主编 :侯增谦
主管单位 :中国科学技术协会
主办单位 :中国地质学会
创刊 :1922年
国际标准刊号 :ISSN 1000-9515
国内统一刊号 :CN 11-2001
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2022, 96(4):1-1.
XU Xing,James M. CLARK,David A. EBERTH,Philip J. CURRIE
2022, 96(4):1115-1135. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.14996
摘要:The Middle–Late Jurassic transition period is a critical period for the evolution of terrestrial vertebrates, but the global fossil record from this time is relatively poor. The Shishugou Fauna of this period has recently produced significant fossil remains of dinosaurs and other vertebrate groups, some representing the earliest known members of several dinosaurian groups and other vertebrate groups and some representing the best-known specimens of their group. These discoveries are significant for our understanding of the origin and evolution of several vertebrate lineages. Radiometric dating indicates that the fauna is aged approximately 159–164 Ma. Comparisons with other similarly-aged terrestrial faunas such as Shaximiao and Yanliao show both taxonomic similarities and differences between these faunas and indicate that the Junggar deposits might have preserved the most complete vertebrate fossil record for a Middle–Late Jurassic Laurasian terrestrial fauna.
WANG Meng,XIAO Wenjiao,MAO Qigui,YANG He,WANG Hao,LI Rui
2022, 96(4):1136-1149. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.14997
摘要:The adakites rocks are typically considered as direct diagnostic evidence for subduction and continental growth, as well as the important evidence to determine the location of the major oceanic basin and evolution history of lost oceanic basins, which are longstanding conundrums for understanding the tectonics of the Paleo-Asian Ocean (PAO). As the processor of the Altaids, the PAO was a long-lived ocean, and its multiple subductions led to substantial continental growth in the Central Asian continent. Here we report our newly discovered Paleozoic adakitic rocks (granite and dacite) developed in Jijitaizi in the Eastern Tianshan of the southern Altaids to address the above issues. The Jijitaizi granite and dacite contain high concentrations of Sr (203–343 ppm) and low concentrations of Y (3.00–6.36 ppm) and Yb (0.23–0.62 ppm), indicative of the adakitic affinity. Zircon U-Pb dating results show that the adakitic rocks were formed in three episodes at 372.26 ± 1.51 Ma, 356.02 ± 1.11 Ma and 334.51 ± 0.68 Ma from the Late Devonian to Carboniferous. The rocks are depleted in Nb, P and Ti, and possess variable Mg# values (28.51–57.22), high Na2O/K2O ratios (1.39–4.94), as well as relatively depleted Hf isotopic compositions, all of which point to a subduction origin from slab melting. Our new finding with the date from the Jijitaizi complex (ca. 321 Ma) suggests continuing subduction of the Paleo-Asian oceanic slab beneath the Central Tianshan from the Late Devonian to Carboniferous. Our work provides a solid line of key evidence demonstrating that continuous oceanic subduction of the major PAO evolved into its mature stage following subducting beneath the Central Tianshan from ca. 372 to 321 Ma.
2022, 96(4):1150-1165. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.14711
摘要:A fossil-bearing locality near Padhri village, Dhok Pathan, 55 km away from the tehsil Dina, Jhelum District, in the Potwar Plateau, Middle Siwaliks, Punjab, northern Pakistan, is significantly rich in mammalian fossils. This site has provided an abundant mammalian fossil fauna of Late Miocene age from the Dhok Pathan Formation (Fm.). The recovered material belongs to four families: Equidae (horses), Rhinocerotidae (rhinos), Bovidae (cows), and Suidae (pigs). We discovered a new skull of hipparionine Hipparion theobaldi from this locality along with 22 specimens from the associated assemblage of fossil mammals. The recovered material includes seven other species: the aceratheriine Chilotherium intermedium, boselaphines Tragoportax punjabicus, Selenoportax vexillarius, Pachyportax latidens, the antelope Gazella lydekkeri and suinine Propotamochoerus hysudricus. The specimens are isolated teeth, fragments of maxilla, mandibles and horn cores. The Dhok Pathan Fm. is generally composed of claystone, siltstone and sandstone beds and, based on the mammalian fauna, the Padhri fossil locality is dated as Late Miocene. Thi99s formation was deposited in a subtropical paleoenvironment and the predominance of fossil bovids indicates extremely moist conditions with small but frequent standing water bodies.
