , LI Yi
2019, 93(4):820-844. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.13803
摘要:Voluminous granitoids are widely distributed in the Langshan region, northeast of the Alxa block, and record the evolutionary processes of the southern Central Asian Orogenic Belt. The Dabashan pluton was emplaced into the Paleoproterozoic Diebusige complex. Early Carboniferous zircon LA-ICP MS U-Pb ages were from 327 Ma to 346 Ma. The Dabashan pluton can be classified as monzogranite and syenogranite, and exhibits high K2O contents and K2O/Na2O ratios, which reveal a high-K calc-alkaline nature. The samples display strongly fractionated REE patterns, and are enriched in large ion lithophile elements (LILE) relative to high field strength elements (HFSE). The Dabashan plutons display unusually high Ba (823–2817 ppm) and Sr (166–520 ppm) contents and K/Rb ratios (315–627), but low Rb/Ba ratios (0.02–0.14), and exhibit fertile zircon Hf isotopic compositions [εHf(t)=?14 to ?20], which are comparable to those of typical high Ba–Sr granitoids. Based on the geochemical compositions of the samples, we suggest that subducted sediments and ancient crustal materials both played important roles in their generation. Basaltic melts were derived from partial melting of subcontinental lithophile mantle metasomatized by subducted sediment-related melts with residual garnet in the source, which caused partial melting of ancient lower crust. Magmas derived from underplating ascended and emplaced in the middle–upper crust at different depths. The resultant magmas experienced some degree of fractional crystallization during their ascent. Given these geochemical characteristics, together with regional tectonic, magmatic, and structure analysis data, an active continental margin environment is proposed for the generation of these rocks.
ZHANG Shaohua , LIU Chiyang , YANG Minghui , WANG Jianqiang , BAI Jianke , Huang Hexin
2019, 93(4):845-856. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.13802
摘要:Multi-dating on the same detrital grains allows for determining multiple different geo-thermochronological ages simultaneously and thus could provide more details about regional tectonics. In this paper, we carried out detrital zircon fission-track and U-Pb double dating on the Permian-Middle Triassic sediments from the southern Ordos Basin to decipher the tectonic information archived in the sediments of intracratonic basins. The detrital zircon U-Pb ages and fission-track ages, together with lag time analyses, indicate that the Permian-Middle Triassic sediments in the southern Ordos Basin are characterized by multiple provenances. The crystalline basement of the North China Craton (NCC) and recycled materials from pre-Permian sediments that were ultimately sourced from the basement of the NCC are the primary provenance, while the Permian magmatites in the northern margin of NCC and Early Paleozoic crystalline rocks in Qinling Orogenic Collage act as minor provenance. In addition, the detrital zircon fission-track age peaks reveal four major tectonothermal events, including the Late Triassic-Early Jurassic post-depositional tectonothermal event and three other tectonothermal events associated with source terrains. The Late Triassic-Early Jurassic (225–179 Ma) tectonothermal event was closely related to the upwelling of deep material and energy beneath the southwestern Ordos Basin due to the coeval northward subduction of the Yangze Block and the following collision of the Yangze Block and the NCC. The Mid-Late Permian (275–263 Ma) tectonothermal event was associated with coeval denudation in the northern part of the NCC and North Qinling terrane, resulting from the subduction of the Paleo-Asian Ocean and Tethys Ocean toward the NCC. The Late Devonian-early Late Carboniferous (348±33 Ma) tectonothermal event corresponded the long-term denudation in the hinterland and periphery of the NCC because of the arc-continent collisions in the northern and southern margins of the NCC. The Late Neoproterozoic (813–565 Ma) tectonothermal event was associated with formation of the Great Unconformity within the NCC and may be causally related to the Rodinia supercontinent breakup driven by a large-scale mantle upwelling.
XIANG Kun , XUE Chuandong , YANG Tiannan , XIE Zhipeng , XIN Di , JIANG Lili , LAI Ruijuan
2019, 93(4):857-873. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.14336
摘要:The tectonic setting of Cretaceous granitoids in the southeastern Tibet Plateau, east of the Eastern Himalaya Syntax, is debated. Exploration and mining of the Laba Mo–Cu porphyry-type deposit in the area has revealed Late Cretaceous granites. New and previously published zircon U–Pb dating indicate that the Laba granite crystallized at 89–85 Ma. Bulk-rock geochemistry, Sr–Nd isotopic data and in situ zircon Hf isotopic data indicate that the granite is adakitic and was formed by partial melting of thickened lower crust. The Ca, Fe, and Al contents decrease with increasing SiO2 content.These and other geochemical characteristics indicate that fractional crystallization of garnet under high-pressure conditions resulted in the adakitic nature of the Laba granite. Cretaceous granitoids are widespread throughout the Tibetan Plateau including its southeastern area, forming an intact curved belt along the southern margin of Eurasia. This belt is curved due to indenting by the Indian continent during Cenozoic, but strikes parallel to both the Indus–Yarlung suture zone and the Main Frontal Thrust belt. It is therefore likely that Cretaceous granitoids in both the Gangdese and southeastern Tibetan Plateau areas resulted from subduction of Neo-Tethyan lithosphere.
