主编 :侯增谦
主管单位 :中国科学技术协会
主办单位 :中国地质学会
创刊 :1922年
国际标准刊号 :ISSN 1000-9515
国内统一刊号 :CN 11-2001
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WAN Yusheng,DONG Chunyan,XIE Hangqiang,WANG Shijin
2020, 94(4):877-883. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.14549
摘要:Komatiites are presented as direct evidence for higher mantle temperatures during the Archean. In the North China Craton, komatiites with spinifex structure have been identified only at one locality, i.e. the Sujiagou area, western Shandong. They were considered as formed during the early Neoarchean mainly based on their association with supracrustal rocks considered to be that age. This study carried out SHRIMP U-Pb zircon dating on metamorphosed trondhjemitic and monzogranitic dykes intruding the Sujiagou komatiites, and they have magmatic zircon ages of 2592 ± 12 Ma and 2586 ± 13 Ma respectively. This provides direct evidence that the komatiites formed during the early Neoarchean.
WEI Ran,WANG Yitian,MAO Jingwen,HU Qiaoqing,QIN Siting,LIU Shengyou,YE Dejin,YUAN Qunhu,DOU Ping
2020, 94(4):884-900. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.14550
摘要:The extensive Changba-Lijiagou Pb-Zn deposit is located in the north of the Xihe–Chengxian ore cluster in West Qinling. The ore bodies are mainly hosted in the marble, dolomitic marble and biotite-calcite-quartz schist of the Middle Devonian Anjiacha Formation, and are structurally controlled by the fault and anticline. The ore-forming process can be divided into three main stages, based on field geological features and mineral assemblages. The mineral assemblages of hydrothermal stage I are pale-yellow coarse grain, low Fe sphalerite, pyrite with pits, barite and biotite. The mineral assemblages of hydrothermal stage II are black-brown cryptocrystalline, high Fe shalerite, pyrite without pits, marcasite or arsenopyrite replace the pyrite with pits, K-feldspar. The features of hydrothermal stage III are calcite-quartz-sulfide vein cutting the laminated, banded ore body. Forty-two sulfur isotope analyses, twenty-five lead isotope analyses and nineteen carbon and oxygen isotope analyses were determined on sphalerite, pyrite, galena and calcite. The δ34S values of stage I (20.3 to 29.0‰) are consistent with the δ34S of sulfate (barite) in the stratum. Combined with geological feature, inclusion characteristics and EPMA data, we propose that TSR has played a key role in the formation of the sulfides in stage I. The δ34S values of stage II sphalerite and pyrite (15.1 to 23.0‰) are between sulfides in the host rock, magmatic sulfur and the sulfate (barite) in the stratum. This result suggests that multiple S reservoirs were the sources for S2? in stage II. The δ34S values of stage III (13.1 to 22‰) combined with the structure of the geological and mineral features suggest a magmatic hydrothermal origin of the mineralization. The lead isotope compositions of the sulfides have 206Pb/204Pb ranging from 17.9480 to 17.9782, 207Pb/204Pb ranging from 15.611 to 15.622, and 208Pb/204Pb ranging from 38.1368 to 38.1691 in the three ore-forming stages. The narrow and symmetric distributions of the lead isotope values reflect homogenization of granite and mantle sources before the Pb-Zn mineralization. The δ13CPDB and δ18OSMOW values of stage I range from ?0.1 to 2.4‰ and from 18.8 to 21.7‰. The values and inclusion data indicate that the source of fluids in stage I was the dissolution of marine carbonate. The δ13CPDB and δ18OSMOW values of stage II range from ?4 to 1‰ and from 12.3 to 20.3‰, suggesting multiple C-O reservoirs in the Changba deposit and the addition of mantle-source fluid to the system. The values in stage III are ?3.1‰ and 19.7‰, respectively. We infer that the process of mineralization involved evaporitic salt and sedimentary organic-bearing units interacting through thermochemical sulfate reduction through the isotopic, mineralogy and inclusion evidences. Subsequently, the geology feature, mineral assemblages, EPMA data and isotopic values support the conclusion that the ore-forming hydrothermal fluids were mixed with magmatic hydrothermal fluids and forming the massive dark sphalerite, then yielding the calcite-quartz-sulfide vein ore type at the last stage. The genesis of this ore deposit was epigenetic rather than the previously-proposed sedimentary-exhalative (SEDEX) type.
YAN Zhen,FU Changlei,Jonathan C. AITCHISON,ZHOU Renjie,Solomon BUCKMAN,CHEN Lei
2020, 94(4):901-913. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.14551
摘要:The South Qilian belt mainly comprises an early Paleozoic arc-ophiolite complex, accretionary prism, micro-continental block, and foreland basin. These elements represent accretion-collision during Cambrian to Silurian time in response to closure of the Proto-Tethyan Ocean in the NE of the present-day Tibet Plateau. Closure of the Proto-Tethyan Ocean between the Central Qilian block and the Oulongbuluke block and the associated collision took place from NE to SW in a zipper-like style. Sediment would have been dispersed longitudinally SW-ward with a progressive facies migration from marginal alluvial sediments toward slope deep-water and deep-sea turbidites. This migration path indicates an ocean basin that shrank toward the SW. The Balonggongga’er Formation in the western South Qilian belt represents the fill of a latest Ordovician-Silurian remnant ocean basin that separated the Oulongbuluke block from the Central Qilian block, and records Silurian closure of the Proto-Tethyan Ocean and subduction beneath the Central Qilian block. However, alluvial deposits in the Lajishan area were accumulated in a retro-foreland basin, indicating that continent-continent collision in the eastern South Qilian belt occurred at c. 450–440 Ma. These results demonstrate that the Proto-Tethyan Ocean closed diachronously during early Paleozoic time.