DENG Faliang,LIU Xijun,YU Hongxia,YAO Ye,ZHANG Zhiguo,WEI Weilie,LI Rui
2022, 96(4):1166-1180. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.14816
摘要:The global Hangenberg Crisis or Hangenberg Extinction is a mass extinction near the Devonian–Carboniferous boundary. Comprehensive research of petrology and geochemistry on the Devonian–Carboniferous boundary, as exposed in the Nanbiancun auxiliary stratotype section, South China, elucidates paleoenvironmental changes and controls on marine strontium (87Sr/86Sr) and carbonate carbon (δ13Ccarb) isotopes during the Hangenberg Crisis. The new 87Sr/86Sr data reveal a regression in the Middle Siphonodella praesulcata Zone, while the Hangenberg Extinction was occurring in South China. Moreover, the δ13Ccarb data records a negative excursion near the base of the Middle Siphonodella praesulcata Zone that may have been connected with the Hangenberg Extinction. A positive δ13Ccarb excursion, corresponding with the Upper Siphonodella praesulcata Zone, may reflect the effects of a vigorous biological pump. The magnitude of the Hangenberg Carbon Isotopic Excursion in peak δ13carb values and δ13Ccarb gradient in carbonate Devonian–Carboniferous boundary sections of the South China Craton during the Hangenberg Crisis, are a function of depositional water depth and distance from the shore. The carbon cycling during the Hangenberg Carbon Isotopic Excursion had a much stronger impact on oceanic surface waters than on the deep ocean and the δ13Ccarb gradient of local seawater was likely caused by enhanced marine productivity, associated with biological recovery in platform sediments during the Hangenberg Crisis.
Melisa P. CHARó,Gisela D. CHARó,Guillermo ACE?OLAZA,Jose L. CAVALLOTTO
2022, 96(4):1181-1198. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.14692
摘要:The Late Pleistocene littoral ridges of southern South America, especially those of the north of Argentinean Patagonia, contain remains of mollusk shells with bioerosion traces. Eleven sites from marine isotope stages (2 from MIS 7, 4 from MIS 5e) and five sites from modern beaches from northern Río Negro Province, with 40 taxa (17 bivalves and 23 gastropods) were analyzed, in the area between west of Baliza San Matías and Las Grutas (41°S). Three ichnogenera were identified in deposits of MIS 7: Entobia, Gastrochaenolites (Domichnia) and Oichnus (Praedichnia) with one ichnospecies (G. torpedo). Six ichnogenera were identified in deposits of MIS 5e: Entobia, Meandropolydora, Pinaceocladichnus, Iramena, Caulostrepsis and Oichnus with one ichnospecies (O. simplex). Seven ichnogenera were identified from modern beaches: Entobia, Meandropolydora, Iramena, Caulostrepsis, Pinaceocladichnus, Gastrochaenolites (Domichnia) and Oichnus (Praedicnia), with two ichnospecies (O. simplex and O. paraboloides). On this basis, it is inferred that Pleistocene benthic communities were constituted from cheilostome bryzoans and polychaete annelids, together with drilling bivalves, predatory gastropods and overall warm-water species of mollusks. Of these, Chama iudicai was found on Plicatula gibbosa from MIS 7 and MIS 5e. The record of warm temperature species suggests a higher sea surface temperature (SST) than the present one and/or the influence of the warm southward Brazilian Current affecting the waters of Golfo San Matías. On the modern beaches surveyed, there is an increase in polychaete annelids, cheilostome bryzoans, temperate-cold species and drilling bivalves, as well as sandy substrate species, which together with an increase of Gastrochaenolites and Caulostrepsis, suggest a colder climate due to the greater influence of the Malvinas Current during the Holocene.
LIU Yuheng,MAO Jingwen,QIU Kunfeng,HU Jun,WANG Lei,XU Deming
2022, 96(4):1199-1212. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.14907
摘要:The Mesoproterozoic Baoban Group is the oldest basement in Hainan Island and has played an important role in Columbia (Nuna) supercontinent reconstructions. The Mesoproterozoic granitic intrusions in the Baoban Group are the most widely-exposed Precambrian magmatic rocks and are the key to understanding the tectonic settings of Hainan Island and its relationship with the South China Block and the Columbia supercontinent. New LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating on three mylonitic granite samples from the Tuwaishan and Baoban areas yield ages ranging from 1447 Ma to 1437 Ma, representing the absolute timing of the emplacement of the granitic intrusions. Combined with previously published geochronological data for rocks from the Baoban Group and regional mafic intrusions, it is concluded that the Baoban Group formed at 1460–1430 Ma, coeval with the emplacement of the granitic and mafic intrusions. New in-situ zircon Lu-Hf isotope analyses for the three mylonitic granite samples yielded positive εHf(t) values, ranging from +0.49 to +8.27, with model ages (TCDM) ranging from 2181 Ma to 1687 Ma, suggesting that the granitic intrusions originated from a mixed source of Paleoproterozoic crust with juvenile crust. New zircon trace element data show characteristics of high Th/U values of 0.24–1.50, steep slopes from LREE to HREE and negative Pr, Eu anomalies with positive Ce, Sm anomalies, representing typical magmatic zircons formed in continental crust. Compared with available magmatic and detrital zircon ages from Precambrian rocks in the Cathaysia Block, Yangtze Block and western Laurentia, it is inferred that Hainan Island was separated from both the Cathaysia Block and the Yangtze Block, instead being connected with western Laurentia in the Columbia supercontinent. Considering the decreasing tendency of basin deposition time along the western margin of Laurentia, it is proposed that Hainan Island was located to the north or northwest of the Belt-Purcell Supergroup, along the western margin of Laurentia, during the breakup of the Columbia supercontinent.