LIU Ye , LAI Jianqing , XIAO Wenzhou , Dick JEFFREY , DU Rijun , LI Shuanglian , LIU Chaoyun , WEN Chunhua , YU Xiaohang
2019, 93(4):874-900. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.13864
摘要:The Jiuyishan complex massif, located in the northern section of the Nanling region, is a combination of five plutons, namely, the Xuehuading, Jinjiling, Pangxiemu, Shaziling and Xishan plutons. Whole-rock geochemistry, mineral electron microprobe analysis, zircon U-Pb dating and Hf isotope analysis were carried out for the Jinjiling and Pangxiemu plutons. The zircon U-Pb dating yields weighted mean ages of 152.9±0.9 Ma for the Jinjiling pluton and 151.7±1.5 Ma for the Pangxiemu pluton, with a narrow gap between them. The Jinjiling and Pangxiemu plutons both have geochemical characteristics of high SiO2, Al2O3, Na2O, K2O and low TiO2, MgO, CaO, P2O5 contents, with intense depletionS in Sr, Ba, Ti, Eu and enrichments?in Ga, FeOT and HFSE, and these characteristics reflect an A-type affinity. From the Jinjiling to the Pangxiemu plutons, the mineral composition of mica changes from lepidomelane to zinnwaldite, with increases in F, Li2O and Rb2O contents. The mineral composition of zircon changes from low Zr/Hf to high Zr/Hf, with increasing HfO2, P2O5 and UO2+ThO2+Y2O3 contents. The mineral compositions of feldspar indicate that the Pangxiemu pluton contains more alkali feldspar than the Jinjiling pluton. The whole-rock geochemistry and mineral compositions reveal a higher degree of differentiation for the Pangxiemu pluton. The nearly uniform εHf(t) indicates the same source region for the two plutons: both were derived from partial melting of the lower crust, with small contributions of mantle materials. In addition, higher F, lower Nb/Ta and Zr/Hf ratios in the Pangxiemu Pluton suggest a closer relationship with the rare metal mineralization than for the Jinjiling pluton.
HOU Jianglong , JIANG Biao , DAI Hongzhang
2019, 93(4):901-911. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.13798
摘要:The Madi rare metal granite is a complex massif, which contains a variety of rare metals, such as Nb, Ta, Li, and Be. In this paper, the geochemical characteristics of the granite were obtained by multi-collector inductively coupled mass spectrometry (MC-ICP-MS). The precise crystalline age of the granite was obtained from monazite U-Pb dating, and the source of the granite was determined using Li-Nd isotopes. The Madi rare metal granite is a high-K (calc-alkaline), peraluminous, S-type granite. The U-Pb monazite age indicates that the crystalline age of the granite is 175.6 Ma, which is Early Jurassic. The granite is characterized by a relatively wide range of δ7Li values (+2.99‰ to +5.83‰) and high lithium concentrations (181 ppm to 1022 ppm). The lithium isotopic composition of the granite does not significantly correlate with the degree of magmatic differentiation. An insignificant amount of lithium isotope fractionation occurred during the granitic differentiation. The lithium isotopic composition of the granite significantly differs from that of the wall rock, but it is very similar to that of a primitive mantle peridotite xenolith (mean δ7Li value +3.5‰). The plot of Li concentration versus δ7Li indicates that the Li isotopic composition of the granite is similar to that of island arc lavas. Based on the above-described evidence, the granite was mainly derived from the crust, but it was contaminated by a deep granitic magma.
2019, 93(4):912-927. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.13763
摘要:Study of the concentration of major, trace, and rare earth elements (REE) in the Shahindezh karst bauxite deposit, northwestern Iran clarifies the relationship of the tetrad effect with geochemical parameters in the bauxite ores. The existence of irregular curves in the chondrite-normalized REE patterns as well as non-CHARAC behavior of geochemically isovalent pairs (Y/Ho) are related to the tetrad effect. The meaningful positive correlation between the sizes of the calculated T3 tetrad effect and some geochemical factors such as Y/Ho, ΣREE, La/Y, (La/Yb)N, and (LREE/HREE)N as well as some major oxides-based parameters like Al2O3 + LOI/SiO2 + Fe2O3, Al2O3/Fe2O3, Al2O3 + LOI, IOL, and SiO2 + Fe2O3 indicate that the studied bauxite horizon was likely deposited by different (acidic and/or alkalic) solutions at different stages. The lower part of the studied horizon with a thickness of ~4.7 m displays alkali characteristics whereas the upper parts of the horizon with a thickness of ~5.3 m are characterized by more acidic conditions. These results are fully supported by the co-occurrence of convex-concave tetrad effect curves in the chondrite-normalized REE patterns. Therefore, the tetrad effect phenomenon used in this study has proved to be a good and reliable geochemical proxy to assess the conditions of the depositional environment in the Shahindezh bauxite ores.