2020, 94(4):914-941. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.14552
摘要:The continent of China developed through the coalescence of three major cratons (North China, Tarim and Yangtze) and continental micro-blocks through the processes of oceanic crust disappearance and acceretionary-collision of continental crusts. The strata of the Chinese continental landmass are subdivided into 12 tectonic-strata regions. Based on the composition of geological features among the three main cratons, continental micro-blocks and other major global cratons, their affinities can be preliminarily deduced during the Tonian period, using evidence from sedimentary successions, paleobiogeography, tectonic and magmatic events. The Yangtze and Tarim cratons show that they have close affinities during the assembly-dispersal milestone of the Rodinia Supercontinent. The sedimentary record and magmatic age populations in the blocks suggest that there was a widespread, intensive magmatic event that resulted from a subduction process during ~1000–820 Ma, related to continental rifting around the Yangtze and Tarim cratons. However, they differ greatly from the North China Craton. The continental micro-blocks in the Panthalassic Ocean could have some missing connection with the North China Craton that persisted until the Middle-Late Devonian. In contrast, the Alxa Block showed a strong affinity with the Tarim Craton. The revised Tonian paleogeography of the Rodinia Supercontinent is a good demonstration of how to show the relationship between the main cratons and the continental micro-blocks.
YU Yang,YE Qin,ZHANG Kexin,HE Weihong,SONG Bowen,XU Yadong,KOU Xiaohu,WANG Jiaxuan,YANG Fengli
2020, 94(4):942-971. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.14553
摘要:The Cryogenian is a critical period in the history of the Earth. It is marked by multiple extreme climate changes that caused alternating global glacial and interglacial intervals. These dramatically changed the sedimentary system, and metal ores and source rocks distributed widely during this period. Therefore, studying the Cryogenian stratigraphic framework and sedimentary basins is important to improve the stratigraphic resolution for metal mineral and hydrocarbon prospecting and exploration in China. This review paper firstly divides three tectonic-stratigraphic regions in China in the Cryogenian, including the tectonic-stratigraphic regions of Great South China, Xingmeng-Tarim, and North China. Secondly, geochronologic data and geological records are combined to clearly depict the Cryogenian sedimentary sequence of continental blocks and micro-continental blocks in different tectonic-stratigraphic regions. The results were used to propose a new comparison scheme of stratigraphy for the Cryogenian in China. Finally, according to differences of sedimentary evolution and tectonic evolvement, sedimentary basins and their lithofacies paleogeography are identified and summarized, respectively.
2020, 94(4):972-987. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.14554
摘要:The Jiangda–Deqen–Weixi continental margin arc (DWCA) developed along the base of the Changdu–Simao Block and was formed as a result of the subduction of the Jinsha River Ocean Slab and the subsequent collision. The Ludian batholith is located in the southern part of the DWCA and is the largest batholith in northwest Yunnan. Granite samples from the Ludian batholith yield an early Middle Permian age of 271.0 ± 2.8 Ma. The geochemical data of the early Middle Permian granitoids show high Si2O, low P2O5 and MgO contents that belong to calc-alkaline series and peraluminous I-type rocks. Their εHf(t) values range from ?5.01 to +0.58, indicating that they were formed by hybrid magmas related to the subduction of the Jinsha River Tethys Ocean. The monzonite and monzogranite samples yield Late Permian ages of 250.6 ± 1.8 Ma and 252.1 ± 1.3 Ma, respectively. The Late Permian granitoids are high-K calc alkaline and shoshonite series metaluminous I-type rocks. Their εHf(t) values range from ?4.12 to ?1.68 and from ?7.88 to ?6.64, respectively. The mixing of crustal and mantle melts formed the parental magma of the Late Permian granitoids. This study, combined with previous work, demonstrates the process from subduction to collision of the Jinsha River Paleo-Tethys Ocean.
ZHANG Jin,YUN Long,ZHANG Beihang,QU Junfeng,ZHAO Heng,HUI Jie,WANG Yannan,ZHANG Yiping
2020, 94(4):988-1006. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.14555
摘要:How the Altyn Tagh fault (ATF) extends eastwards is one of the key questions in the study of the growth of the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau. Detailed fieldwork at the easternmost part of the ATF shows that the ATF extends eastward and bypasses the Kuantan Mountain; it does not stop at the Kuantan Mountain, but connects with the northern Heishan fault in the east. The ATF does not enter the Alxa Block but extends eastward along the southern Alxa Block to the Jintanan Mountain. The Heishan fault is not a thrust fault but a sinistral strike-slip fault with a component of thrusting and is a part of the ATF. Further to the east, the Heishan fault may connect with the Jintananshan fault. A typical strike-slip duplex develops in the easternmost part of the ATF. The cut and deformed Quaternary sediments and displaced present gullies along the easternmost ATF indicate that it is an active fault. The local highest Mountain (i.e., the Kuantan Mountain) in the region forms in a restraining bend of the ATF due to the thrusting and uplifting. The northward growth of the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau and the active deformation in South Mongolia are realized by sinistral strike-slipping on a series of NE–SW-trending faults and thrusting in restraining bends along the strike-slip faults with the northeastward motion of blocks between these faults.