2022, 96(4):1213-1220. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.14952
摘要:Tungsten isotope is a powerful tracer for the Earth’s accreting materials because of the distinct W isotope compositions of the non-carbonaceous meteorites and carbonaceous meteorites. To better understand the evolution of the early Earth, here we calculated the expected μ183W of the bulk silicate Earth for different assumed compositions of the proto-Earth’s mantle, the Moon-forming giant impactor, and the late veneer using a Monte Carlo approach. The result shows that the proto-Earth likely has a non-carbonaceous composition, while the carbonaceous chondrite-like materials were delivered to the Earth at the late stages of accretion. The predicted difference in μ183W values between the bulk silicate Earth and the non-carbonaceous meteorites of the scenarios assuming a pure carbonaceous composition for the giant impactor is slightly bigger than that of the scenarios assuming either a pure non-carbonaceous or a mixed carbonaceous-non-carbonaceous composition for the giant impactor (~5 ppm versus ~2 ppm). The ancient mantle reservoir that partially lacks the late veneer with carbonaceous composition should have a negative μ183W value (from ?3 to 0). Uncertainties introduced by the cosmogenic effects and mass-independent fractionation should be concerned during the high precision measurement of μ183W for meteorites and ancient terrestrial samples in further work.
2022, 96(4):1221-1236. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.14807
摘要:The Mamupu skarn-type Cu-Au polymetallic deposit represents the first discovery of a medium deposit in the southern Yulong porphyry copper belt (YPCB), eastern Tibet. The Cu-Au mineralization mainly occurs as chalcopyrite in breccia, within the plate-like carbonate interlayer, being closely related to chloritization (e.g., chlorite, magnetite and epidote) and skarnization (e.g., diopside, tremolite and garnet). The ore-related quartz syenite porphyry (QSP) and granodiorite porphyry (GP) were emplaced at 40.1 ± 0.2 Ma and 39.9 ± 0.3 Ma, respectively. The QSP of Mamupu is an alkaline-rich intrusion, relatively enriched in LREE, LILE, depleted in HFSE, with no significant negative Eu and Ce anomalies, slightly high (87Sr/86Sr)i, low εNd(t), uniform (206Pb/204Pb)i and εHf(t) values, which indicates that the porphyry magma may be caused by both the mixing of metasomatized EM II enriched mantle and thickened juvenile lower crust. The QSP in the Mamupu deposit shares a similar genesis of petrology to other ore-related porphyries within the YPCB. High oxygen fugacity and water content of the magmas are essential for the formation of porphyry and skarn Cu deposits. The QSP has similar high magmatic oxidation states and water content to the Yulong deposit, which indicates that the Mamupu has a high prospecting potential. Differences in the geological characteristics and scale of mineralization between the Mamupu and other YPCB deposits may be due to the different emplacement depths of ore-related intrusions, as well as differences in the surrounding rocks.
XING Lei,LI Yu,LI Qianqian,LIU Yaowen,WAN Yunqiang,YANG Huiliang
2022, 96(4):1237-1245. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.14778
摘要:The accurate prediction of formation pressure is important in oil/gas exploration and development. However, the achievement of this goal remains challenging, due to insufficient logging data and the low predictive data accuracy from seismic data. In this work, a case study was carried out in the Baima area of Wulong, in order to develop a workflow for accurately predicting shale gas formation pressure. The multi-channel stack method was first used, as well as the inversion of single-channel seismic data, to construct velocity and density models of the formation. Combined with the existing well-logging data, the velocity and density models of the whole well section were established. The shale gas formation pressure was then estimated using the Eaton method. The results show that the multi-channel seismic stacking method has a higher accuracy than the inversion of the formation velocity obtained by the single-channel seismic method. The discrepancies between our predicted formation pressure and the actual formation pressure measurement are within an acceptable range, indicating that our workflow is effective.
Mohammad Javad SEIDY,Mohammad Hossein SABERI
2022, 96(4):1246-1256. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.14380
摘要:In a comprehensive geochemical study, the genetic relationships among 14 samples of gas condensates from the Persian Gulf were investigated for the purpose of evaluating the respective source rocks in terms of both age and sedimentary paleoenvironment. Chemometric analysis was used for categorization and determination of a certitude range to determine the genetic type of the condensate families in the studied basin. The samples were collected from Late Permian – Triassic reservoirs (Dalan and Kangan formations) located in 6 gasfields (gas condensate) hosting some of Iran’s most important gas/gas condensate reserves. Obtained by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), a total of 16 biomarker parameters (10 maturity-related parameters and 6 sedimentary environment-related parameters) were used to evaluate the samples in terms of thermal maturity (and hence their positions in the maturity chart), the sedimentary environment of the source rock and the lithology. Application of Hierarchical Clustering Analysis (HCA) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to the collected data led to the categorization of the samples into three main genetic groups, I–III. Groups I and III were found to be located in the east and the west of the Persian Gulf, respectively, while Group II was developed between the two other groups.