MENG Miaomiao , LIU Xinxing , FAN Tailiang , Ian J. DUNCAN
2019, 93(4):928-942. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.13893
摘要:This study examines the rare earth elements and yttrium (REY) concentrations of twenty-five samples from the reef outcrop exposed along the Lianglitage Mountain in the Ordovician, Tarim Basin in China. The concentration analysis provides constraints on the paleoenvironment during reef deposition. Based on the detailed sedimentology and petrographic work, we divide the reef facies into four sub-facies: the base facies, reef-core facies, reef-flank facies, and sealing facies. The geochemical data (such as major and trace elements, carbon and oxygen isotopes, and REYs) are further used to study the coeval seawater characteristics as well as potential diagenesis overprints. The result indicated that the diagenesis has little effect on the REY patterns of the reefal limestones. The REY concentrations of the reefal limestones are overall low (ranging from 3.69 to 19.60 ppm, arithmetic mean=10.22 ppm, SD=5.4). The PAAS-normalized REY patterns are consistently flat compared to the typical well-oxidized, shallow marine water patterns. However, the light REE (LREE) depletions, positive La anomalies, negative Ce anomalies and positive Y anomalies, suggest that these reefal limestones are likely an indicative of contemporaneous seawater REY signals. The seawater-like Y/Ho ratios (average at 37.51) further support that REY signals in these limestones are likely a reflection of seawater with little diagenetic modifications. The low Y/Ho ratios presented only in the reef-flank facies and sealing facies are likely a suggestion of detrital contamination. Hence, this study confirms that REY patterns of the limestones at the base facies and reef-core facies can record ancient seawater information, and reefs can be used as a potential geochemical proxy for paleoenvironment studies throughout the Earth’s history.
XIONG Xin , LI Jiankang , WANG Denghong , LI Shanping , LIN Hao
2019, 93(4):943-954. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.13851
摘要:The Zhawulong granitic pegmatite lithium deposit is located in the Ganzi-Songpan orogenic belt. Fluid inclusions in spodumene and coexisting quartz were studied to understand the cooling path and evolution of fluid within albite–spodumene pegmatite. There are three distinguishable types of fluid inclusions: crystal-rich, CO2–NaCl–H2O, and NaCl–H2O. At more than 500°C and 350~480 MPa, crystal-rich fluid inclusions were captured during the pegmatitic magma-hydrothermal transition stage, characterized by a dense hydrous alkali borosilicate fluid with a carbonate component. Between 412°C and 278°C, CO2–NaCl–H2Ofluid inclusions developed in spodumene (I) and quartz (II) with a low salinity (3.3–11.9 wt%NaCl equivalent) and a high volatile content, which represent the boundary between the transition stage and the hydrothermal stage. The subsequentNaCl–H2Ofluid inclusions from the hydrothermal stage, between 189°C and 302°C, have a low salinity (1.1–13.9 wt%NaCl equivalent). The various types of fluid inclusions reveal the P–T conditions of pegmatite formation, which marks the transition process from magmatic to hydrothermal. The ore-forming fluids from the Zhawulong deposit have many of the same characteristics as those from the Jiajika lithium deposit. The ore-forming fluid provided not only materials for crystallization of rare metal minerals, such as spodumene and beryl, but also the ideal conditions forthe growth of ore minerals. Therefore, this area has favorable conditions for lithium enrichment and excellent prospecting potential.