WANG Haitao,ZHAI Qingguo,HU Peiyuan,ZENG Lingsen,TANG Yue,ZHU Zhicai
2020, 94(4):1007-1019. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.14556
摘要:The Paleozoic tectonic framework and paleo–plate configuration of the northern margin of Gondwana remain controversial. The South Qiangtang terrane is located along the northern margin of Gondwana and records key processes in the formation and evolution of this supercontinent. Here, we present new field, petrological, zircon U-Pb geochronological, and Lu-Hf isotopic data for granitic rocks of the Gemuri pluton, all of which provide new insights into the evolution of the northern margin of Gondwana. Zircon U-Pb dating of the Gemuri pluton yielded three concordant ages of 488.5 ± 2.1, 479.9 ± 8.9, and 438.5 ± 3.5 Ma. Combining these ages with the results of previous research indicates that the South Qiangtang terrane records two magmatic episodes at 502–471 and 453–439 Ma. These two episodes are associated with enriched zircon Hf isotopic compositions (εHf(t) = ?10.1 to ?3.9 and ?16.6 to ?6.5, respectively), suggesting the granites were formed by the partial melting of Paleoproterozoic–Mesoproterozoic metasedimentary rocks (Two–stage Hf model ages (TDMC) = 2094–1704 and 2466–1827 Ma, respectively). Combining these data with the presence of linearly distributed, contemporaneous Paleozoic igneous rocks along the northern margin of Gondwana, we suggest that all of these rocks were formed in an active continental margin setting. This manifests that the two magmatic episodes within the Gemuri area were associated with southward subduction in the Proto- (Paleo-) Tethys Ocean.
2020, 94(4):1020-1041. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.14557
摘要:The offset of geological bodies provides robust evidence of displacement along a fault or ductile shear zone. The amount of displacement along the Xuelongshan–Diancangshan–Ailaoshan structural system, southeastern Tibetan Plateau, is uncertain because of the lack of offset geological markers. This NNW–SSE-trending system is developed in three isolated metamorphic complexes and interjacent nonmetamorphosed rocks. They are expected to record similar post-Eocene strain, although their structural patterns should be distinct. Geological mapping in the area between the Xuelongshan and Diancangshan metamorphic complexes has revealed a small Eocene basin, the Madeng Basin, located to the west of the structural system. The sedimentary and volcanic successions of the Madeng Basin are comparable to those of the Jianchuan Basin, which is located to the east of the structural system. Zircon U–Pb geochronological and bulk geochemical data demonstrate that the volcanic rocks of both basins formed during 37–34 Ma and share the same geochemical features. These data suggest that the Madeng and Jianchuan basins previously constituted a single basin, with the distribution of high-K volcanic rocks in the basins defining an ENE–WSW-trending volcanic belt that shows a limited dextral offset of ≤20 km across the Xuelongshan–Diancangshan–Ailaoshan structural system. Therefore, the northern segment of the structural system records no evidence of large-scale lateral movement/displacement. The results suggest that the Indochina block, which is bounded by the Xuelongshan–Diancangshan–Ailaoshan structural system to the east and the Sagaing Fault to the west, has not extruded southward as a whole but rather has been deformed by pervasive crustal shortening.
WANG Jiaxuan,ZHANG Kexin,JIN Jisuo,SONG Bowen,YU Yang,WANG Lijun,WANG Shengdong,SUN Shuo
2020, 94(4):1042-1059. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.14559
摘要:The Beishan orogenic zone is a key area to understand evolution of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt that is an accretionary factory well-enough preserved in the Paleozoic. In early Paleozoic, the tectonic mélange zone containing the coherent unit and mélange unit is triggered by the complicated accretionary process of the Beishan area. The early Paleozoic tectonic evolution of the Beishan orogenic zone is investigated in this study using sedimentology and stratigraphic correlations of the lowe Paleozoic deposits. From the Cambrian to the middle Ordovician, this region was characterized by geographically extensive, flat-bedded siliceous mudstone, indicating the existence of a large ocean basin. The oceanic plate entered the convergence phase in terms of the Wilson Circle during the Middle Ordovician, when numerous magmatic arcs formed along two opposite sides of the ocean. The magmatic arcs became the widest during the Silurian, suggesting that the Hongliuhe-Niujuanzi-Xichangjing Ocean (HNX; a southern branch of the Paleo Asian Ocean) was reduced to a small residual ocean in the central Beishan region by that time, and probably lasted till the Carboniferous or later by newly published data.
WANG Lijun,ZHANG Kexin,HE Weihong,YIN Leiming,Shoufa LIN
2020, 94(4):1060-1070. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.14558
摘要:The Jiangshan-Shaoxing-Pingxiang Fault (JSP Fault) is traditionally considered as the boundary between the Yangtze and Cathaysia blocks in South China. Whether the previously defined Shenshan and Kuli formations located along the JSP fault and near the Xinyu City, Jiangxi Province, are continuous strata or parts of a tectonic mélange is important for understanding the geological history of South China. A carbonaceous phyllite from the area, previously considered as part of the Neoproterozoic Shenshan and Kuli formations, is analyzed palynologically in this study. The Asteridium-Comasphaeridium acritarch assemblage found in the slate can be correlated with the basal Cambrian Asteridium-Heliosphaeridium-Comasphaeridium (AHC) acritarch assemblage in Tarim and the Yangtze Block. The early Cambrian biostratigraphical age assignment for the carbonaceous phyllite indicates the presence of both Neoproterozoic and Cambrian rocks in the sedimentary package, and supports that the package is a part of tectonic mélange rather than a continuous Neoproterozoic strata. The Cambrian slate is the youngest known lithology in the mélange at present.