2022, 96(4):1257-1258. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.14995
ZHANG Shuichang,SU Jin,WANG Xiaomei,MA Sihong
2022, 96(4):1259-1276. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.14982
摘要:The Tarim Basin is the only petroliferous basin enriched with marine oil and gas in China. It is presently also the deepest basin for petroleum exploration and development in the world. There are two main sets of marine Source Rocks (SRs) in the Tarim Basin, namely the high over-mature Cambrian–Lower Ordovician (∈–O1) and the moderately mature Middle–Upper Ordovician (O2–3). The characteristic biomarkers of SRs and oils indicate that the main origin of the marine petroleum is a mixed source of ∈–O1 and O2–3 SRs. With increasing burial, the hydrocarbon contribution of the ∈–O1 SRs gradually increases. Accompanied by the superposition of multi-stage hydrocarbon-generation of the SRs and various secondary alteration processes, the emergence and abnormal enrichment of terpenoids, thiophene and trimethylaryl isoprenoid in deep reservoirs indicate a complex genesis of various deep oils and gases. Through the analysis of the biofacies and sedimentary environments of the ∈–O1 and O2–3 SRs, it is shown that the lower Paleozoic high-quality SRs in the Tarim Basin were mainly deposited in a passive continental margin and the gentle slope of the platform, deep-water shelf and slope facies, which has exhibited a good response to the local tectonic-sedimentary environment. The slope of the paleo-uplift is the mutual area for the development of carbonate reservoirs and the deposition of marine SRs, which would be favorable for the accumulation of petroleum. Due to the characteristics of low ground temperature, the latest rapid and deep burial does not cause massive oil-cracking in the paleo-uplift and slope area. Therefore, it is speculated that the marine reservoirs in the slope of the Tabei Uplift are likely to be a favorable area for deep petroleum exploration, while the oil-cracking gas would be a potential reserve around the west margin of the Manjiaer Depression. Hydrocarbons were generated from various unit SRs, mainly migrating along the lateral unconformities or reservoirs and the vertical faults. They eventually brought up three major types of exploration fields: middle and lower Cambrian salt-related assemblages, dolomite inner reservoirs and Middle and Lower Ordovician oil-bearing karst, which would become the most favorable target of marine ultra-deep exploration in the Tarim Basin.
WANG Huajian,SU Jin,WANG Xiaomei,YE Yuntao,FANG Yu,ZHANG Shuichang
2022, 96(4):1277-1293. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.14972
摘要:The ultra-deep Cambrian System in the Tarim Basin is an important field for petroleum exploration, while fine division of the Cambrian strata remains controversial. In recent years, carbon isotope stratigraphy of the Cambrian System has been established and widely used. Here, we report an integrated profile of carbonate and organic carbon isotopic values (δ13Ccarb and δ13Corg) from cuttings of the Tadong2 Well in the eastern Tarim Basin. Three carbon isotope anomalies of BACE, ROECE and SPICE were recognized on the δ13Ccarb profile. Three apogees and a nadir on the δ13Corg profile and the onset of ROECE on the δ13Ccarb profile were suggested as boundaries of the present four series of the Cambrian System. Suggested boundaries are easily identifiable on the gamma logging profile and is consistent with the previous division scheme, based on biostratigraphic evidence in outcrop sections. Abnormal carbon cycle perturbations and organic carbon burials during the BACE and SPICE events might be related to the reduction and expansion of a huge dissolved organic carbon reservoir in the deep ocean of the ancient Tarim Basin.
QIU Hao,FENG Lianjun,CHU Xuelei,LI Luoyang,ZHANG Xingliang,LI Jinhua
2022, 96(4):1294-1307. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.14924
摘要:Silica-phosphatic nodules are abundant in black shales of the Yanjiahe Formation in the Three Gorges Area of South China, which is correlated to the Fortunian Stage, Terreneuvian Series, Cambrian System. The nodules are rich in small shelly fossils and hence attract the attention of numerous paleontologists and sedimentary geologists. However, the genesis of the nodules and the preservation of the small shelly fossils are poorly understood. Here we analyze morphological, structural, mineralogical and chemical features of the nodules in multiscale using a combination of micro-X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and confocal laser Raman spectroscopy. Results reveal that nodules are concentric in chemical and mineralogical compositions, comprising a silica-phosphatic core encrusted sequentially by a phosphatic zone, a siliceous zone and a very thin pyrite outer rim. The black shales hosting the nodules demonstrate a laminated texture of alternating clayey and silty laminae, which were respectively deposited in sulfidic/less sulfidic, high/low production, intense/weak chemical weathering conditions. The phosphogenesis of the nodules resulted in the phosphatization of small shelly fossils, which prevented the fossils from being dissolved during diagenesis, whereas the silica encrustation sealed the fossils within the nodules and thus protected the fossils from alteration by deep burial and surface weathering.