CHAI Peng , ZHANG Zhiyu , HOU Zengqian
2019, 93(4):955-971. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.13849
摘要:The Dayingezhuang gold deposit, hosted mainly by Late Jurassic granitoids on Jiaodong Peninsula in eastern China, contains an estimated 170 t of gold and is one of the largest deposits within the Zhaoping fracture zone. The orebodies consist of auriferous altered pyrite–sericite–quartz granites that show Jiaojia-type (i.e., disseminated and veinlet) mineralization. Mineralization and alteration are structurally controlled by the NE- to NNE-striking Linglong detachment fault. The mineralization can be divided into four stages: (K-feldspar)–pyrite–sericite–quartz, quartz–gold–pyrite, quartz–gold–polymetallic sulfide, and quartz–carbonate, with the majority of the gold being produced in the second and third stages. Based on a combination of petrography, microthermometry, and laser Raman spectroscopy, three types of fluid inclusion were identified in the vein minerals: NaCl–H2O (A-type), CO2–H2O–NaCl (AC-type), and pure CO2 (PC-type). Quartz crystals in veinlets that formed during the first stage contain mainly AC-type fluid inclusions, with rare PC-type inclusions. These fluid inclusions homogenize at temperatures of 251°C–403°C and have low salinities of 2.2–9.4 wt% NaCl equivalent. Quartz crystals that formed in the second and third stages contain all three types of fluid inclusions, with total homogenization temperatures of 216°C–339°C and salinities of 1.8–13.8 wt% NaCl equivalent for the second stage and homogenization temperatures of 195°C–321°C and salinities of 1.4–13.3 wt% NaCl equivalent for the third stage. In contrast, quartz crystals that formed in the fourth stage contains mainly A-type fluid inclusions, with minor occurrences of AC-type inclusions; these inclusions have homogenization temperatures of 106°C–287°C and salinities of 0.5–7.7 wt% NaCl equivalent. Gold in the ore-forming fluids may have changed from Au(HS)0 as the dominant species under acidic conditions and at relatively high temperatures and fO2 in the early stages, to Au(HS)2– under neutral-pH conditions at lower temperatures and fO2 in the later stages. The precipitation of gold and other metals is inferred to be caused by a combination of fluid immiscibility and water–rock interaction.
HOU Zhenkun , LI Xianwen , ZHANG Yanming , LIANG Huqing , GUO Ying , CHENG Hanlie , GAO Ruchao
2019, 93(4):972-981. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.13879
摘要:Shale, as a kind of brittle rock, often exhibits different nonlinear stress-strain behavior, failure and time-dependent behavior under different strain rates. To capture these features, this work conducted triaxial compression tests under axial strain rates ranging from 5×10?6 s?1 to 1×10?3 s?1. The results show that both elastic modulus and peak strength have a positive correlation relationship with strain rates. These strain rate-dependent mechanical behaviors of shale are originated from damage growth, which is described by a damage parameter. When axial strain is the same, the damage parameter is positively correlated with strain rate. When strain rate is the same, with an increase of axial strain, the damage parameter decreases firstly from an initial value (about 0.1 to 0.2), soon reaches its minimum (about 0.1), and then increases to an asymptotic value of 0.8. Based on the experimental results, taking yield stress as the cut-off point and considering damage variable evolution, a new measure of micro-mechanical strength is proposed. Based on the Lemaitre’s equivalent strain assumption and the new measure of micro-mechanical strength, a statistical strain-rate dependent damage constitutive model for shale that couples physically meaningful model parameters was established. Numerical back-calculations of these triaxial compression tests results demonstrate the ability of the model to reproduce the primary features of the strain rate dependent mechanical behavior of shale.
WU Jin , ZHOU Wen , SUN Shasha , ZHOU Shangwen , SHI Zhensheng
2019, 93(4):982-995. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.13860
摘要:A key target of shale gas exploration and production in China is the organic-rich black shale of the Wufeng Formation-Longmaxi Formation in the Sichuan Basin and its periphery. The set of black shale contains abundant graptolites, which are mainly preserved as flattened rhabdosomes with carbonized periderms, is an important organic component of the shale. However, few previous studies had focused on the organic matter (OM) which is derived from graptolite and its pore structure. In particular, the contributions of graptolites to gas generation, storage, and flow have not yet been examined. In this study, focused ion beam-scanning electron microscope (FIB-SEM) was used to investigate the characteristics of the graptolite-derived OM and the micro-nanopores of graptolite periderms. The results suggested that the proportion of OM in the graptolite was between 19.7% and 30.2%, and between 8.9% and 14.4% in the surrounding rock. The total organic carbon (TOC) content of the graptolite was found to be higher than that of the surrounding rock, which indicated that the graptolite played a significant role in the dispersed organic matter. Four types of pores were developed in the graptolite periderm, including organic gas pores, pyrite moulage pores, authigenic quartz moldic pores, and micro-fractures. These well-developed micro-nano pores and fractures had formed an interconnected system within the graptolites which provided storage spaces for shale gas. The stacked layers and large accumulation of graptolites resulted in lamellation fractures openning easily, and provided effective pathways for the gas flow. A few nanoscale gas pores were observed in the graptolite-derived OM, with surface porosity lie in 1.5%–2.4%, and pore diameters of 5–20 nm. The sapropel detritus was determined to be rich in nanometer-sized pores with surface porosity of 3.1%–6.2%, and pore diameters of 20–80 nm. Due to the small amount of hydrocarbon generation of the graptolite, supporting the overlying pressure was difficult, which caused the pores to become compacted or collapsed.