LIU Jianfeng,LI Jinyi,CHI Xiaoguo,ZHENG Peixi,HU Zhaochu,ZHANG Xiaowei
2020, 94(4):1071-1092. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.14502
摘要:The petrology, geochronology and geochemistry of the mafic enclaves in the Mid-Late Triassic Jiefangyingzi pluton from Chifeng area, southern Inner Mongolia, in China are studied to reveal their petrogenetic relationship with the host pluton. Furthermore, the coeval magmatic assemblage and its petrogenesis on the northern margin of the North China craton (NCC) are studied synthetically to elucidate their tectonic setting and the implications for the destruction of the NCC. Zircon U-Pb dating reveals that the mafic enclaves formed at 230.4 ± 2.2 Ma, which is similar to the age of the host pluton. The most basic mafic enclaves belong to weak alkaline rocks, and they display rare earth element (REE) and trace element normalized patterns and trace element compositions similar to those of ocean island basalt (OIB). In addition, they have positive εNd(t) values (+3.84 to +4.94) similar to those of the Cenozoic basalts on the northern margin of the NCC. All of these geochemical characteristics suggest that the basic mafic rocks originated from the asthenosphere. Petrological and geochemical studies suggest that the Jiefangyingzi pluton and the intermediate mafic enclaves were formed by the mixing of the asthenosphere-derived and crust-derived magmas in different degrees. The Mid-Late Triassic magmatic rocks on the northern margin of the NCC could be classified into three assemblages according to their geochemical compositions: alkaline series, weak alkaline–sub-alkaline series and sub-alkaline series rocks. Petrogenetic analyses suggest that the upwelling of the asthenosphere played an important role in the formation of these Mid-Late Triassic magmatic rocks. Basing on an analysis of regional geological data, we suggest that the northern margin of the NCC underwent destruction due to the upwelling of the asthenosphere during the Mid-Late Triassic, which was induced by the delamination of the root of the collisional orogeny between Sino-Korean and Siberian paleoplates in Late Permian.
HAN Kunying,ZHANG Heng,DING Xiaozhong,REN Liudong,SHI Chenglong,PANG Jianfeng
2020, 94(4):1093-1116. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.14560
摘要:On the southwestern margin of the Yangtze Block, the Dongchuan Group consists of slightly metamorphosed sedimentary rocks, including silty slate, argillaceous slate, clayey slate, arkose, dolomite, and minor volcanic rocks. To date, it is still a controversy over the depositional age and stratigraphic sequence of the Dongchuan Group. In this study, we analyzed five samples of meta-sedimentary rocks and one sample of meta-tuff from the Yinmin, Luoxue and Etouchang Formations of the Dongchuan Group in the Yuxi region for detrital zircon U-Pb ages and Lu-Hf isotope. The detrital zircon ages of the meta-sediments vary from 3073 to 1703 Ma, mainly clustered at three periods, from 1889 to 1840, 2490 to 2008 and 2878 to 2844 Ma. The youngest age peak of all the samples is ~1859 Ma, with the εHf(t) values of the zircons ranging from ?20.3 to +4.3 and more than 90% being negative, indicating that the Paleoproterozoic crustal?accretion on the southwestern margin of the Yangtze Block was dominated by reworking of the ancient crustal materials involved in the assembly and breakup of the Columbia supercontinent. Another important age range is between 2490 Ma and 2008 Ma, with εHf(t) values from ?14.7 to +8.9 and 70% of them are negative, suggesting that the magmatism in the source area was also dominated by reworking and recycling of the ancient crustal materials, with minor juvenile mantle substances added. The detritus was probably derived from the Paleoproterozoic crystalline basement in the southern Yuxi region. The oldest peak age is ~2847 Ma and the εHf(t) values are from ?7.7 to +7.0 with 50% of both positive and negative values, demonstrating a possible ~2.85 Ga ancient continental nucleus on the southwestern margin of the Yangtze Block and substantial growth in juvenile crust materials during this period. Besides, the weighted average age of the zircons from the meta-tuff of the Etouchang Formation is 1677 ± 14 Ma. Combining the previous research data and this study, we can constrain the depositional age of the Dongchuan Group in central Yunnan Province to the period from the late Paleoproterozoic to early Mesoproterozoic, slightly earlier than that of the Dongchuan Group in the Dongchuan area near to the southwestern Sichuan Province. The depositional age of the Dongchuan Group is older than that of the Kunyang Group.
ZHANG Heng,LIU Yanxue,DING Xiaozhong,GAO Linzhi,YANG Chun,ZHANG Jibiao,GONG Chengqiang,LIU Haogang
2020, 94(4):1117-1137. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.14561
摘要:This paper presents the results of combined studies of geochronology, geochemistry, whole rock Sr-Nd and zircon Hf-O isotopes carried out upon the rhyodacite and ignimbrite of Shangshu village, Shangyu town and Shanghupeng village of Jiangshan City in Zhejiang Province, along the northwestern side of the Jiangshan–Shaoxing suture. SHRIMP zircon U-Pb dating of samples in the three areas yielded weighted mean 206Pb/238U ages of 842.8 ± 6.9 Ma and 850.0 ± 7.3 Ma, 839 ± 9 Ma and 832.2 ± 8.1 Ma, 828.3 ± 8.5 Ma and 836.9 ± 9.9 Ma, respectively. These ages are older than the volcanic rocks of the Shangshu Formation dated at around 780 Ma distributed in Fuyang City, Hangzhou City, Kaihua County, etc. The volcanic rocks generally have high SiO2 (54.08–76.80 wt%) and Al2O3 (12.40–21.31 wt%), low Fe2O3 (0.68–8.92 wt%), MgO (0.29–2.49 wt%), CaO (0.12–2.86 wt%), TiO2 (0.10–1.59 wt%) and P2O5 (0.01–0.39 wt%), with variable total alkalis (K2O + Na2O =5.42–8.29 wt%). There exists a clear negative correlation between SiO2 and P2O5. The volcanic rocks have A/CNK ratios of 1.03–2.77 and thus are peraluminous. They are characterized by enrichment in LREE, Rb, Ba, Zr, Hf, K, Th, La, U and depletion in Nb, Sr, P, Ti, with distinct LREE and HREE fractionation of (La/Yb)N values of 5.68–11.67, and with a moderate negative Eu anomaly (&Eu=0.58–0.89). Whole-rock geochemical data shows that the Jiangshan volcanic rocks are possibly I-type granitic rocks, even though they have some characteristics of A&S-type granites due to the magma fractional crystallization and water-rock interaction. Zircon δ18O values are 3.97‰–5.49‰ (average 4.50‰), 2.90‰–5.21‰ (average 4.32‰) for ignimbrite from Shangshu village section, and Shanghupeng village section, respectively. They are slightly lower than the average δ18O values of igneous zircons in equilibrium with mantle magmas (5.3 ± 0.6‰ (2σ)), the lower δ18O value also demonstrating the presence of high temperature water-rock interactions. The ignimbrite rocks have positive εNd(t) (4.02, 3.37, 3.91, 4.74, 2.85, 4.39, totals from the three areas) and εNd(t) (in-situ zircon) (4.3–14.6, a weighted mean of 8.4; 6.6–12.7, a weighted mean of 9.0; 8.1–12.0, a weighted mean of 9.5, respectively, from the three areas). In conjunction with the trace element studies, they indicate that the source region of the Jiangshan volcanic rocks was mainly composed of juvenile lower crustal material, mixed with some mantle-sourced magma. Detailed elemental and isotopic data suggest that the Jiangshan volcanic rocks were formed in a continental arc setting. There is a series of ca. 860–830 Ma volcanic rocks formed in a back-arc extensional setting in the southern margin of the eastern Jiangnan Orogen, along the northwest side of the Jiangshan–Shaoxing suture. The first stage rift-related anorogenic magmatism may have occurred as early as ca. 860 Ma in the eastern Jiangnan Orogen.