CHANG Jian,LI Dan,QIU Nansheng,ZHU Chuanqing,ZHONG Ningning,FENG Qianqian,ZHANG Haizu,WANG Xiang
2022, 96(4):1308-1322. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.14980
摘要:The uncertainty surrounding the thermal regimes of the ultra-deep strata in the Tarim and Sichuan basins, China, is unfavorable for further hydrocarbon exploration. This study summarizes and contrasts the present-day and paleo heat flow, geothermal gradient and deep formation temperatures of the Tarim and Sichuan basins. The average heat flow of the Tarim and Sichuan basins are 42.5 ± 7.6 mW/m2 and 53.8 ± 7.6 mW/m2, respectively, reflecting the characteristics of ‘cold’ and ‘warm’ basins. The geothermal gradient with unified depths of 0–5,000 m, 0–6,000 m and 0–7,000 m in the Tarim Basin are 21.6 ± 2.9 °C/km, 20.5 ± 2.8 °C/km and 19.6 ± 2.8 °C/km, respectively, while the geothermal gradient with unified depths of 0–5,000 m, 0–6,000m and 0–7,000 m in the Sichuan Basin are 21.9 ± 2.3 °C/km, 22.1 ± 2.5 °C/km and 23.3 ± 2.4 °C/km, respectively. The differential change of the geothermal gradient between the Tarim and Sichuan basins with depth probably results from the rock thermal conductivity and heat production rate. The formation temperatures at depths of 6,000 m, 7,000 m, 8,000 m, 9,000 m and 10,000 m in the Tarim Basin are 80°C–190°C, 90°C–220°C, 100°C–230°C, 110°C–240°C and 120°C–250°C, respectively, while the formation temperatures at depths of 6,000 m, 7,000 m, 8,000 m and 9,000 m in the Sichuan Basin are 120°C–200°C, 140°C–210°C, 160°C–260°C and 180°C–280°C, respectively. The horizontal distribution pattern of the ultra-deep formation temperatures in the Tarim and Sichuan basins is mainly affected by the basement relief, fault activity and hydrothermal upwelling. The thermal modeling revealed that the paleo-heat flow in the interior of the Tarim Basin decreased since the early Cambrian with an early Permian abrupt peak, while that in the Sichuan Basin experienced three stages of steady state from Cambrian to early Permian, rapidly rising at the end of the early Permian and declining since the late Permian. The thermal regime of the Sichuan Basin was always higher than that of the Tarim Basin, which results in differential oil and gas generation and conservation in the ultra-deep ancient strata. This study not only promotes theoretical development in the exploration of ultra-deep geothermal fields, but also plays an important role in determining the maturation phase of the ultra-deep source rocks and the occurrence state of hydrocarbons in the Tarim and Sichuan basins.
ZHU Chuanqing,QIU Nansheng,CHEN Tiange,XU Ming,DING Rui,YANG Yabo
2022, 96(4):1323-1330. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.14976
摘要:Thermal lithospheric thickness is an important parameter in studying the tectonic-thermal evolution of basins and plate dynamics. Based on the measured geothermal data and thermophysical properties of the rocks, the thermal lithospheric thickness of the Sichuan Basin was calculated according to the principles of heat conduction in the crust and lithospheric mantle. The calculation results revealed that the thickness of the thermal lithosphere in the Sichuan Basin is 140–190 km and is unevenly distributed. The thickness of the thermal lithosphere in central Sichuan and southwestern Sichuan is less than 160 km, while that in the western Sichuan depression and eastern Sichuan is larger (~180 km). The distribution of the thermal lithospheric thickness in the basin has a good correlation with the geological units and the thickness of the sedimentary layers. The thickness of the thermal lithosphere in the depression area, which has thick sedimentary layers and the fault-fold zone with shallow crustal deformation and thickening, are larger than that in the basement uplifted area, which has thin sedimentary layers. The calculated thermal lithospheric thickness is in good agreement with the geophysical data and reflects the stable conduction temperature field in the Sichuan Basin. The present thermal regime and thermal lithospheric thickness of the Sichuan Basin indicate that flexural thickening of the lithosphere occurred in the eastern Sichuan fault-fold belt and the Longmen Mountain–Western Sichuan depression foreland basin system, while asthenospheric uplift occurred in the central Sichuan region, which were the result of the expansion of the Xuefeng orogeny from the east and the compression of the Tibetan Plateau from the west.