HUANG Cheng , XU Tianyang , JU Yiwen , ZHU Hongjian , JU Liting , LI Wuyang
2019, 93(4):996-1004. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.13877
摘要:The fracturing technology for shale gas reservoir is the key to the development of shale gas industrialization. It makes much sense to study the mechanical properties and deformation characteristics of shale, due to its close relationship with the fracability of shale gas reservoir. This paper took marine shale in the Changning area, southern Sichuan Basin of China as the research object. Based on field profile and hand specimen observation, we analyzed the development of natural fractures and collected samples from Wufeng Formation and Longmaxi Formation. Combining with the indoor experiment, we investigated the macroscopic and microscopic structural features and the remarkable heterogeneity of shale samples. Then we illustrated the mechanics and deformation characteristics of shale, through uniaxial compression test and direct shear test. The shale has two types of fracture modes, which depend on the angular relation between loading direction and the bedding plane. Besides, the Wufeng shale has a higher value of brittleness index than the Longmaxi shale, which was calculated using two methods, mechanical parameters and mineral composition. Given the above results, we proposed a fracability evaluation model for shale gas reservoir using the analytic hierarchy process. Four influence factors, brittleness index, fracture toughness, natural fractures and cohesive force, are considered. Finally, under the control of normalized value and weight coefficient of each influence factor, the calculations results indicate that the fracability index of the Wufeng Formation is higher than that of the Longmaxi Formation in Changning area, southern Sichuan Basin.
LIU Shanyong , LI Lin , YUAN Yuan , LOU Yishan , LI Zhonghui
2019, 93(4):1005-1014. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.13867
摘要:Fracability characterizes the effectiveness of hydraulic fracturing. The existing assessment methods cannot reflect the actual value of the effectiveness due to a lack of comprehensive consideration and neglect of the influences of engineering factors. This study aims to solve this problem by implementing geological static data and production dynamic data in multivariate analysis in Zhaotong shale gas demonstration zone. First, the reservoir quality index (RQI) was introduced to evaluate the exploration potential by integrating the geological parameters with gray relational analysis. Moreover, the differences in fracturing fluid types and proppant sizes were considered, and the operating parameters were normalized on the basis of the equivalence principle. Finally, the general reservoir fracability index (GRFI) was proposed based on a dimensioned processing of the various parameters. A case study was conducted to verify the accuracy and feasibility of this new approach. The results demonstrate that (1) the organic carbon and gas content are adjusted to contribute the most to the calculation of the RQI, while the effective porosity contributes the least; (2) the fracturing scale is the main operating parameter determining the fracability, which has the strongest correlation with the effectiveness of fracking; and (3) the GRFI has a positive correlation with shale gas production, and the lower limit of the GRFI of 2,000 corresponds to a daily production of 50,000 m3/d; this value is defined as the threshold value of a stripper well. The GRFI is consistent with the productivity trend of shale gas wells in the research block, which suggests that the new model is accurate and practical for well candidate selection.
WANG Xiaoqi , ZHU Yanming , LIU Yu , LI Wu
2019, 93(4):1015-1024. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.13870
摘要:Kerogen plays an important role in shale gas adsorption, desorption and diffusion. Therefore, it is necessary to characterize the molecular structure of kerogen. In this study, four kerogen samples were isolated from the organic-rich shale of the Longmaxi Formation. Raman spectroscopy was used to determine the maturity of these kerogen samples. High-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (13C NMR) , X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy were conducted to characterize the molecular structure of the shale samples. The results demonstrate that VReqv of these kerogen samples vary from 2.3% to 2.8%, suggesting that all the kerogen samples are in the dry gas window. The macromolecular carbon skeleton of the Longmaxi Formation kerogen is mainly aromatic (fa’=0.56). In addition, the aromatic structural units are mainly composed of naphthalene (23%), anthracene (23%) and phenanthrene (29%). However, the aliphatic structure of the kerogen macromolecules is relatively low (fal*+falH=0.08), which is presumed to be distributed in the form of methyl and short aliphatic chains at the edge of the aromatic units. The oxygen-containing functional groups in the macromolecules are mainly present in the form of carbonyl groups (fac=0.23) and hydroxyl groups or ether groups (falO=0.13). The crystallite structural parameters of kerogen, including the stacking height (Lc=22.84 ?), average lateral size (La=29.29 ?) and interlayer spacing (d002=3.43 ?), are close to the aromatic structural parameters of anthracite or overmature kerogen. High-resolution transmission electron microscopy reveals that the aromatic structure is well oriented, and more than 65% of the diffractive aromatic layers are concentrated in the main direction. Due to the continuous deep burial, the longer aliphatic chains and oxygen-containing functional groups in the kerogen are substantially depleted. However, the ductility and stacking degree of the aromatic structure increases during thermal evolution. This study provides quantitative information on the molecular structure of kerogen samples based on multiple research methods, which may contribute to an improved understanding of the organic pores in black shale.