ZHOU Xiaohua,HU Xiumian,JIANG Ren,GAO Tianshan,MA Xue,XING Guangfu,SUN Gaoyuan,SHU Xujie,ZHAO Xilin
2020, 94(4):1138-1158. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.14570
摘要:The Neoproterozoic Jiangnan orogen plays an important role in the study of the Precambrian tectonic evolution of South China. The tectonic nature of the Neoproterozoic sedimentary basins is still controversial, due to poor understanding of the sedimentary sequences and the lack of geochronological data. Here, we present sedimentological, provenance and geochronological data from the Heshangzhen Group in the eastern Jiangnan orogen. Sedimentological analysis shows that the Luojiamen Formation was deposited in a submarine fan, and the overlying Hongchicun Formation was deposited in front of a fan delta. The youngest detrital zircons constrain the lower Luojiamen and Hongchicun formations with ages of 827.3 ± 8.4 Ma and 825 ± 12 Ma, respectively. The sandstones of the Luojiamen Formation are characterized by a large number of intermediate to felsic volcanic grains, suggesting a volcanic arc source. In contrast, quartz and sedimentary lithic grains increase in the Hongchicun Formation, showing a new input from a collisional orogenic source. Detrital zircon from six sandstone samples in the Luojiamen and Hongchicun formations yield similar age spectra of 930–820 Ma with a peak at ca. 845–860 Ma, with one main cluster at 930–820 Ma. Detrital zircons of 930–845 Ma show a positive value of εHf (t) (+2.4 to +11, mean +7.6), which is similar to the volcanic arc of the nearby Shuangxiwu Group. There are a minor group of zircons with U-Pb ages ranging from 820 Ma to 845 Ma from the middle part of the Luojiamen Formation and Hongchicun Formation, with εHf (t) values between ?20 to +2.4, which are consistent with the characteristics of the Shuangqiaoshan Group. within light of the bidirectional paleocurrents in the Luojiamen Formation, it is speculated that the zircons of 820–845 Ma were recycled from the Shuangqiaoshan Group, which is derived from a continental arc to the northwest. Our data suggests that the Luojiamen Formation was formed in an inter-arc basin, while the Hongchicun Formation was formed in an accretionary wedge-top basin. When juxtaposed with the conglomeratic characteristics at the bottom of the Luojiamen Formation, it is believed that the unconformity represented by the ‘Shen Gong Movement’ reflects the rapid erosion and accumulation process of island arc volcanic material. The disconformity between the Luojiamen and Hongchicun formations is the imprint of transition from inter-arc basin to accretionary wedge-top basin,which represents the collision between the Shuangxiwu arc and the Yangtze Plate.
ZHENG Hongwei,LI Tingdong,HE Rizheng,YANG Hui,NIU Xiao,ZOU Changqiao
2020, 94(4):1159-1166. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.14563
摘要:To better understand the lithosphere mantle collision tectonics between the India plate and Asia plate, we determine three dimensional P wave velocity structure beneath western Tibet using 27,439 arrival times from 2,174 teleseismic events recorded by 182 stations of Hi-CLIMB Project and 16 stations in the north of Hi-CLMB. Our tomographic images show the velocity structure significantly difference beneath northern and southern Qiangtang, which can further prove that the Longmu Co-Shuanghu ophiolitic belt is a significant tectonic boundary fault zone. There are two prominent high velocity anomalies and two prominent low velocity anomalies in our images. One obvious high velocity anomalies subduct beneath the Tibet at the long distance near 34°N, whereas it is broke off by an obvious low velocity anomaly under the IYS. We interpret them as northward subducting Indian lithosphere mantle and the low velocity anomanly under IYS likely reflects mantle material upwelling triggered by tearing of the northward subduction Indian lithosphere. The other prominent high velocity anomaly was imaged at a depth from 50 km to 200 km horizontal and up to the northern Qiangtang with its southern edge extending to about 34°N through Hoh Xil block. We infer it as the southward subducting Asia lithosphere mantle. The other widely low velocity anomaly beneath the Qiangtang block lies in the gap between the frontier of India plate and Asia plate, where is the channel of mantle material upwelling.