ZHAO Zhongfeng,LIU Xinran,LU Hong,Peng Ping’an
2022, 96(4):1331-1341. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.14977
摘要:FTT experiments with water as a hydrogen source and three types of possible carbon sources in the subsurface (diiron nonacarbonyl, siderite and formic acid, representing CO, CO2 and a simple organic acid, respectively) were carried out in this study. Our experimental results showed that n-alkanes with the highest carbon number of C33 were produced when CO was used as a carbon source (series A); a variety of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were detected in series B with CO2 as a carbon source; gaseous hydrocarbons were also detected with formic acid added (series C). The different products in the three series showed that there were different hydrocarbon generation mechanisms and reaction processes with different carbon sources. The generation of long-chain n-alkanes in series A provided experimental support for the formation of abiogenic petroleum underground, which was of significance to early membranes on the Earth. PAHs in series B provide experimental support for the possibility of an abiotic source of reduced carbon on other planets. The carbon isotopes of gaseous hydrocarbons produced by CO exhibited a partial reversed order (δ13C1 < δ13C2 > δ13C3 > δ13C4 > δ13C5), while the gaseous hydrocarbons produced by CO2 and HCOOH showed a positive order (δ13C1 < δ13C2 < δ13C3 < δ13C4 < δ13C5). Based on these, the alkylene mechanism and the carbonyl insertion mechanism were used to reasonably explain these characteristics.
MENG Qingqiang,PANG Qian,HU Guang,JIN Zhijun,ZHU Dongya,LIU Jiayi,ZHANG Chuanwen
2022, 96(4):1342-1352. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.14978
摘要:Heat carried by deep fluid might greatly affect hydrocarbon generation and pore space in shale. Dyke intrusion carrying high levels of heat may be a means by which to explore the influence of deep fluid on shale reservoirs. This study evaluates hydrocarbon generation and analyzed the evolution of shale storage space in the third member of the Xiamaling Formation in the Zhaojiashan section, Hebei Province, based on experimental data such as TOC, SEM, VRo, low-temperature N2 adsorption and high-pressure mercury injection. The results show that the dyke intrusion reduced the shale TOC content drastically―by up to 77%―and also induced instantaneous hydrocarbon generation over a range about 1.4 times the thickness of the intrusion. Furthermore, the dyke intrusion might transform organic pores in surrounding shales into inorganic pores. There were two shale porosity peaks: one appeared when VRo = 2.0%, caused by the increase of organic pores as thermal maturity increased, the other occurred when the VRo value was between 3% and 4%, caused by the increase of inorganic mineral pores. It can be concluded that dyke intrusion can be an effective tool with which to study how deep fluid affects instantaneous hydrocarbon generation and pore space in shale.
2022, 96(4):1353-1361. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.14979
摘要:Discoveries of deep high-quality carbonate reservoirs challenged the general understanding on the evolution of porosity decreasing with depth. New mechanisms of pore generation and preservation in the deep realm require to be proposed. Dolostones in the Feixianguan and Dengying Formations experienced maximum depths in excess of 8000 m, but still retained high porosity. Petrographic observation and homogenization temperatures help to identify products of deep fluid-rock interactions, visual and experimental porosity were used to quantify reservoir effects, the distribution of products finally being plotted to unravel the mechanisms. Th data reveal that thermochemical sulfate reduction (TSR), burial dissolution and quartz cementation are typical deep fluid-rock interactions. The SO42? of residual porewater sourced from the evaporative dolomitizing fluid was supplied for TSR in the hydrocarbon column, the TSR-inducing calcite cements were homogeneously dispersed in the hydrocarbon column. Quartz cementation was caused by the increasing acidity and Si-rich residual porewater in the oil column. Burial dissolution is forced by organic acid and limited in oil–water contact. This study suggests that seal and source rocks not only play important roles in hydrocarbon accumulation, but also have a general control on the deep fluid-rock interactions and porosity evolution in the deep burial realm.
TANG Pan,CHEN Daizhao,QIAN Yixiong,WANG Yuanzheng,YANG Bo
2022, 96(4):1362-1375. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.14974
摘要:The Upper Ediacaran microbial carbonates of the Tarim Basin are potential reservoir geobodies for future hydrocarbon exploration with rising interest in exploration for deeply-buried reserves. However, little knowledge has been acquired on the types of microbial carbonates that are present, the properties of the reservoir and the pore evolution, hampering predictions of high-quality reservoirs in these carbonates. Integrated with petrography and in-situ U-Pb dating geochronology analyses, this study aims to clarify the types of microbial carbonates present and to reconstruct the pore evolution processes of the potential reservoir rocks. The Upper Ediacaran microbial carbonates of the Tarim Basin can be divided into four types, based on their features in terms of different scales (macro- to micro-): microbial laminite, stromatolite, spongiomicrobialite and microbial-peloidal wackestone/mudstone. Petrophysical properties show that all these microbial carbonates have low porosity and very low permeability with poor connectivity. These carbonates were subject to long-term and complex diagenetic processes, mainly consisting of dissolution, compaction, pervasive dolomitization, cementation and fracturing. The most important reservoir spaces are contributed by vugs and dissolution-enlarged pores, which are likely to have been associated with the widespread uplift of the Aksu area in the terminal Ediacaran. In contrast, the cementation of the fine-to-medium crystalline dolomite greatly reduced the pre-existing pores. Pore types are closely related to different microbial fabrics, which played an important role in the pore evolution of the microbial carbonates.