CAO Taotao , LIU Guangxiang , LIU Hu , DENG Mo , HAN Yuanhong , HUANG Yanran , Andrew S. HURSTHOUSE
2019, 93(4):1025-1046. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.13865
摘要:Nanoscale pore characteristics of the Upper Permian Longtan transitional mudrocks and their equivalent strata Wujiaping Formation marine mudrocks in and around the eastern Sichuan Basin was investigated using field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM) and low-pressure N2 adsorption experiments. The results indicate that the Upper Permian mudrock is at a mature stage with total organic carbon (TOC) values ranging between 0.47% and 12.3%. The Longtan mudrocks mainly contain vitrinite, and their mineral composition is primarily clay. In contrast, the Wujiaping mudrocks are dominated by sapropelinite and solid bitumen, and their mineral compositions are mainly quartz and a notably high amount of pyrite. The FE-SEM reveals that clay mineral pores and microcracks are the common pore types in the Longtan mudrocks. The specific surface area and pore volume depend on the clay content but are negatively correlated with the TOC. The generation of nanometer pores in the Longtan mudrocks is caused by high clay mineral contents. Meanwhile, the Wujiaping mudrock mainly contains OM pores, and the pore parameters are positively correlated with the TOC. The OM pore development exhibits remarkable differences in the Longtan and Wujiaping mudrocks, which might be related to their sedimentary facies and maceral fractions. Vitrinite and inertinite appear as discrete particles in these mudrocks and cannot generate pores during thermal maturation. Sapropelinite often contains many secondary pores, and solid bitumen with large particles, usually with several pores, is not the major contributor to the pore system of the investigated mudrock.
LIANG Feng , ZHANG Qin , CUI Huiying , MENG Qingqiang , MA Chao , LIANG Pingping , GUO Wei
2019, 93(4):1047-1059. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.13800
摘要:The Upper Ordovician Wufeng-Lower Silurian Longmaxi and the Lower Cambrian Qiongzhusi shales are the major targets for shale gas exploration and development in China. Although the two organic-rich shales share similar distribution ranges and thicknesses, they exhibit substantially different exploration and development results. This work analyzed the nanopore structures of the shale reservoirs in this region. Pore development of 51 shale samples collected from various formations and locations was compared using the petromineralogical, geochemical, structural geological and reservoir geological methods. The results indicate that the reservoir space in these shales is dominated by organic pores and the total pore volume of micropores, mesopores, macropores in different tectonic areas and formations show different trends with the increase of TOC. It is suggested that organic pores of shale can be well preserved in areas with simple structure and suitable preservation conditions, and the shale with smaller maximum ancient burial depth and later hydrocarbon-generation-end-time is also more conducive to pore preservation. Organic pore evolution models are established, and they are as follows: ① Organic matter pore development stage, ② Early stage of organic matter pore destruction, and ③ late stage of organic matter pore destruction. The areas conducive to pore development are favorable for shale gas development. Research results can effectively guide the optimization and evaluation of favorable areas of shale gas.
NI Minjie , CHEN Shi , LIU Zichao , SHANG Fengkai , QI Jiafu , WANG Lishuang
2019, 93(4):1060-1075. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.13854
摘要:Geological mapping, interpreted cross sections, structural analyses and residual thickness maps were used to characterize the evolution of stress setting, structure and stratigraphic distribution of the Chepaizi Uplift, which is a NW-SE trending structure located in the Western Junggar Basin. The NS-trending faults show an important transpressional phase during the Late Permian, as demonstrated by tectonic stress field and stratigraphic thickness variations. A major compressional thrusting and strike-slip phase during the Late Jurassic created a series of NW-SE faults that originated by the large-scale uplift event in the Northern Tianshan. Faults were reactivated as thrust and dextral strike-slip faults. In addition, the angular unconformity observed between Jurassic and Cretaceous provide evidence of this tectonic event. Lots of normal faults indicate that the area records southward tilting and regional derived extensional stress that took place during the Neogene. Before that, thick Early Cenozoic strata are widely deposited. The balanced cross-section highlights the evolution of stress setting and stratigraphic distribution of the Chepaizi Uplift.