KE Xue,XIE Jianlei,ZHANG Zongyan,ZOU Yarui,WANG Guoquan
2020, 94(4):1167-1177. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.14564
摘要:The Quaternary sediments in the Yangtze delta are loose and lack precise stratification marks in the lithology. Moreover, due to the limitations of dating methods, it is difficult for Quaternary cores to deliver accurate age constraints. Thus, it is a challenge to establish the Quaternary stratigraphic framework. Gravity core LZK1 was drilled on Hengsha Island, Shanghai, in the Yangtze delta, in 2012. The core was terminated at 403.83 m below the local land surface, the uppermost 291.2 m comprising a thick sequence of Quaternary sediments. This study investigated the stratigraphic subdivision and paleoenvironmental change of the Quaternary sediments. From bottom to top, the Quaternary stratigraphic sequence can be subdivided into the lower Pleistocene Anting Formation, Middle Pleistocene Jiading Formation, Upper Pleistocene Chuansha Formation and Nanhui Formation, Holocene Loutang Formation, Shanghai Formation, and Rudong Formation. According to this study, the Hengsha Island area was dominated by a freshwater lacustrine environment during the early Pleistocene, an alternation of shallow lake and shore lake environment during the Middle Pleistocene, a delta plain to lagoonal environment during the early Upper Pleistocene, a fluvial channel to floodplain environment from the LGM (Last Glacial Maximum) to the end of the Upper Pleistocene, and a delta environment during the Holocene.
TIAN Fei,WANG Yong,ZHAO Zhili,LI Yang,DONG Jin,LIU Jin,LING Yuan,YUAN Lupeng,YE Mengni
2020, 94(4):1178-1186. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.14565
摘要:A consensus on Holocene climate variability at the modern northern fringe of the East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) region remains elusive. Here, we present a pollen-based reconstruction of vegetation history and associated climate variations of a sediment core from Huangqihai Lake, central Inner Mongolia. During 10.7 to 8.8 cal kaBP, typical steppe with small patches of forest dominated the lake area, suggesting a moderately wet climate, followed by ameliorating climatic conditions until 8.0 cal kaBP as deduced by the expansion of forest. Typical steppe recovered the lake area between 8.0 and 7.2 cal kaBP, reflecting a deterioration of climatic conditions; in combination with other proxy records in the study region, we noticed that severe aridity was prevailed in the lake area between 8.0 and 7.6 cal kaBP. During 7.2 to 3.2 cal kaBP, abundant tree pollen indicated dominance of forest-steppe around the lake, marking regionally wet conditions. A notable absence of broadleaved trees after 5.2 cal kaBP reveals a slight drying trend, and climate deterioration from 4.5 to 4.1 cal kaBP might be linked to the 4.2 ka event. After 3.2 cal kaBP, a transition to steppe was associated with dry conditions in the region. Based on our pollen record and prior paleoclimatic reconstructions in the Huangqihai Lake region, there was a generally-accepted, stepwise shift to a wet climate during the early Holocene, an overall humid climate from 7.2 to 3.2 cal kaBP, and then severe drought for the rest of the Holocene. Moreover, regional comparisons among pollen records derived from lakes situated in the temperate steppe region suggested a roughly synchronous pattern of vegetation and climate changes during the Holocene and demonstrated an intensified EASM during the middle Holocene.
LING Yuan,TANG Wenkun,WANG Yong,TIAN Fei,YUAN Lupeng,YE Mengni
2020, 94(4):1187-1193. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.14566
摘要:Research on abrupt paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental change provides a scientific basis for evaluating future climate. Because of spatial variability in monsoonal rainfall, our knowledge about climate change during the mid- to late- Holocene in southern China is still limited. We present a multi-proxy record of paleoclimatic change in a crater lake, Lake Shuangchi. Based on the age-depth model from 210Pb, 137Cs and AMS14C data, high-resolution mid- to late- Holocene climatic and environmental records were reconstructed using multiple indices (TOC, TN, C/N, δ13C and grain size). Shuangchi underwent a marked change from a peat bog to a lake around 1.4 kaBP. The C3 plants likely dominated during 7.0–5.9 ka and 2.5–1.4 kaBP, while C4 plants dominated between 5.9–3.2 and 3.0–2.5 kaBP. Algae were dominant sources of organic matter in the lake sediments after 1.4 kaBP. Several intervals with high concentrations of coarser grain sizes might be due to flood events. These results reveal that several abrupt paleoclimatic events occurred around 6.6 ka, 6.1 ka, 5.9 ka, 3.0 ka, 2.5 ka and 1.4 kaBP. The paleoclimatic change recorded in the lake may be related to the migration of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) and El Ni?o - Southern Oscillation (ENSO) activity.
LU Jingfang,LIU Jian,HUANG Wei,HU Gang,ZHANG Daolai,John BIRKS
2020, 94(4):1194-1206. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.14567
摘要:This study deals with the relationship between sea-level changes and paleoclimatic fluctuations based on the analysis of stratigraphy, grain sizes, palynology, and radiometric dating of the Yellow River delta since the Late Pleistocene. Evidence from the sedimentary record, grain sizes, and pollen provides a paleoenvironmental history of the Late Pleistocene from the boreholes of the delta. Based on a combination of grain-size analysis with lithological studies, marine deposit units contain the intervals of 13.85–16.9, 18.5–19.69, 27.9–34.8, 36.4–37.2, 48.4–51.6, and 54.1–55.9 m, and transitional facies units contain the intervals of 10.25–13.85, 16.9–18.5, 19.69–27.9, 34.8–36.4, 37.2–48.4, 51.6–54.1, and 55.9–60 m, compared with fluvial (terrestrial facies) deposit units (3.36–10.25 m). Based on pollen analysis and pollen assemblages, there were three warm-wet periods from 9.1–0.16 ka BP, 16.1–60 ka BP, and 90.1–94.6 ka BP From the top to the bottom of the borehole, the paleoclimate has an evident fluctuation: warm and moist (Holocene Optimum) —cool and dry (Younger Dryas Event)—mild semi cool—cool and dry—warm and moist. There were three warm-wet periods from 9.1–0.16 ka BP, 16.1–60 ka BP, and 90.1–94.6 ka BP, corresponding to the Holocene Optimum stage, MIS 3, and MIS 5, respectively. The warm period allowed monsoonal evergreen and broadleaved deciduous forests that corresponded to Holocene hypsithermal climatic conditions and the Late Pleistocene climatic Optimum. Three warm-wet periods occurred in marine deposit units from 9.1–0.16 ka BP, 60.1–16.1 ka BP, and 94.6–90.1 ka BP. These periods correspond to the Cangzhou transgression, Xianxian transgression, and Huanghua transgression, respectively. From 90.1–60.1 ka BP, 17.5–9.1 ka BP, and 0. 16 ka BP–1855 AD, three dry and cold phases are recognized. The phases indicate the fluvial (flood plain) sedimentary environment, corresponding to cooler and mild dry periods based on palynological results and grain-size distribution.