ZHANG Jing,ZHANG Baomin,ZHANG Shuichang,WANG Huajian
2022, 96(4):1376-1387. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.14970
摘要:Many euhedral dolomite crystals and related pores are found in the microbial siliceous stromatolite dolomite and siliceous oolitic dolomite in the Fengjiawan Formation of the Mesoproterozoic Jixian System in the southern Ordos Basin. With the application of the microscope, scanning electron microscope, cathodoluminescence and in-situ trace element imaging, it can be seen that different from the phase I dolomite that was damaged by silicification, the intact euhedral phase II dolomite occurred through dolomitization after silicification, concentrated mainly in the organic-rich dark laminae of the stromatolite and the dark spheres and cores of the ooids. A considerable number of phase II dolomite crystals were dissolved, giving rise to mold pores and vugs which constituted the matrix pores and also the major pore space of the Fengjiawan Formation. The formation and dissolution of the dolomite were controlled by the microenvironment favorable, respectively, for carbonate precipitation and dissolution under the influence of microbial biological activities and related biochemical reactions. The driving force and material supply of dolomitization and dissolution were confined to the fabrics enriched with microorganisms, which are highly autochthonous. This mechanism may be a key factor for the development of Precambrian dolomite and related reservoirs, in the context of the domination of microbial rocks.
2022, 96(4):1388-1401. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.14969
摘要:Following consideration of the characteristics of high temperature, high pressure and high in-situ stress in ultra-deep sedimentary basins, together with the existence of hydrocarbon phase state transformation, hydrocarbon-water-rock interaction and rock mechanical property transition at those depths, the evaluation index system for hydrocarbon preservation was established. The physical leakage evaluation indexes can be divided into three categories: the dynamic efficiency indexes of micro-sealing, caprock integrity and natural gas diffusion. The chemical loss evaluation indexes can be divided into two categories: the thermochemical sulfate reduction (TSR) index in marine gypsum-bearing carbonate strata and the thermochemical oxidation of hydrocarbons (TOH) index in clastic strata. The slippage angle and overconsolidation ratio (OCR) are the key evaluation indexes in the evaluation of the integrity of shale caprocks. TSR intensity can be quantitatively calculated by use of the ZnPVT state parameter method. The TOH strength can be used to estimate the degree of hydrocarbon chemical loss, based on the TOH-related authigenic calcite cement content or the degree of negative δ13C of authigenic calcite. For the evaluation of ultra-deep preservation in specific areas, key indexes can be selected according to the local geological conditions, instead of all indexes needing to be evaluated for every scenario.
2022, 96(4):1402-1414. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.14971
摘要:Fault seals are significant for petroleum exploration and production. This study summarizes the fault sealing impacting factors, including lithological juxtaposition, mud smearing, fault rocks and the fault plane stress states, as well as evaluation methods like Allan maps and Shale Gouge Ratio (SGR). The seal evaluation for a wrench fault focuses on its particular structural features. The evaluation methods were applied to the Jinma–Yazihe structure and the Shunbei oilfield. The source rock is the Xujiahe Formation of the Upper Triassic, the reservoirs and caprocks being of the Shaximiao Formation of the Lower Jurassic. The fault sealing evaluations in major faults proved the reservoir formation processes in the wells Jinfo 1 (JF1) and Chuanya 609 (CY–609), based on the editions of the Allan map showing lithological juxtaposition, the calculation of SGR showing mud smear and analyses of fault stress states. The analyses of stress states were also applied to Shunbei 5 strike-slip fault in the Shunbei area in Tarim Basin. The various sections along the fault were of different mechanical properties, such as compression and extension. Petroleum exploration has demonstrated that the extensional sections are more favorable for oil accumulation than the compressional sections. These evolutionary methods and other understandings will help in analyses of deep fault sealing.