DAI Xiaojuan , TANG Huafeng , ZHANG Tao , ZHAO Pengjiu , XU Chunming , KONG Tan , ZHAO Tianliang , WANG Pujun
2019, 93(4):1076-1087. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.13807
摘要:A gas field consisting of volcanic reservoir rocks was discovered in the block-T units of the Xihu Sag, East China Sea Basin. The lithology of the volcanic rocks is dominated by tuff and reworked tuff. The lithofacies are dominated by base surge deposits of explosive facies. As the architecture model of volcanic facies is still uncertain, it has restricted the exploration and development of mineral resources in this area. Using core and cuttings data, the lithology, lithofacies, geochemistry as well as grain size characteristics of volcanic rocks were analyzed. Based on these analyses, the volcanic rocks in the well section are divided into three eruptive stages. The transport direction of each volcanic eruption is analyzed using crystal fragment size analysis. The facies architecture of the block-T units was established based on the reconstruction results of paleo-geomorphology. The results show that the drilling reveals proximal facies (PF) and distal facies (DF) of the volcanic edifices. However, the crater-near crater facies (CNCF) are not revealed. Compared with the reservoirs of the Songliao Basin, it is shown that the volcanic rocks in the Xihu Sag have good exploration potential; a favorable target area is the CNCF near the contemporaneous fault.
LIU Jie , SUN Meijing , GAO Hongfang , LI Xuejie
2019, 93(4):1088-1096. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.13804
摘要:Based on numerous high-resolution seismic profiles, sediment waves and their distribution, morphological characteristics, internal structure, and potential origins were revealed in the eastern waters of Taiwan. The sediment waves are located at the junction between the Taitung Canyon and other canyons in the slope. The wave length and the wave height of a single waveform ranged from 0.8 to 7.2 km and from 18 to 75 m, respectively (NE-SW direction). Sediment waves, located inside the bend of the Taitung Canyon, were characterized by an upward migration and showed mass transport deposits (MTDs) at the bottom, while the inner curve of the bend was subdivided into lower and upper wavy transition units. The sediment waves on the outer curve of the bend were characterized by vertical accumulation, and there was no mass flow deposit at the bottom. According to the geometry of the sediment waves, the calculated flow thicknesses across the entire wave field ranged from 196 to 356 m, and the current velocity ranged from 15 to 21 cm/s. The morphological characteristics, the internal structure, and the distribution of sediment waves, as well as the numerical calculations, evidenced that these sediment waves had formed by turbidity currents. The development of the sediment wave field in eastern Taiwan was found to be similar to that in southwestern Taiwan. It was the sedimentary response of the tectonic movement between 3 and ~1 Ma which created the sedimentary systems where gravity flow processes predominated. Turbidity current sediments settled in the place of less topographical constraints or overflowed in the bend section of the Taitung Canyon, which resulted in the formation of sediment wave fields.
QIN Xiwei , MA Haizhou , ZHANG Xiying , CHENG Huaide , HAN Jibin , LI Yongshou , MIAO Weiliang , HAI Qingyu
2019, 93(4):1097-1112. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.13853
摘要:Chemical and isotopic data were measured for 51 leached brine springs in the Changdu-Lanping-Simao Basin (CD-LP-SM), China. The predominance of Cl and Na, saturation indices of carbonate minerals, and Na/Cl and Ca/SO4 ratios of ~1 suggest that halite, sulphate, and carbonate are the solute sources. Integration of geochemical, δ18O, and δD values suggests that springs are mainly derived from meteoric water, ice-snow melt, and water-rock interactions. B concentrations range from 0.18 to 11.9 mg/L, with δ11B values of ?4.37‰ to +32.39‰, indicating a terrestrial source. The δ11B-B relationships suggest B sources of crustal origin (marine carbonates with minor crust-derived volcanics); we did not identify a marine or deep mantle origin. The δ11B values of saline springs (+4.61‰ to +32.39‰) exceed those of hot (?4.37‰ to +4.53‰) and cold (?3.47‰ to +14.84‰) springs; this has contributed to strong water-rock interactions and strong saturation of dissolved carbonates. Conversely, the global geothermal δ11B-Cl/B relationship suggests mixing of marine and non-marine sources. The δ11B-Cl/B relationships of the CD-LP-SM are similar to those of the Tibet geothermal belt and the Nangqen Basin, indicating the same B origin. These differ from thermal waters controlled by magmatic fluids and seawater, suggesting that B in CD-LP-SM springs has a crustal origin.