SHI Chenglong,DING Xiaozhong,LIU Yanxue,ZHOU Xiaodong,NIE Lijun
2020, 94(4):1207-1222. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.14568
摘要:This paper presents age and geochemical data of a recently identified Late Paleozoic volcanic sequence in central Jilin Province, with aims to discuss the petrogenesis and to constrain the tectonic evolution of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt in this area. Firstly, the volcanic rocks have zircon U-Pb ages of 290–270 Ma. Secondly, they are characterized by (a) ranging in composition from the low-K tholeiite series to high-K calc-alkaline series; (b) enrichment in light rare earth elements and depletion of heavy rare earth elements, with negative Eu anomalies; and (c) negative Nb, Ta, and Ti anomalies. Finally, the volcanic rocks yield εHf(t) values of +7.1 to +17. These data suggest that the central Jilin volcanic rocks were possibly derived from predominant partial melting of a depleted lithospheric mantle that might have been modi?ed by subducted slab–derived ?uids. Combined with previous studies, the Late Paleozoic–Early Mesozoic magmatism in Central Jilin can be divided into two stages: (a) a volcanic arc stage (290–270 Ma) represented by low-K to high–K, tholeiite to calc–alkaline plutons and (b) a syn–collisional stage (260–240 Ma) represented by high-K calc–alkaline I-type granites. Furthermore, the timing and the tectonic setting of the above magmatic rocks show that the arc was probably produced by the northward subduction of the Paleo-Asian Ocean and that the final closure of the Paleo-Asian Ocean occurred prior to the Early Triassic.
ZHANG Yiping,CHEN Xuanhua,A.V. ZUZA,ZHANG Beihang,ZHAO Heng
2020, 94(4):1223-1237. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.14569
摘要:The eastern Hexi Corridor, northwest China,?is located at the tectonic junction of the Alxa Block, the North China Craton, and the Qinling-Qilian Orogen. The early Paleozoic Xiangshan Group record critical information regarding paleoenvironment, paleoclimate and paleotectonic setting, from which we here present a focused study on the chert beds within the Xiangshan Group. Through field mapping, microstructural observation, whole-rock geochemistry analyses and detrital zircon dating, we suggest that the Xiangshan Group chert was deposited along a passive continental margin, formed primarily through biological activity with minor hydrothermal influence and terrestrial input. The characteristics of the chert support a low latitude sedimentary paleoenvironmental origin, and reveal the fact that the Alxa Block was separated from the North China craton, while emerged some paleogeographic affinity with the Qilian region in the Middle-Late Cambrian.
LIU Yingchao,YANG Zhusen,YUE Longlong,YU Yushuai,MA Wang,TANG Bolang
2020, 94(4):1238-1255. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.14562
摘要:The carbonate-hosted Pb–Zn deposits in the Sanjiang metallogenic belt on the Tibetan Plateau are typical of MVT Pb–Zn deposits that form in thrust-fold belts. The Jiamoshan Pb–Zn deposit is located in the Changdu area in the middle part of the Sanjiang belt, and it represents a new style of MVT deposit that was controlled by karst structures in a thrust–fold system. Such a karst-controlled MVT Pb–Zn deposit in thrust settings has not previously been described in detail, and we therefore mapped the geology of the deposit and undertook a detailed study of its genesis. The karst structures that host the Jiamoshan deposit were formed in Triassic limestones along secondary reverse faults, and the orebodies have irregular tubular shapes. The main sulfide minerals are galena, sphalerite, and pyrite that occur in massive and lamellar form. The ore-forming fluids belonged to a Mg2+–Na+–K+–SO42?–Cl?–F?–NO3?–H2O system at low temperatures (120–130°C) but with high salinities (19–22% NaCl eq.). We have recognized basinal brine as the source of the ore-forming fluids on the basis of their H–O isotopic compositions (?145‰ to ?93‰ for δDV-SMOW and ?2.22‰ to 13.00‰ for δ18Ofluid), the ratios of Cl/Br (14–1196) and Na/Br (16–586) in the hydrothermal fluids, and the C–O isotopic compositions of calcite (?5.0‰ to 3.7‰ for δ13CV-PDB and 15.1‰ to 22.3‰ for δ18OV-SMOW). These fluids may have been derived from evaporated seawater trapped in marine strata at depth or from Paleogene–Neogene basins on the surface. The δ34S values are low in the galena (?3.2‰ to 0.6‰) but high in the barite (27.1‰), indicating that the reduced sulfur came from gypsum in the regional Cenozoic basins and from sulfates in trapped paleo-seawater by bacterial sulfate reduction. The Pb isotopic compositions of the galena samples (18.3270–18.3482 for 206Pb/204Pb, 15.6345–15.6390 for 207Pb/204Pb, and 38.5503–38.5582 for 208Pb/204Pb) are similar to those of the regional Triassic volcanic-arc rocks that formed during the closure of the Paleo-Tethys, indicating these arc rocks were the source of the metals in the deposit. Taking into account our new observations and data, as well as regional Pb–Zn metallogenic processes, we present here a new model for MVT deposits controlled by karst structures in thrust–fold systems.