TIAN Fanglei,HE Dengfa,CHEN Jiajun,MAO Danfeng
2022, 96(4):1415-1431. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.14973
摘要:Vertical differential structural deformation (VDSD), one of the most significant structural characteristics of strike-slip fault zones (SSFZs) in the Shunbei area, is crucial for understanding deformation in the SSFZ and its hydrocarbon accumulation significance. Based on drilling data and high-precision 3-D seismic data, we analyzed the geometric and kinematic characteristics of the SSFZs in the Shunbei area. Coupled with the stratification of the rock mechanism, the structural deformations of these SSFZs in different formations were differentiated and divided into four deformation layers. According to comprehensive structural interpretations and comparisons, three integrated 3-D structural models could describe the VDSD of these SSFZs. The time-space coupling of the material basis (rock mechanism stratification), changing dynamic conditions (e.g., changing stress-strain states), and special deformation mechanism of the en echelon normal fault array uniformly controlled the formation of the VDSD in the SSFZs of the Shunbei area. The VDSD of the SSFZs in this area controlled the entire hydrocarbon accumulation process. Multi-stage structural superimposing deformation influenced the hydrocarbon migration, accumulation, distribution, preservation, and secondary adjustments.
YANG Jinhe,HE Dengfa,ZHANG Weikang,HUANG Hanyu
2022, 96(4):1432-1450. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.14981
摘要:In this study, we aim to clarify the structural characteristics and deformation process of the Changning anticline. We carefully interpret 38 two-dimensional (2D) seismic profiles in the study area and establish three-dimensional (3D) geometric and quantitative kinematic models of the Changning anticline. This study shows that the basement fault controls the formation of the Changning anticline. The fault slope of the main fault in the basement shows ‘steep in the upper and gentle in the lower’ structural characteristics vertically, possessing obvious segmentary characteristics transversely and presents the overall characteristics of ‘steep in the east and gentle in the west’. Further analysis shows that the Changning anticline proceeds west and terminates at the boundary defined by current surface features but gradually disappears westward across the Mt. Huaying fault zone. Furthermore, we identified that deformation of the Changning anticline began during the early Yanshanian movement period. Under compressional stress from the southeast, the anticline slid forward along the basement fault until the end of the Yanshanian movement period, when the dominant WNW–ESE structure gradually emerged. Since the Himalayan movement period, a series of NE-trending structures have been formed in the anticline, owing to multi-directional compressive stress.
2022, 96(4):1451-1470. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.14975
摘要:Based on 2D and 3D seismic data, the latest drilling data and field outcrop data of the northern slope of the Central Sichuan paleo-uplift, the structural analysis method is used to analyze unconformity development characteristics and fault characteristics during the key structural transformation period, discussing the influence of the structural characteristics on the hydrocarbon accumulation of deep carbonate rocks. The results show that: (1) The two key unconformities of the Tongwan and Caledonian periods were primarily developed in deep carbonate rocks. Firstly, Tongwan’s unconformities are characterized by regional disconformities between the second and third members of the Dengying Formation, the top formation of the Sinian and the lower Cambrian, strips of which zigzag through the north and south sides of the study area. Secondly, the Caledonian unconformity is characterized by a regional unconformable contact between the lower Permian and the ower Paleozoic strata. From NE to SW, the age of the strata, which were subject to erosion, changes from new to old, the denudation distribution showing as a nose-shaped structure which inclines towards the ENE. (2) Boundary fault and transtensional strike-slip faults developed in the Sinian to Paleozoic strata. In profile, there are three types of structural styles: steep and erect, flower structures, ‘Y’ and reversed ‘Y’ type faults. In plane view, the Sinian developed extensional boundary faults extending in an almost NS direction, strike-slip faults developing and extending linearly in approximately EW, WNW and NE strikes in the Cambrian, with characteristically more in the south and less in the north. (3) The faults in the northern slope show obvious zonal deformations in transverse view as well as significant stages and stratified activity in a longitudinal direction. Among them, the activity of faults in the Sinian was the strongest, followed by the activity in the Cambrian period, the activity intensity of faults in the Permian period being the weakest. This fault activity can be divided into four periods: Sinian, Cambrian-Permian, the early Indosinian period and the late Indosinian-Himalayan period, the transtensional strike-slip faults being the products of oblique extensions of pre-existing weak zones in the Xingkai and Emei taphrogenesis, with a particular inheritance in the main faults. (4) Combined with hydrocarbon accumulation factors, it is considered that the epigenetic karstification of the Tongwan and Caledonian unconformities in the northern slope controlled the formation and distribution of carbonate karst reservoirs over a large area, also acting as a good pathway for oil and gas migration. The extensional faults developed at the margin of the NS trending rift, controlling the sag-platform sedimentary pattern in the Dengying Formation of the Sinian. Strike-slip faults in NE, WNW and ENE directions may control the micro-geomorphological pattern inside the platform and intensify the differential distribution of grain beach facies. The multi-stage hereditary activity of strike-slip faults not only improved the porosity and permeability of the reservoirs, but also acted as the main channel of oil and gas migration, providing favorable conditions for the development of the current multi-layer gas-bearing scenario in the northern slope of the Central Sichuan Basin.
主编 :侯增谦
主管单位 :中国科学技术协会
主办单位 :中国地质学会
创刊 :1922年
国际标准刊号 :ISSN 1000-9515
国内统一刊号 :CN 11-2001