GUO Changbao , WU Ruian , ZHANG Yongshuang , REN Sanshao , YANG Zhihua , LI Xue
2019, 93(4):1113-1124. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.13805
摘要:The upper reaches of the Minjiang River are in the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau, where active faults are well developed and earthquakes frequently occur. Anomalous climate change and the extremely complex geomechanical properties of rock and soil have resulted in a number of geohazards. Based on the analysis of remote sensing interpretations, geological field surveys, geophysical prospecting and geological dating results, this paper discusses the developmental characteristics of the Gamisi ancient landslide in Songpan County, Sichuan Province, and investigates its geological age and formation mechanism. This study finds that the Gamisi ancient landslide is in the periglacial region of the Minshan Mountain and formed approximately 25 ka BP. The landslide initiation zone has a collapse and slide zone of approximately 22.65×106–31.7×106 m3 and shows a maximum sliding distance of approximately 1.42 km, with an elevation difference of approximately 310 m between the back wall of the landslide and the leading edge of the accumulation area. The landslide movement was characterized by a high speed and long runout. During the sliding process, the landslide body eroded and dammed the ancient Minjiang River valley. The ancient river channel was buried 30-60 m below the surface of the landslide accumulation area. Geophysical prospecting and drilling observations revealed that the ancient riverbed was approximately 80-100 m thick. After the dam broke, the Minjiang River was migrated to the current channel at the leading edge of the landslide. The Gamisi ancient landslide was greatly affected by the regional crustal uplift, topography, geomorphology and paleoclimatic change. The combined action of periglacial karstification and climate change caused the limestone at the rear edge of the landslide fractured, thus providing a lithological foundation for landslide occurrence. Intense tectonic activity along the Minjiang Fault, which runs through the middle and trailing parts of the Gamisi ancient landslide, may have been the main factor inducing landsliding. Studying the Gamisi ancient landslide is of great significance for investigating the regional response to paleoclimatic change and geomorphologic evolution of the Minjiang Fault since the late Pleistocene and for disaster prevention and mitigation.
WANG Wenqing , LIU Chiyang , ZHANG Dongdong , LIU Wenhui , CHEN Li , LIU Wei
2019, 93(4):1125-1134. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.14298
摘要:The coexistence of hydrogen-containing materials and radioactive substances in source rocks is universal. Few documents have researched whether the latter can radiate the former to generate hydrogen gas (H2) as well as the factors controlling this process. This work conducted a series of radiation experiments to address this issue. Samples were placed in sealed Pyrex glass containers and subject to cobalt (60Co) γ irradiation and components and contents of resultant gases were analyzed using gas-chromatography. The results show that all the samples released variable amounts of H2 after irradiation and that the yield (H2) of decane is lower than that of 3-tetradecylthiophene but higher than that of distilled water, which implies that a weaker H-X bond energy (X indicates O, C or other element) in homogeneous materials corresponds with increased yield (H2). The yields (H2) of samples decreased with the decreasing solutions concentrations in sequence from mixed salts solution, KCl solution, Yellow Sea water, oil field water, gypsum solution to distilled water. The experimental results also show that the yield (H2) of distilled water with montmorillonite is higher than that of distilled water with kaolinite, because due to the larger specific surface area, ion exchange capacity and more effective energy transfer effect of montmorillonite. Meanwhile, the irradiation of oxygen- and carbon-containing materials also releases O2 and CH4. The production of H2 via the irradiation of hydrogen-containing materials makes the involvement of exogenous H2 into hydrocarbon generation possible, which can enhance the hydrocarbon volume and optimize crude oil.
SHI Qiang , XU Zhongyuan , LIU Zhenghong , DONG Xiaojie , LI Shichao
2019, 93(4):1146-1148. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.14315
TAO Zaili , YIN Jiyuan , CHEN Wen , LI Dapeng , CAI Keda , XU Zhihua , DU Qiuyi
2019, 93(4):1149-1151. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.14313
YANG Fucheng , LI Wenchang , LIU Xuelong , WANG Shuaishuai , YANG Yunkai , GU Youwei , LUO Ying
2019, 93(4):1152-1153. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.13845
ZHAO Han , XIAO Qianru , YU Xiaoxuan , XIONG Fuhao , GONG Tingting , WANG Qiang
2019, 93(4):1154-1155. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.13846
CHEN Chao , HU Huabin , NIU Shuyin , ZHANG Fuxiang , LI Liang , BAI Xiaoxuan , SU Baoqi , CAO Yaqi , TONG Huayu
2019, 93(4):1156-1157. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.14316
HAN Tonglin , YU Changqing , DING Xiaozhong , TIAN Zhenyu , ZHENG Xiaojie , HAN Kunying , PANG Jianfeng , XU Kejuan , WANG Liang , WANG Dan , LIN Jingxing
2019, 93(4):1160-1161. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.14346
主编 :侯增谦
主管单位 :中国科学技术协会
主办单位 :中国地质学会
创刊 :1922年
国际标准刊号 :ISSN 1000-9515
国内统一刊号 :CN 11-2001