TIAN Jian,XIN Houtian,TENG Xuejian,DUAN Xiaolong,CHENG Xianyu,ZHANG Yong,REN Bangfan
2020, 94(4):1256-1275. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.14571
摘要:The tectonic attributes of different blocks within orogenic belts are of great significance for the study of accretionary processes and the evolution of Earth. The Hongliuhe-Niujianzi-Baiyunshan-Xichangjing ophiolitic mélange belt (HXOMB) is distributed in the heart of the Beishan Orogen, the Shuangyingshan and Minshui-Hanshan blocks being distributed in the south and north of the HXOMB respectively, and a large number of Early Paleozoic geological units are exposed on the blocks. According to the zircon age populations of the metasandstones in the Baiyunshan area recovered in this paper, when compared with the zircon age populations of the Paleozoic metasandstones reported in the Niujuanzi and Hanshan areas, we found that the metasandstones of the Shuangyingshan Block have age peaks at c. 598 Ma, 742 Ma, 828 Ma, 941 Ma, 990 Ma, 1168Ma, 1636 Ma, 2497 Ma with non-significant age populations of 1500–1300 Ma, showing a possible affinity with the Tarim Craton; the metasandstones of the Minshui-Hanshan Block have age peaks at c. 606 Ma, 758 Ma, 914 Ma, 1102 Ma, 1194 Ma, 1304 Ma, 1672 Ma with significant age populations of 1500-1300 Ma, showing a possible affinity with the Chinese Central Tianshan Block. Therefore, the HXOMB of the Beishan Orogen is of great significance in plate segmentation, which separates the Tarim Craton in the south and the Chinese Central Tianshan Block in the north. Based on the evolutionary process of the Hongliuhe-Xichangjing ocean in the Beishan Orogen, we believe that break-up and convergence can be recognized as having occurred twice between the Chinese Central Tianshan Block and the Tarim Craton since the Mesoproterozoic in the Beishan area. This was related firstly to the break-up of the Columbia Supercontinent and the convergence of the Rodinia Supercontinent, mainly during the Middle Mesoproterozoic to Early Neoproterozoic, and secondly to the opening and closing of the Hongliuhe-Xichangjing ocean, mainly during the Early Paleozoic.
CHEN Jingsheng,WANG Liwu,ZHANG Yanlong,GE Wenchun,YANG Hao,JI Zheng,ZHANG Lidong,TIAN Dexin
2020, 94(4):1276-1300. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.14572
摘要:The discoveries of oil and gas reservoirs in the volcanic rocks of the Songliao Basin (SB) have attracted the attention of many researchers. However, the lack of studies on the genesis of the volcanic rocks has led to different opinions being presented for the genesis of the SB. In order to solve this problem, this study selected the volcanic rocks of the Yingcheng Formation in the Southern Songliao Basin (SSB) as the research object, and determined the genesis and tectonic setting of the volcanic rocks by using LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating and a geochemical analysis method (major elements, trace elements, and Hf isotopes). The volcanic rocks of the Yingcheng Formation are mainly composed of rhyolites with minor dacites and pyroclastic rocks. Our new zircon U-Pb dating results show that these volcanic rocks were erupted in the Early Cretaceous (113–118 Ma). The primary zircons from the rhyolites have εHf (t) values of +4.70 to +12.46 and two-stage model age (TDM2) of 876–374 Ma. The geochemical data presented in this study allow these rhyolites to be divided into I-type rhyolites and A-type rhyolites, both of which were formed by the partial melting of the crust. They have SiO2 contents of 71.62 wt.%–75.76 wt.% and Al2O3 contentsof 10.88 wt.% to 12.92 wt.%. The rhyolites have distinctively higher REE contents than those of ordinary granites, with obvious negative Eu anomalies. The light to heavy REE fractionation is not obvious, and the LaN/YbN (average value = 9.78) is less than 10. The A-type rhyolites depleted in Ba, Sr, P, and Ti, with relatively low Nb/Ta, indicating that the rocks belong A2 subtype granites formed in an extensional environment. The adakitic dacites are characterized by high Sr contents (624 to 1,082 ppm), low Y contents (10.6 to 12.6 ppm), high Sr/Y and Sr/Yb ratios, and low Mg# values (14.77 to 36.46), indicating that they belong to "C" type adakites. The adakitic dacite with high Sr and low Yb were likely generated by partial melting of the lower crust under high pressure conditions at least 40 km depth. The I-type rhyolites with low Sr and high Yb, and the A-type rhyolites with very low Sr and high Yb, were formed in the middle and upper crust under low pressure conditions, respectively. In addition, the formation depths of the former were approximately 30 km, whereas those of the latter were less than 30 km. The geochemical characteristics reveal that the volcanic rocks of Yingcheng Formation were formed in an extensional environment which was related to the retreat of subducted Paleo-Pacific Plate. At the late Early Cretaceous Period, the upwelling of the asthenosphere mantle and the lithosphere delamination caused by the retreat of the subducted Paleo-Pacific Plate, had resulted in lithosheric extension in the eastern part of China. Subsequently, a large area of volcanic rocks had formed. The SB has also been confirmed to be a product of the tectonic stress field in that region.
PAN Liyin,SHEN Anjiang,HU Anping,HAO Yi,ZHAO Jianxin
2020, 94(4):1312-1313. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.14574
HUANG Yonggao,LI Yingxu,HAN Fei,JIA Xiaochuan,YANG Xuejun,LI Guangming,KANG Zhiqiang,WANG Chunzeng
2020, 94(4):1314-1316. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.14578
主编 :侯增谦
主管单位 :中国科学技术协会
主办单位 :中国地质学会
创刊 :1922年
国际标准刊号 :ISSN 1000-9515
国内统一刊号 :CN 11-2001